TestimoniesSledge Hammer of Conviction
By Jesse Morrell
September 16th, 2005
The Word was sent out with power during the open-air this Friday night in Fort Worth. My heart is breaking for these people who are breaking the Laws of God without any thought or concern. Like prisoners being led to execution they have blinders on their eyes, like bags over their head, they don't see where they're going.
One woman started asking questions and heckling me during the preaching. While preaching the new birth she yelled out, "I'm a Catholic. I don't need to be born-again." That stirred me up. It was the same lie I was told growing up and it's damning many souls. That's blasphemy and that is calling God a liar. I opened up my bible, showed her John 3:3, then lifted it up and preached, "Here is the Word of God. It says you must be born-again or you're going to hell. It doesn't say you must go to confession. It doesn't say you must eat of the sacraments. It doesn't say you must give money to the Pope. No! It says you must be born-again by the Spirit of God!"
Towards the end of the night I started preaching to two men in their twenties. One man in particular was the typical thug, much as I once was not long ago. [See Guilty as Charged] He admitted that if he died he'd go to hell. I stressed the point, "the weight of your sin is so heavy, even the weight of the least of your sins, that it will drive your soul straight to hell. But Christ took the weight of all your sin upon himself on the cross. Now either you will shed your own blood for your sins, or you can apply and plead the blood of Christ that was already spilt for you." I went on and shared my own testimony.
When I asked the man what was holding him back from giving up his sins and turning to Christ he said nothing. I asked him when he was going to do that and he said "right now". I approached him and spoke with him and found his heart to be heavy, his eyes to be watery, and conviction so strong upon him that he could hardly talk. And this was a big time thug!
His name was Jay. We prayed together that God would save him from his sins, and take his sins and his guilt away. It was glorious! I gave him my contact information and am praying for him.
May it be true that that man was truly born-again and made a new person that night, now to walk in obedience serving the Lord!
See Guilty as Charged and What it means to be a Christian
Then read an insightful parable by Jesse Morrell: The Church of the Comfortable and Tolerant
Copyright by Jesse Morrell. Posted with permission.