Excerpts from

Marx's Concept of Man by Erich Fromm

Reminiscences of MARX by Paul Lafargue (Marx's son-in-law)

See From Marx to Lenin, Gramsci, Alinsky & Obama

Was Marx a Satanist?  | Training an army of world servers

Animal Farm by George Orwell



“The abolition of religion as the illusory happiness of man is a requisite for their real happiness." Karl Marx (page 5)

Toward the end of this book is a section titled

REMINISCENCES OF MARX by Paul Lafargue (Marx's son-in-law)

Since this is written by Marx' son-in-law -- a fellow revolutionary -- it's an idealistic presentation of Marx, written as a eulogy after his death. You may want to compare it with the report from the persecuted Romanian pastor Richard Wurmbrand titled, Was Marx a Satanist?

"...Karl Marx was one of the rare men who could be leaders in science and public life at the same time: these two aspects were so closely united in him that one can understand him only by taking into account both the scholar and the socialist fighter." p.221

“'Science must not be a selfish pleasure,' he used to say. 'Those who have the good fortune to be able to devote themselves to scientific pursuits must be the first to place their knowledge at the service of humanity.' One of his favorite sayings was: 'Work for humanity.'”

"Yet while studying the economic and political development of human society without any preconceived opinion, Marx wrote with no other intention than to propagate the results of his research and with a determined will to provide a scientific basis for the socialist movement, which had so far been lost in the clouds of utopianism. He gave publicity to his views only to promote the triumph of the working class, whose historic mission is to establish communism as soon as it has achieved political and economic leadership of society."

"Marx did not confine his activity to the country he was born in. 'I am a citizen of the world,' he used to say; 'I am active wherever I am.' And in fact, no matter what country events and political persecution drove him to — France, Belgium, England — he took a prominent part in the revolutionary movements which developed there." p.222

"However, it was not the untiring and incomparable socialist agitator but rather the scientist that I first saw in his study in Mailand Park Road. That study was the center to which Party comrades came from all parts of the civilized world." pp.222-223

"I often heard him repeat the words of Hegel, the philosophy master of his youth: 'Even the criminal thought of a malefactor has more grandeur and nobility than the wonders of the heavens.'” p.227

"I worked with Marx; I was only the scribe to whom he dictated, but that gave me the opportunity of observing his manner of thinking and writing." p.229

See How to catch wild pigs  and Communist Exploitation of Religion: Congressional Testimony of Richard Wurmbrand
