The Shepherd’s Love - Lesson 6

Abraham and Isaac

Genesis 21-26


Romans 4:20 or 21 



  God has planned and allowed circumstances in the lives of each of His children, which are designed to increase our faith, bring us to maturity, and produce in us His patience, love, joy and peace. These blessings are the fruit of lives lived by faith in God the Father, in fellowship with Jesus Christ, and in the power of the Holy Spirit.

Thank You, Father, for leading and preparing me according to Your eternal plan for my life..

I.    Read Genesis 15  


2.   Read Genesis 21:1-8. These are verses of celebration, for God's promise of a son has been miraculously fulfilled. Let's look at the circumstances which made this event so special. 


A.       How old was Abraham?


B.       How many years had passed since God's initial promise of descendants? (See Genesis 12:4)  

          How many years later was Ishmael conceive? (Genesis 16:3)

          What does this tell you about God's "appointed time" -- His perfect timing?


C.  (Personal)  Consider the years that Abraham and Sarah had to wait for the child they so longed for. (See Hebrews 11:11) 

How long do you wait patiently for something God has promised you before your faith weakens and hope fades?  Discuss your answer with God in prayer.


3.    Read Romans 4:16-25.  Describe Abraham’s faith. (Let us ask Him to work in our lives so that faith may likewise be expressed in all we do and say.)



4.    Read Genesis 21:9-21.


A.     Describe the conflict in Abraham's household and how it was resolved.


B.     (Challenge) In this story, what is God's message to all believers?  (See Galatians 4:21-31)



C.     Where do you see God's love and compassion?


5.    Read Genesis 22:1-18. 


A.      1.   How did God test Abraham? 

                  2.    Describe Abraham's response to God's awesome command.


 3.   (Personal) As you consider the attitude  Abraham demonstrated throughout the test, what do you learn from his example?  (See Matthew 22:37-38)  



4. What common negative response that you or might express toward God was absent in Abraham?


5. How did God express His approval?


B. Describe God's provision of  a burnt offering and the significance of this offering both to Abraham and to you.



C.  Again God affirms His covenant with Abraham. Whereas the word "seed" sometimes refers to all of Abraham's  descendants, in v. 18 this word points directly to one Person. (See Galatians 3:16)  What does this beautiful promise mean to you?  How are you blessed by it?  



6.    Read Genesis 23.  Although the entire land is promised to Abraham, only a very small portion actually was owned by him.  What was that portion?


7.    Read Genesis 24.    

A.   What does Abraham know God will do, according to verse 7?


B.    Describe the faith of the servant as you see it expressed in verses 9-14, 21, 27 and 52. 


C.    How did God show His love and faithfulness?


D.    1.  Often in the Psalms, we read words such as those of Psalm 22:22: "I will tell of Thy name to my brethren; in the midst of the assembly I will praise Thee." How did Abraham's servant exemplify this message?


2. (Personal) What can you share today about His love and care for you?


  8.    Read Genesis 26:1-17. Again we see that the great patriarchs of our faith were not infallible. Rather, like us, they were children of God who, in their very weakness, learned to trust the power, mercy and sufficiency of God.


A.     At an early age, Isaac had learned that "God will provide." How does God provide both physically and emotionally for Isaac? (Verses 1-6)


B.     Yet, Isaac expressed fear and doubt. Why?



C.     (Personal)  What does this passage tell you about your all-wise, all-knowing Father's love for you?


  SUGGESTED HYMN: Close to Thee

 Next: Lesson 7- Isaac and Jacob

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