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Religion, Pluralism, Interfaith Spirituality See also Heresy in high places Breaking Out of the box | Expelled! No Intelligence Allowed UNESCO's Declaration on the Role of Religion in a Culture of Peace Dalai Lama Celebrating the Medicine Buddha | The Changing Church Templeton: Merging Religion & Science | The Postmodern Church |
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March 2018
Board Overseeing Florida Condo Building Bans Bible Study, Christian Music in Commons Areas: The board... has adopted a resolution that prohibits religious gatherings from being held in the commons areas. A sign has now also been placed on a piano prohibiting residents from playing Christian music... The board also asked that all religious-themed items be removed from the premises, which resulted in several residents... removing the crosses from their doors. (Please pray!)
Government now looking to hire pagan priests: Move over Christians, there’s now a demand for pagan priests to help Wiccans and Druids behind bars. The British government is now taking out advertisements looking for seven pagan chaplains to minister across the nation. ... “The job holder will provide for the religious care of prisoners and staff in the Pagan faith tradition...”
February 2018
When the gospel message is preached in it’s untouched, unaltered, and undiluted beauty, it has the power to transform people from enemies of God into his children. The opposite of personal transformation happens when the false gospel quietly intrudes into churches and masquerades as the truth. Instead of hearing the gospel that leads to heart transformation, they receive confirmation they really aren’t that bad after all.... The opposite is true with a true shepherd who will lovingly warn people about the reality of their eternal danger in light of God’s holiness.Conservative Message Continues To Disappear From Social Media:
Twitter has become so adept at keeping Conservative masses from finding the truth that it even gets away with hiding the Tweets of the President.... Yesterday a ...story from Right Wing News headlined: "How Conservatives are Being Destroyed by Facebook, Twitter and Google Without Ever Realizing Why" appeared with a screenshot "Sorry that page doesn't exist"! ...the message is: "Take a hike, conservative sites don't have the right to exist on the Interne any more.'Dece
mber 2017Hostility to religion surged 133% in last 5 Obama years: ...more than 1,400 incidents ranging from the Obamacare attacks on faithful Christians to various prison restrictions on Muslims and Sikhs. Critics say it shouldn’t be a surprise, since the former president claimed that the United States never was a “Christian nation.” Please pray!
Wake-up Call for Christians': A Call to Prayer for Major Religious Liberty Supreme Court Case: Same-sex marriage advocates see Christian baker Jack Phillips' actions as discrimination. People of faith say his case is a matter of freedom of conscience. How will the U.S. Supreme Court view the Colorado cake artist's decision to decline making a wedding cake for a gay couple? (Shows the growing hostility toward Christians in America and prompts us to take a stand and live by God's Truth in the midst of the rising hostility.)
Hostility to religion surged 133% in last 5 Obama years: ...more than 1,400 incidents ranging from the Obamacare attacks on faithful Christians to various prison restrictions on Muslims and Sikhs. Critics say it shouldn’t be a surprise, since the former president claimed that the United States never was a “Christian nation.”
November 2017
Church told it cannot share community event information with students because flyers are too religious: It is unlawful for a school district to censor or discriminate against private religious speech. A church should be able to distribute information about community events to parents and students just like the local little league. ... School districts discriminate when they allow information from secular organizations, but reject similar information ... from a religious organization. See Trusting God as Freedom Fades
Hostility to religion surged 133% in last 5 Obama years: ‘Instances of hostility to religion across America surged... during the last five years of the Obama administration, according to a new report that documents more than 1,400 incidents ranging from the Obamacare attacks on faithful Christians to various prison restrictions on Muslims and Sikhs.
...the former president claimed that the United States never was a “Christian nation.” See Heresy in high places
Biblical Origins of the 70-Nation Anti-Israel Paris Conference: High-ranking officials from 70 nations of the world will gather in Paris on January 15th in an attempt to force Israel to accept a two-state solution with the Palestinian Authority. By so doing, they will be fulfilling a momentous Biblical prophecy foretold thousands of years ago. See "Blessed are all who put their trust in Him." Psalm 2:12
September 2017
Documented Cases of Religious Discrimination Jump 15%: Freedom of religion isn’t as protected as some Americans may think. In fact, reported attacks on religion are increasing in the U.S. and, according to First Liberty Institute, the evidence is undeniable. ... The number of incidents increased by 133 percent, from 600 to more than 1,400, between 2011 and 2016. “We’re in a battle right now for religious freedom in the future of our country,” First Liberty President Kelly Shackelford said. See UNESCO's Declaration on... Religion
January 201
7Students Support Religious Freedom for Muslims, Not Christians: Several students at the University of Wisconsin-Madison admit that Muslims should not be forced by law to do business with Christians. Those same students, however, had a hard time agreeing that Christians or conservative Americans have the right to decline work that conflicts with their conscience or religion. See Spiritual Warfare
November 2016
Obama mum after 'best friend' tosses U.S. pastor in prison: An American pastor in Turkey has been imprisoned on trumped-up charges and is... in “grave danger”. ...
his more than 70-day ordeal in the Turkish prison system has been spent in solitary confinement. He has been denied a Bible and had his watch, phone and eye-glasses confiscated. Please pray for this faithful Christian pastor and his family.
October 2016
"First They Came for Asia Bibi": ...the Pakistani authorities saw the latest round of the interminable and unforgivable saga of Asia Bibi. This is the woman who has been on death-row in Pakistan for no crime other than the crime of being a Christian. Bibi has been awaiting execution for five years, purely because a neighbor claimed that Bibi had insulted Mohammed.... See Trusting God as Freedom Fades
Is the Pope Ushering In the New World Order and the False Prophet? This pope has a become a mouthpiece for the NWO. He champions illegal immigration and evisceration of national sovereignty. Is this Pope the manifestation of Biblical prophecy? See Heresy in high places
Catholic Group Exposes Kaine’s Radical Roots: ...Kaine’s relationship in Honduras with radical liberation theology proponent Father James Carney ...accepted “armed rebellion, socialism, Marxism, and communism” as part of God’s plan for political and social change. ... Both embrace revolution and violence as God’s tools for “social justice... " See UNESCO's Declaration on... Religion
On God and Heaven, Americans are All over the Map: Two-thirds of Americans believe God accepts the worship of all religions, including Christianity, Judaism and Islam. The exception: Americans with evangelical Christian beliefs.... Only 48 percent of evangelicals share the belief God accepts all worship. See Heresy in high places
September 2016
Americans giving up on God, miracles: Half of Americans who have left their church no longer believe in God. ...49 percent of what they term "nones" left their church and religion because they "don't believe." Another 20 percent said they don't like organized religion. See Deceit, Delusion & Destruction of America
July 2016
Military court claims power to decide importance of religion: "A few judges decided they could strip a Marine of her constitutional rights just because they didn’t think her beliefs were important enough to be protected,” he said. “If they can court-martial a Marine over a Bible verse, what’s to stop them from punishing service members for reading the Bible, [talking] about their faith, or praying?” See Heresy in high places
Religious protections on the brink in California: If enacted into law, Senate Bill 1146 would prevent Christian schools and universities from exercising their religious beliefs."
June 2016
Religious protections on the brink in California
: If enacted into law, Senate Bill 1146 would prevent Christian schools and universities from exercising their religious beliefs." See The Postmodern ChurchPope Francis’ Jihad on Christianity: In classic relativistic fashion, Jorge [the Pope] claims: "It is true that the idea of conquest is inherent in the soul of Islam. However, it is also possible to interpret the objective in Matthew’s Gospel, where Jesus sends his disciples to all nations, in terms of the same idea of conquest." [No! Conquest was not the purpose!] Only someone who is ignorant of or hostile to Christianity can make such a claim. ... Jesus’s call to his disciples to “go forth and make disciples of all nations”... peacefully....No violence, no coercion. In fact, it was Christians ...who were persecuted and killed simply for preaching Christ, first by the pagan Roman empire and later (and still) by Islam.
Pope Francis Demotes Jesus Christ to Third, and Claims Mary as the Source of Our Hope: "The absolute blasphemy sustained in this statement should make every catholic repent and turn to the truth; The Bible, rather than the doctrine of lies.... According to the catholic doctrine, Jesus Christ is third on the list of whom grants us hope. Mary, the mother church, and then Jesus Christ.... The blasphemy protruding out of the pope’s mouth should shake the catholic church and turn it towards that of life, which is obtained only through a relationship with Jesus Christ." See Depravity
May 2016
Why Do So Many Preachers In America Refuse To Talk About Hell?
...there are some very well-known ministers in this country that purposely avoid ever using the word “hell” because it might offend
someone. It turns out that 'happy church' can be a very lucrative business model.... So there are countless messages about
... how God can make your life better, and very, very little preaching about sin, judgment, the cross and the urgency...to reach lost souls with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Be Still: "...last January... thousands of youth, [were] participating in the mystical practice of contemplative or "listening" prayer at [Beth] Moore’s behest, and this despite the fact that Scripture provides no instruction or illustration for engaging in such a "spiritual" activity'. ... Those promoting contemplative or “listening” prayer refer to this Scripture as a biblical endorsement for pursuing this [unholy] spiritual discipline. See Heresy in high places
April 2016
Pope: Jesus came to make us God: "This is a direct quotation from the Catechism of the Roman Catholic Church: 'The Word became flesh to make us 'partakers of the divine nature' .... 'For the Son of God became man so that we might become God.' 'The only-begotten Son of God, wanting to make us sharers in his divinity, assumed our nature, so that he, made man, might make men gods.' Source: Catechism of the Roman Catholic Church." See Deceit, Delusion and the Destruction of America
Video: SHOCKER! Pope Calls Jesus and the Bible a LIE!
February 2016
Catholic Church in Israel blames Jewish state for current Palestinian violence: "Israel, headed by the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem Fouad Twal, accused Israel on Thursday of responsibility for the recent wave of Palestinian violence, saying Israeli policy has created despair and frustration among Palestinians, leading them to carry out acts of terrorism. 'The Catholic clerics failed, however, to make mention of incitement to violence within Palestinian society, on social media or from PA officials, although the document did say that “Israelis need security and tranquility.” See Why "Hate Crime" laws ban Biblical Christianity
Pope Francis Says All Major Religions Are Paths To Same God: "A new video has just been released in which Pope Francis very clearly expresses his belief that all of the major religions are different paths to the same God. He says that while people from various global faiths may be 'seeking God or meeting God in different ways' that it is important to keep in mind that 'we are all children of God'. ... the Pope has completely abandoned any notion that a relationship with God is available only through Jesus Christ." See UNESCO's Declaration on the Role of Religion in a Culture of Peace
Carson Warns About Islamic Groups’ ‘Civilization Jihad’: "Dearborn, MI is the first emerging No-Go Zone in the United States for Christians and Jews. Islamic law or in Arabic Shariah Islamiyya, considers proselytizing any other faith besides Islam blasphemous and an offense to Allah." See Spiritual Warfare
January 2016
‘Pope Francis’ Calls for Collaboration With World’s Religions, Those Who ‘Meet God in Different Ways’: "...Pope Francis...called for dialogue and collaboration among those of the various world religions... asserting that they are simply 'seeking or meeting God in different ways.' 'Most of the planet’s inhabitants declare themselves believers,' he states.... The video then features clips of those from different world religions declaring belief in their various deities."
One World Religion: Pope Francis Says All Major Religions Are ‘Meeting God In Different Ways’: "...it is important to keep in mind that 'we are all children of God.' This is the most recent example that shows that the Pope has completely abandoned any notion that a relationship with God is available only through Jesus Christ. As he has done throughout his papacy, he continues to lay the groundwork for the coming one world religion..." See Heresy in high places
Pope Francis releases a one world religion prayer saying all faiths the same: "Pope Francis... clearly stating his desire to unite the world’s religions and create a one, global religion that will combine elements from Christianity, Islam, Buddhism and Judaism. Francis repeatedly states that 'we are all children of God' no matter what our faiths.... This is in direct opposition to the Bible.... Islam, Buddhism and Judaism all reject Jesus Christ as the Son of God."
December 2015
Indian state bans Christianity, other non-Hindu religions: "Christian human-rights organization is urging people to speak out for hundreds of Christian families that are being banned from practicing their faith in India. According to International Christian Concern, Hindu radicals have been on the rise, emboldened by the election of a new nationalistic Hindu prime minister last year. ...local government officials have banned any non- Hindu religions in dozens of villages... in central India." See
Spiritual Warfare
Pope Francis assures atheists: You don’t have to believe in God to go to heaven: "Francis wrote: 'You ask me if the God of the Christians forgives those who don't believe and who don't seek the faith. ... God's mercy has no limits if you go to him with a sincere and contrite heart. ... Sin, even for those who have no faith, exists when people disobey their conscience.'
150 Mexican Protestants told to Convert to Catholicism or Face Expulsion: "International Christian Concern reported that officials from the village of Mariano Matamoros have threatened the Protestant Christians in the small Chiapas community, giving them a deadline of November 30 to either reconvert back to Roman Catholicism, or face expulsion. ... Thousands have been displaced and left homeless, simply because they belonged to a religious minority and refused to make financial contributions to religious festivals they did not believe in." See UNESCO's Declaration on the Role of Religion in a Culture of Peace
Surprise! Obama makes up own Bible verse: "President Obama had some trouble with that Tuesday, as he attempted to cite Holy Scripture, but did so with a verse that simply doesn’t exist. 'The Good Book says don’t throw stones at glass houses, or make sure we’re looking at the log in our eye before we are pointing out the mote in other folks’ eyes,' Obama said during a speech in Nashville, Tennessee, as he was justifying his recent executive action granting amnesty for up to 5 million illegal aliens." See Heresy in high places
November 2015
Threat to kill 'white devils' on Chicago campus: "Federal agents arrested a person on Monday in connection with a threat of gun violence at the University of Chicago that shut down the campus and sent students into dormitory hiding. ... '[He said] I will execute approximately 16 white male students and or staff, which is the same number of time McDonald was killed. I will then die killing any number of white policeman in the process. This is not a joke. I am to do my part and rid the world of white devils.” See Hating Truth and Primed for Deception!
'We are living in the midst of the greatest turning of Muslims to Christ in history': "Despite the daily news of the persecution of Christians around the world by Islamist groups, there is another, lesser-known story of growing numbers of Muslims around the world who are turning to Christ as Lord." See Preparing for Victory
October 2015
Teacher instructs 7th–graders: There is no God: "A teacher in Katy, Texas, reportedly handed her students an assignment that called for them to deny the existence of God, else face a poor grade. '...[a] girl's mother, said the test accounted for about 40 percent of the class grade, but her daughter was still unwilling to deny God.' Another child had asked the teacher if we could try to put what we believe on the paper and she [teacher] said you can if you want to get it wrong,' the girl said." See UNESCO's Declaration on the Role of Religion in a Culture of Peace
Obama Asks Novelist About ‘Suspicious’ Christians with ‘Us Versus Them’ Mentality: "The president [Obama] then asks a question regarding his view that those who take religion seriously are 'suspicious' of those with different beliefs.
t seems as if folks who take religion the most seriously sometimes are also those who are suspicious of those not like them?' Obama asked." See Trusting God as Freedom Fades
Parliament of the World's Religions 2015: "The 2015 Parliament of the World's Religions was held October 15-19 in Salt Lake City, Utah. They estimated over fourteen thousand people attended this New Age (now called 'interfaith') convention at the cost of $500/person. This convention was well advertised for over a year.
"Many booths from differing faiths, political interfaith organizations, and seminaries were anxiously handing out their free literature and books to attendee’s as they walked through." See One World Religion
Ignoring God's Guidelines: Pope Francis Requested Meeting with Gay Couple, Wanted ‘a Hug’: "After the Vatican revealed Friday that Pope Francis’ meeting with Kentucky clerk Kim Davis did not constitute 'support,' the Vatican revealed yet another juicy tidbit about the Pope’s trip: he explicitly requested a meeting with a homosexual couple....
"'Pope Francis explicitly requested a meeting with Yayo Grassi and his partner Iwan. ... Is there any doubt that this media-savvy Pontiff felt the need to prevent leftist attacks on him over the Davis meeting by first disassociating from Davis, then by putting out news of the gay meet-up?"
Pope Francis doesn't 'support' Kim Davis: "
First, the Pope kept his meeting with Kentucky clerk Kim Davis a secret. Davis, of course, refused to license same-sex marriages, stating that it conflicted with her religious viewpoint; for that refusal, she was briefly jailed for contempt of court. Now, the Vatican has told the media that his meeting with Davis didn’t act as an endorsement."Davis reportedly visited at the invitation of the Vatican ambassador, but spokesman Federico Lombardi explained, 'The pope did not enter into the details of the situation of Mrs. Davis and his meeting with her should not be considered a form of support of her position....
If the Pope cannot endorse a Christian refusing to violate her Biblical beliefs... what can he endorse?"September 2015
Pope Francis embraced Chrislam and laid a foundation for a One World Religion: "In recent years, the theory that Christianity and Islam are just two distinct paths to God among many others has rapidly gained traction all over the planet. Pope Francis clearly believes that Christians and Muslims worship the exact same God. [Does he really believe that's true? Or is he simply converting his followers to an unbiblical global unity?]...
"'I then greet and cordially thank you all, dear friends belonging to other religious traditions; first of all the Muslims, who worship the one God, living and merciful, and call upon Him in prayer, and all of you.'" See Heresy in high places
Protestant Leaders Declare Reunification of Churches Under the Holy See: "Following more than five hundred years of separation, American and European Protestant leaders met with Pope Francis last week to finalize the reunification of the two churches under the Holy See. ... Prominent American pastors Joel Osteen and Rick Warren... were among the Protestant delegation that met with Pope Francis last week.... As Protestants around the world make the transition to Catholicism, many are wondering what, exactly, that means for them. 'First and foremost we acknowledge the Pope’s infallibility with regard to universal moral declarations." What an heretical, deceptive and unbiblical agenda!
[slow to open] Presidential Hopefuls Ted Cruz, Mike Huckabee Praise ‘Pope’ as ‘Proclaimer of Truth’: "'Cruz was featured in The Federalist lauding that '[i]n an era when many global leaders are descending to relativism, Pope Francis continues to proclaim the truth.' [NOT TRUE] He extolled the religious leader for his positions on life, family and the persecuted.'
Note from Berit: Pope Francis's agenda is not a Biblical agenda. Like Obama and other leaders he embraces the UN's environmental lies and destructive global socialism that will turn many into puppets of a tyrannical world. Please read: Ponder the Pope's Beliefs and Agenda
Obama blusters on Chinese hacking, but... nothing happens: "...as predicted, the farce of Barack Obama pretending to crack down on Chinese hacking comes to an end." See The Power Elite behind the New World Order
Pope Stirs Controversy Amongst Evangelicals: "Pope Francis... stated in his weekly address, that those who believe they can maintain a 'personal' and 'direct' relationship with Jesus Christ outside the 'mediation of the Church' was 'dangerous and harmful." Apparently, Pope Francis doesn't know the Bible!
Global Media to Broadcast Pope Francis New World Order Agenda: "Time Warner Cable is unveiling a 24-hour channel devoted to Pope Francis’ impending visit to the U.S., which will broadcast to 15 million households from Sept. 20 through Sept. 27.... 'The papal network will feature analysis and commentary on the Pope’s visit... and a nightly 10 p.m. news broadcast. When the Pope isn’t speaking, TWC will air papal coverage repeats. ... 'Rick Warren calls apostate Roman Catholic Pope 'our Pope.'" See UNESCO's Declaration on the Role of Religion in a Culture of Peace
The 2030 Agenda: This Month The UN Launches A Blueprint For A New World Order With The Help Of The Pope: "Did you know that the UN is planning to launch a 'new universal agenda' for humanity in September 2015? ... The entire planet is going to be committing to work toward 17 sustainable development goals and 169 specific sustainable development targets, and yet there has been almost a total media blackout about this.... The UN document promises that this plan will 'transform our world for the better by 2030', and yet very few Americans have even heard of the 2030 Agenda.
"...the 2030 Agenda is taking the principles and goals laid out in Agenda 21 to an entirely new level. Agenda 21 was primarily focused on the environment, but the 2030 Agenda addresses virtually all areas of human activity. It truly is a blueprint for global governance." See The Emerging New World Order
Pope Francis Aims for Raw Political power with September 23rd Address to Congress: "Six of the nine members on the Supreme Court are Catholics, including the chief justice.... Add in their Catholic spouses, children, parents and friends, and this new pope is himself a global superpower. His radical, revolutionary 'exhortations' will be influencing billions of all faiths worldwide...."
August 2015
Pope Francis ignites a revolt that will overthrow American capitalism: "Francis knows he’s inciting political rebellion, an uprising of the masses against the world’s superrich capitalists. And yet, right-wing conservatives remain in denial.... The era of capitalism is rapidly dying, a victim of its own success, sabotaged by greed and a loss of a moral code." See The Revolutionary Roots of the UN
Unchecked Immigration: A greater threat to the USA than ISIS: "Pope Francis is making a plea for the union of many faiths. He reportedly said recently, 'Jesus Christ, Mohammed, Jehovah, Allah. These are all names employed to describe an entity that is distinctly the same across the world.' He opened the door to Muslim prayers at the Vatican....Pope Francis is headed for the White House, Congress, and the U.N. in a few weeks! He will be pushing climate change and 'sustainable development' which is again all about global government!" See Heresy in high places
Pope Francis ignites a revolt that will overthrow American capitalism: (?) "Pope Francis is not just leading a 'Second American Revolution,' he is rallying people across the Earth, middle class as well as poor, inciting billions to rise up in a global economic revolution, one that could suddenly sweep the planet....
The era of capitalism is rapidly dying, a victim of its own success, sabotaged by greed and a loss of a moral code. ...Pope Francis is a revolutionary destined to end up in the history books right up there with Lenin and Marx, Mao and Castro. He is obviously inciting revolution, wants civil disobedience and political insurrection, he is egging the poor into rebellion against a vastly outnumbered rich." See The fall and rise of human violence
Vatican director call Pope “confused”: “This Pope doesn’t ‘do’ doctrine. His particular vocation as Supreme Pontiff may not be established for many years'.... We have seen Francis praying towards Mecca inside a mosque in Istanbul. I will not be surprised if the Pope and the Imam prayed together to 'allah'." See From God's Truth to the "New Spirituality"
New Trend: ‘Radically Inclusive’ Churches That Embrace All Religions And All Lifestyles: "Church services that incorporate elements of Hinduism, Islam, native American religions and even Wicca are becoming increasingly common. ...one Presbyterian minister in Oregon is even inviting people to 'bring their own god' to church... And what does the popularity of these churches say about the future of religion in America?" See Heresy in high places
July 2015
Troops Told to Refrain From Eating, Drinking in Front of Muslims: "Do not eat or drink in front of Muslims, and learn more about their religion. That’s the directive that has gone out to active duty military personnel at the Uniformed Services University..."
Blasphemy Of The "Christian" Left — Seminary Distributes Pro-Gay Condoms That Mock Christ's Second Coming: "Much false teaching and false representation of Christianity exists in America today. One recent example is the distribution of free condoms by Chicago Theological Seminary, an affiliate of the United Church of Christ (UCC). At last week's 2015 Wild Goose Festival attendees received condom packages designed with a colored image of a rainbow flame, an LGBT variation of the UCC's logo..." See Deceit, Delusion and the Destruction of America
Pope Francis heads to Iowa to press republicans on marriage Climate: "Roman Catholic leaders in the early voting state of Iowa will call... on candidates for president to follow the teachings of Pope Francis and focus as much on the environment and income inequality in 2016 as they have in past elections on opposing gay marriage and abortion.... The push from Pates and other bishops in Iowa threatens to disrupt the historically reliable alliance of evangelical Christians and conservative Roman Catholic voters, putting pressure on Republicans who have leaned on their religious faith to guide them on social issues. See UNESCO's Declaration on the Role of Religion
Pope Francis: ‘Defender of the Pagan Gaia Faith’: "...Pope Francis bypassed tens of thousands of pilgrims and tourists to lavish with gushing praise a few hundred activists who had marched to St. Peter’s Square under the banner ‘One Earth, one family”.... 'I encourage the collaboration between persons and associations of different religions on behalf of an integral ecology,' Francis said.'
"... the environmental movement genuflects not to God but to Gaia." See Heresy in high places
Climates and Pontiffs change, Christ never does: "On an undeniable roll, man-made global warming/climate change activists can legitimately present the greatest coup in their decades-long history: The Pope, social media’s top public figure, has thrown in with them. In President Barack Obama’s ‘Brave New World’ world where transitioning over to genders and colours with which you weren’t born is a growing trend, Pope Francis is now the world’s prime global warming/climate change activist.... "
"...under Francis, the papacy has drifted over from religion to politics...." See Depravity
June 2015
‘Pope Francis’ Claims Devil Keeping Evangelicals, Roman Catholics Divided: ‘They Are One’: [Not true!] “Division is the work of the ‘Father of Lies,’ ‘the Father of Discord,’ who does everything possible to keep us divided,” he [Pope] said. 'I feel like saying something that may sound controversial, or even heretical, perhaps,' Francis stated. '“But there is someone who ‘knows’ that despite our differences we are one.”...
“Pope Francis preaches another gospel and denies that salvation is by grace alone through faith in Christ alone. ... 'This Jesuit pope is the one who is doing the work of the devil by rebuilding the religious tower of Babel with his attempt to bring all Christians back home to Rome. Tragically, some evangelicals are jumping on his ecumenical bandwagon and departing from the faith." (1 Tim. 4:1-3).” See Conforming the Church to a New World Order
May 2015
Pope Francis Calls For A New Global Political Authority To Save Humanity: "Pope Francis says that global warming is a fact and that a new global political authority is necessary in order to save humanity from utter disaster.
... this sounds very much in line with the new sustainable development agenda that is going to be launched at the United Nations in September. ... The new UN agenda does not just address the environment – it also addresses issues such as poverty, agriculture, education and gender equality. It is essentially a blueprint for governing the entire planet.... Pope Francis is going to give the speech that kicks off the UN conference in September where this new sustainable agenda will be launched."
Pope calls Abbas ‘angel of peace’ during Vatican visit: "Pope Francis praised Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas as an 'angel of peace' during a meeting at the Vatican.... He presented Abbas with a medallion and explained that it represented the angel of peace 'destroying the bad spirit of war.'...
"It also comes days after the Vatican finalized a bilateral treaty with the 'state of Palestine,' making explicit its recognition of Palestinian statehood.... The treaty... makes clear that the Holy See has switched its diplomatic relations from the Palestinian Liberation Organization to the state of Palestine.'
“Israel heard with disappointment the decision of the Holy See to agree a final formulation of an agreement with the Palestinians including the use of the term ‘Palestinian State.'" See Biblical versus Postmodern Thinking
America's new Anthem: ‘Losing My Religion': "Known for being one of the more religious countries in the world, especially in comparison with old world Europe, the United States has experienced an alarming dip in religiosity in the past seven years....
The only religions to grow in the period from 2007 to 2014 were Islam, which was up a half percent, Hinduism, up 0.3 percent, and the ambiguous category of 'other religions,' comprising everything from Baha’i to Wicca to Satanism."The religious category to take the biggest hit was Christianity.... Though the United States is still a statistically 'Christian nation,' with some 70 percent of Americans identifying themselves as Christian, it is markedly less so than even a generation ago." See
UNESCO's Declaration on the Role of Religion in a Culture of PeaceApril 2015
Norwegian PM learning from Islam: "Erna Solberg might follow Obama, and soon convert from humanism to Islam. She has already quoted from the Koran outside the Norwegian parliament, and branded Islam as a part of the 'peace movement'. Now she feel Norwegians must learn from Muslims in Indonesia how to live in 'peace'....
"The Islamic understanding of Islam is 'surrender'. Not co-existence with people of other faiths. 'There will be no peace before the Muslims are in majority." See UNESCO's Declaration on the Role of Religion in a Culture of Peace
Gay orgies and 'murder' scandals engulf Vatican: "The Vatican has been embroiled in two separate, highly embarrassing, scandals. In one, a north Italian priest has been removed from office after allegations emerged that he had been surfing the internet to find gay lovers and had been involved in gay orgies. The other, which has generated – if possible – even more lurid press coverage in Italy, alleges a priest in the south of the country is under investigation on suspicion of murdering one of his parishioners. See Heresy in high places
March 2015
New Trend: ‘Radically Inclusive’ Churches That Embrace All Religions And All Lifestyles: "All over America, 'radically inclusive' churches... are starting to pop up. Church services that incorporate elements of Hinduism, Islam, native American religions and even Wicca are becoming increasingly common. And even if you don’t believe anything at all, that is okay with these churches too.
"In fact, as you will see below, one Presbyterian minister in Oregon is even inviting people to 'bring their own god' to church. But if these churches don’t really stand for anything at all, what is their purpose? And what does the popularity of these churches say about the future of religion in America?
"One such church that has gotten quite a bit of attention lately is led by D.E. Paulk. The son of Earl Paulk, he was once considered to be the 'heir apparent' at one of the largest megachurches in America. But these days he leads worship at a church that recognizes 'all gods and prophets, including Mohammed..." See UNESCO's Declaration on the Role of Religion in a Culture of Peace
February 2015Pope Francis Now Urges All Religions to Unite: "Pope Francis urged members of all religions and those belonging to no church on Wednesday to unite to defend justice, peace and the environment...”
January 2015
The Pope honor Buddha: "Pope Francis changed his schedule at the last minute earlier today to visit a Buddhist temple in Sri Lanka’s capital where relics were being put on display.... People line up for days to pay homage to the relics."
'Hip' church gives biblical Christians new label: 'Hater': "Sometime back, the progressive mega church pastor, Steven Furtick (Elevation Church, Charlotte, North Carolina), mentored as he is by evangelical bigwigs like Rick Warren and Bill Hybels, felt bold enough to post a YouTube video in which he sneeringly challenged what I’d call traditional Christians to basically get out of the way, because their time is past.
"...it’s the 'new generation’s' time now, so step aside with your stodgy hymns and expositional preaching style....
"I consider Merritt – son of former president of the Southern Baptist Convention Dr. James Merritt – to be a leading change agent within evangelicalism, in the broader attempt to move evangelicals to center-left perspectives....
"When 'pastors' like Rob Bell are mainstreamed, one knows that the American church is in deep trouble.... Don’t like Bell’s leftist theology? You’re a hater....
"...[Merrit] also likes the fact that Bell has moved over to the community run by the High Priestess of American Spirituality Oprah Winfrey." See The Purpose-Driven Church
The Sayings of Pope Francis vs. The Holy Bible: "Pope Francis has repeatedly said things like 'Mary is more important than all of the apostles', and that it is 'nonsense to share the gospel with lost people'. How might these quotes line up with the very scripture that he claims to follow?... What are his beliefs?
"...let’s take a look at what Pope Francis deems important enough to give to the press: '...Everyone has his own idea of good and evil and must choose to follow the good and fight evil as he conceives them. That would be enough to make the world a better place.'...
"...from the bottom of my heart I give this silent blessing to each and every one of you, respecting the conscience of each one of you but knowing that each one of you is a child of God.” (Not true!)
(Nor is the following statement by the Pope based on the Bible:) "From my point of view, God is the light that illuminates the darkness, even if it does not dissolve it, and a spark of divine light is within each of us.”
"This is NOT what the Bible says. To say that there is a spark of divine light within each of us SMACKS of New Age teaching!” See The Power Elite behind the New World Order
The Ethnic Cleansing of Jesus: "The birth and life of Jesus has been hijacked by the Palestinian movement, which seeks to portray Jesus as a Palestinian.... The Palestinian Jesus falsehood is a shocking return to the 'Jesus was an Aryan' falsehood....
The identicide of the Jewish Jesus is also redolent of an ancient heresy known as Gnosticism, sometimes described as a metaphysical anti-Semitism.Lutheran Church and Vatican announce 'Common Liturgical Material' partnership: "Pope Francis has issued the order to bring all the world’s religions into the Vatican tent, and this front-burner priority is being accomplished at a record pace. Emergent church leaders like Rick Warren, who says that Francis is 'our Pope', and prosperity 'preacher' Joel Osteen have been on-board since last year after private meetings with the Pope.... "The One World Religion is be assembled as we watch...." See UNESCO's Declaration on the Role of Religion in a Culture of Peace
For previous links on this topic, see Religion (2000-2004) or Religion (2005-2009)