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Freemasonry, occultism & global oneness

See also The Freemasons

The Hermetic Philosophy: "LIGHT of THEOLOGY. O man, know God and thyself: so thou mayest know what is in Heaven and on Earth.

Scottish Rite Freemasonry: "Freemasonry is engaged in building a temple, a temple not made with hands, but made up of dreams, the aspirations, the hopes, the inspired visions of humanity; a temple dedicated to the sincere worship of the Most High God whose name is Love. Scottish Rite Masons are builders of that temple. Their prayers, their purposes, their efforts are intelligently directed toward that end, to create in the minds of men a sacred place from which shall flow the light of toleration, humility, love of righteousness, devotion to truth and justice, which shall illumine the world that is to be. The Scottish Rite of Freemasonry is committed to no particular social system; it fosters no political or intellectual propaganda. Rather, its mission is to create and stimulate in human hearts that pure sentiment that springs from a literal and wholehearted acceptance of the [false] truth of the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood [unity] of Man.' ....It enjoins on every Brother the support of the American Public School, non-partisan, non-sectarian, efficient, democratic; for all the children of the people; equal educational opportunities for all."

The Eighteenth Grade of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish rite: "The Alchemical or Hermetic Masons taught a different degree in all respects from the so-called Christian, Rose - Croix; and they again a different one from the universal, tolerant, and more acceptable grade. The following words of one of the most eminent students of Masonry....  If anywhere brethren of a particular religious belief have been excluded from this degree, it merely shows how gravely the plans and purposes of Masonry may be misunderstood; for whenever the door of any one degree is closed against him who believes in one God and the soul's immortality, on account of the other tenets of his faith, that degree is no longer Masonry, which is universal, but some other thing, that is exclusive, and accordingly Intolerant...."


Structure of the Degrees within Freemasonry: "Freemasonry provides opportunities for sincere, honest, forthright men who want to contribute to the improvement of Themselves and of their communities. Through our Masonic fraternalism, we reaffirm our dedication and unity to become involved citizens who have a strong desire to preserve the values that have continued and will continue, to make America great. ....

    "32 [degree] Sublime Prince of The Royal Secret Conferred in a 'Consistory' of the Royal Secret Official Degree 33 Sovereign Grand Inspector General - This Degree is conferred by the Supreme Council upon Freemasons of the 32° in recognition of distinguished Masonic or Public service. It cannot be applied for, but is conferred by invitation only."


Scottish Rite: "The Scottish Rite Creed of Freemasonry is as follows: Human progress is our cause, liberty of thought our supreme wish, freedom of conscience our mission, and the guarantee of equal rights to all people everywhere our ultimate goal."


Rosicrucian Archive: KABALA SERIES Reconciliation, Orientation and Unity: "Can we deny the transformation of our selves if we perform the 12 disciplines even at a basic level? We would be radically different people. But remember, we have only dealt with the first level of Being which we call the World of Action, the here and now. What of the next level, the World of Formation? What is required of us to continue with our self transformation? ....

    "The fundamental principle, is the reconciliation of the opposites. We cannot choose one opposite over another. We must experience the relationship between the two and reconcile them into a higher synthesis. This does not mean to be in the middle. ...

    "The clue to the process of reconciliation is that the opposites are not antagonistic. They are symbiotic. The best example of this concept is the Yin and the Yang in their ceaseless rhythmic dance as they manifest the Tao. In this relationship, the opposites bring healing and wholeness. ....

     "God can be experienced but not comprehended. This is because comprehension is perception with the mind. To perceive, we have to be separate from the object of our perception. This means division. Physical existence is polarity. God is union, therefore not comprehensible by a polarised, divided mind. Only when polarities are reconciled, is union with God possible. Only then can we truly know.... .

     "To know our true nature is to be transformed: as Above, so Below. Kabala is the key, the Tree of Life is the map and the number system is the compass. When we have experienced the processes of reconciling the opposites, we too can say "I AM". Only then will we be transformed on the level of Being known as the World of Formation."


UNESCO: Its purpose and Its Philosophy by Julian Huxley: "The task before UNESCO... is single. The task is to help the emergence of a single world culture with its own philosophy and background of ideas and with its own broad purpose. This is opportune, since this the first time in history that the scaffolding and the mechanisms for world unification have become available and also the first time that man has had the means... of laying a world-wide foundation for the minimum physical welfare of the entire human species. And it is necessary, for at the moment, two opposing philosophies of life confront each other from the West and from the East....
     "You may categorize the two philosophies as two super-nationalisms, or as individualism versus collectivism; or as the American versus the Russian way of life, or as capitalism versus communism, or as Christianity versus Marxism. Can these opposites be reconciled, this antithesis be resolved in a higher synthesis?

     "I believe not only that this can happen, but that, through the inexorable dialectic of evolution, it must happen....
     "In pursuing this aim, we must eschew dogma - whether it be theological dogma or Marxist dogma.... East and West will not agree on a basis of the future if they merely hurl at each other the fixed ideas of the past. For that is what dogma's are -- the crystallizations of some dominant system of thought of a particular epoch.  ...if it be dogma, it does so in a way which is rigid, uncompromising and intolerant.... If we are to achieve progress, we must learn to uncrystalize our dogmas."  p. 61 (That's the purpose of the dialectic process)
      "... individuals are meaningless except in relation to the community." p. 62

Rosicrucian Archive: Why Studies in Kabala? "The Rosicrucian tradition and kabala are related at a deep level because they come from one truth. That truth is so abstract, that it requires metaphors, symbols and parables to explain it. The importance of that truth [actually an occult lie] is that it leads to personal transformation and liberation. Christ has assured us that 'ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set ye free'....

    "...it requires effort on our part. We have to work in order to receive that which is freely given. Is that a paradox? Yes. Is that a mystery? Certainly. How is the mystery solved? By revelation. How do we get revelation? By working for it. This is the Great Work spoken of by the alchemists and adopted by the Rosicrucian tradition. The rules of the Great Work can be discovered and can be known. Then, they have to be applied in our lives." [That's called Praxis by today's change agents]


Chapter Of Rose Croix: "17° - Knight Of The East And West. This is the first of the philosophic Degrees of the Scottish Rite. It is the beginning of a course or instruction which is capable of fully unveiling the heart and inner mysteries of Freemasonry. Truth, throughout all time, has been hidden under symbols, and often beneath a succession of allegories, and one's search for Truth and Divine Light must be persistent and never-ending. ...

     "18° - Knight Of The Rose Croix. ...The name 'Rose Crois' is derived from the emblems of the Rose and the Cross. It had its origin during the Crusades, probably about 1188 A.D., and the Order originally had intimate connection with the early days of Templar Masonry. In the Rites and Ceremonies of this Degree, we have presented a third Temple, successor to both the Temple of King Solomon and to the Temple of Zerubbabel -- the spiritual Temple, the building of which is the ultimate objective of Freemasonry. The Wisdom, Strength and Beauty which supported the ancient Temple are replaced with by the great Christian pillars of Faith, Hope and Charity. The Great Lights remain for they are the essence of Freemasonry."

The Power Of The Rothschilds
     "James Rothschild in Paris was a 33 degree Scottish Rite Mason, and his brother Nathan in London was a member of the Lodge of Emulation. ...a third member of the five brothers, was initiated into Freemasonry on June 14, 1809.(31) The Rothschilds became powerful within Freemasonry.... '

     "Lord Rothschild was one of the original members of Rhode's Round Table group which developed into the CFR. It was the Rothschilds who had financed Cecil Rhodes, beginning in Africa. The Rothschilds' have several agents which their money got started and who still serve them well, the Morgans and the Rockefellers....
     "Harry Emerson Fosdick, who was Pastor of Rockefeller's church was also among the Presidents of the Rockefeller Foundation. John Foster Dulles, CFR, was chairman of the board of the Rockefeller Foundation, and married a Rockefeller, Janet Pomeroy Avery. Remember John Foster Dulles was an important Federal Council of Churches of Christ official."


Notice the the blending of Freemasonry and its philosophy

with Christian mission efforts and global church growth:


John Mott & Rockefeller Connections: "John Mott... was the link to Cam Townsend's modernism and Rockefeller. ...

     "Mott attended the Mt. Hermon Conference in 1886 where the Student Volunteer Movement (SVM) was born. He became college secretary of the YMCA in 1888 and that same year, he helped organize the Student Volunteer Movement for Foreign Missions (SVM), a branch of the YMCA and YWCA. He served as SVM chairman for over 30 years....

      "'[Reaching] out across ecclesiastical barriers to unite Christians of many traditions in the endeavor to win all mankind to the faith, Mott became one of the outstanding leaders in the entire history of Christianity.' ...

      "...he was also chairman of the executive committee of the Student Volunteer Movement for Foreign Missions, presiding officer of the World Missionary Conference in Edinburgh in 1910, chairman of the International Missionary Council. With Karl Fries of Sweden, he organized the World's Student Christian Federation in 1895....

      "The World Missionary Conference in Edinburgh in 1910 was a precursor to the International Missionary Council (1921) and the World Council of Churches [WCC] (1948). The World Student Christian Federation, WSCF 4, is a global federation of National ecumenical student movements....

'Mott believed that is is only by changing students in all parts of the world that the world could be changed. He was of the opinion that when students come together, they not only find ways to respond to issues, but discover their needs and hopes. Such reflections lead them to challenge some of the fundamental assumptions of the society, the church, the university and the educational system of which they are part. The emphasis is not on trying to challenge people but that the structures and systems that produce misery and division..."

"'Though the students in the local movements belong to different autonomous national movements...they have to take into consideration and express solidarity when and wherever necessary..."

      "Ralph Winter, of the ecumenical U.S. Center for World Mission stated, 'John R. Mott was the one man who believed in cooperation, who ran around and established 22 regional National Christian Councils which are the historical equivalent to strategic partnerships today."


Ralph Winter: "Winter is the founder of the US Center for World Mission, Pasadena CA, which was a direct result of strategies developed at Fuller. Ralph Winter spent ten years there, as professor of missions at the School of World Mission. Winter was also instrumental in forming a movement called Theological Education by Extension... the American Society of Missiology, the Perspectives Study Program, and the International Society for Frontier Mission.

     "The US Center for World Missions is an umbrella organization which oversees the outreach ministry of the entire global evangelical church. Joint initiatives fall under the Lausanne banner, AD2000 and Beyond Movement, GCOWE and numerous others....

     "It's Global Mapping Project (GMP), is a computer data bank that compiles data gathered by Wycliffe Bible Translators, World Vision and all the other agencies USCWM houses. ... Winter, along with Jay Gary and others, developed the Perspectives Curriculum, which has been embraced worldwide. ... The principles behind Perspectives are to get individuals educated in restoration, dominion and manifested sons of God theology and to see to it that these individuals are effective in infiltrating 'key' positions globally, who then are strategically able to implement the agenda. Many naive Christians have been seduced into this program, because they simply do not recognize the theology of the writers, their resources or their theology in the various chapters within the course."


HUSSEY BURGH MACARTNEY Jr: MISSION ENTHUSIAST: Hussey Burgh Macartney, is at present pleading our cause with old Australian friends in England. 72It is also an important part of the jigsaw of the story of Christianity in Australia and the Australian (especially Melbourne) contribution to missions....

     "Macartney was unequivocally a Church of England evangelical.... He also happily made common cause with evangelicals of other denominations, bound together as their were by friendship, and a shared experience, agenda, theology, and spirituality. This unity was, to a degree, institutionalised by the formation of the Evangelical Alliance in 1846. ...

     "Macartney... presided at the third annual session of Victorian Prophetic Conference in Freemasons Hall."

    "The VC (13 Nov 1908, 486) declared him to be ‘Practically, the father of missions in Victoria, his pioneer work in India and China prepared the way for the planting of the Church Missionary Association in this place.’ He also deserves an honoured and special place in the story of Australia’s role in interdenominational/faith missions....He is best thought of as a facilitator....

     "In 1878-9 Macartney and his wife Emily spent a year in England in the wake of the Moody and Sankey campaign. They contacted the leading Anglican and non-Anglican evangelicals."


REV. WALTER PROCTOR: "In April of the following year I met the Baltimore Conference, and the next month paid my first official visit to Washington, D. C. On June 1 I helped in the ceremonies of laying the corner-stone for the Mission Church, that was burned down across the "eastern branch." The Masonic brethren laid the cornerstone. This ceremony was new to me, and I could not think it a proper one, when God's house was to be laid, and there was a formula ordained by the Church for the express purpose."


True religion works:  "1846 --England. During the past five days in Freemasons' Hall in London, the Evangelical Alliance is formed. It is a voluntary union of saints to promote union between true believers and to advance freedom of Religion. Among them is Mr. Edward Bickersteth, An Anglican, Mr. Jabez Bunting, a Wesleyan, Dr. Thomas Chalmers, Dr. Robert Candlish, and Thomas Guthrie --Presbyterians; Mr. John Angell James, Mr. Adolphe Monod, Mr. F. W. Krummacker and Professor Tholuck. The Evangelical Alliance for the United States, the American branch, will be organized at the Bible House, New York, on January 30, 1867."


David Cloud - WHY I AM NOT SOUTHERN BAPTIST: "Calvary Contender editor Jerry Huffman summarizes the spiritual abomination of the Masonic Lodge:

“Freemasonry is a secret society of six million members worldwide. It often claims it is not a religion, but its writings say it is. It teaches that Jesus is not God. It has worship and funeral services, and places the Koran and ‘holy books’ of other religions on the same level as the Bible." (Calvary Contender, May 1, 1992)

      "Of the 3.5 million Masons in the U.S., 1.3 million are Southern Baptists. Fourteen percent of SBC pastors and 18 percent of deacons are Masons (Calvary Contender, June 1, 1993)....

      "At the June 1993 convention in Houston, Texas, the Southern Baptist representatives decided to accept the Mission Board report’s recommendation and leave the matter of Masonic membership to the conscience of individuals. Freemasonry’s 'Sovereign Grand Command,' who had aggressively politicked within the Convention, praised the decision. ....

      "Another example of this is Rick Warren, Southern Baptist pastor of Saddleback Community Church ... author of The Purpose Driven Church, an extremely influential church growth manual. Warren doesn’t use theological terms such as sanctification, justification and propitiation in his sermons. ...

      "Warren was a guest faculty member of Schuller’s 1997 Institute for Successful Church Leadership Conference. Schuller is a heretic who claims that sin is merely the absence of self-esteem. ...

     "Harold Ockenga, who claimed to have coined the term 'neo-evangelical,' defined the philosophy of this movement as follows: 'Neo-evangelicalism was born in 1948 in connection with a convocation address which I gave in the Civic Auditorium in Pasadena. ... The ringing call for A REPUDIATION OF SEPARATISM AND THE SUMMONS TO SOCIAL INVOLVEMENT received a hearty response from many evangelicals."


See "Come ... be separate" in Christ

See also An Evangelical Call to Civic Responsibility and UNESCO's Declaration on the Role of Religion in the Promotion of a Culture of Peace

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