Quotes and Excerpts

Governance and the Role of Religion in Peace and Security:

Toward an Interreligious Council at the United Nations

by Rev. Sun Myung Moon,

New York, September 21, 2001

Notice the horrendous lies in these excerpts from a speech by Sun Myung Moon -- owner of the Washington Times and countless other influential organizations

Jesus, because of Israel's disbelief and persecution, was forced into a life of wandering. He was unable to fulfill the hope that speaks both to the spirit and the flesh. But the Messiah comes with the mission to break down all barriers in heaven and earth and bring about a single unified whole....


When the Messiah's efforts to build a true nation were shattered, Israel suffered enormously. So the Lord who comes again is responsible to perfect Adam and fulfill the mission of the Messiah....


The fruit of God's labor was to have come about by the people of Israel accepting Jesus and forming a worldwide foundation. This was to have led to the establishment of a world centered completely on God and Jesus on earth. Because Jesus died prematurely, however, this world was established only spiritually....


God has been fighting for 2,000 years to build a foundation that can connect to the world....  To find such spiritual people and make the necessary preparations, God is working through a new religious movement centering on Christianity....


I hope that all religious people will join their hearts together and follow through on my proposal to establish a council within the United Nations composed of representatives from various religions, parallel with the General Assembly. If there is one lofty task that the United Nations can perform for the sake of humankind, it would be to contribute to humanity's spiritual recovery on the foundation of God's true love....


I have chosen leaders of good conscience from not only the religious field but also from government, philosophy, business, culture and other fields, and provided true love education that teaches "the life lived for the sake of others." On this foundation, I have already appointed tens of thousands of Ambassadors for Peace. All around the world, they carry the banner of the Interreligious and International Federation for World Peace that I founded. They are devoting their full efforts to bringing about the world of peace that is the fervent desire of God and humankind.


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