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2008: The year of the "Great Shift"? January 19, 2008 |
Index to articles by Discernment Group Emphasis added in bold letters |
Below is a selected list of New Year "prophecies," messages and conferences from the New Apostolic Reformation leaders in the evangelical world. You will notice the strong Dominionism themes which call for the transformation of culture and nations, bringing heaven to earth, perfecting the Bride of Christ on earth, training Joel's Army, taking over the neo-Kuyperian spheres of society, etc.
These messages have little or nothing to do with the Gospel of repentance and the cross. The two-edged sword of the Word of God operating in the hearts of men for salvation is being replaced by these kingdom-building activities to transform the earth. There is an inexplicable and formidable silence on the part of evangelical leaders as these heresies sweep over the church unchallenged and unchecked, usurping the simplicity of the Gospel with the distorted doctrines in evidence below.
"Too many Christians are lacking God's provision because they know the King but are not aware of His Kingdom. They believe only in a Kingdom that is in the future when the Rapture takes place. Sure, there is a future Kingdom when Jesus returns for His Bride. But there is also a Kingdom that needs to be established on earth and in this hour as it is in Heaven. We cannot have a victorious Bride if she doesn't believe that the Kingdom of God can come through her. . . .
"Without a victorious eschatology, we only believe that we will fail and have to occupy until Jesus comes to bail us out of failure. . . . When we get this truth absolute into our spirit, we will begin to activate a realm of the supernatural that the Church has never experienced. We will switch from living in the created to living in the Creator as the Body of Christ with resurrection power. This realm of apostolic authority will begin to set in strategies for a victorious Bride to take cities for Jesus."
- Cal Pierce, "The Victorious Bride will Call Forth ' ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN!'" The Elijah List, 12/28/07.
Opening the Gates in 2008!
- Global Harvest Ministries newsletter, 12/19/07.
"We have entered into one of the most important, changing, transitional times we have known in Church history. If ever there was a season to receive and understand what God is saying to the Body of Christ, that season is NOW! . . .
"Global Harvest Ministries feels a mandate from the Lord to draw together the Body of Christ to "open the gates" of new beginnings in 2008. We will be sponsoring six Open the Gates Conferences to discuss the times and seasons we are living in and equip the Body of Christ for victory in days ahead. These are very strategic gatherings that you will not want to miss!
"Isaiah 28:6 says the Lord will give "strength to those who turn back the battle at the gate." Since the "gates" of each region vary, each of these gatherings will have a slightly different focus with different speakers and subjects addressed.
"Our first "Open the Gates" Conference will be in Atlanta, Georgia. "Opening the Gates in 2008 - The Southeast Gate: Reformation, Transformation and a Glory Invasion" will be held on February 28 - March 1. Those of you in the Southeast Region will want to come together as we understand the power of opening the gate of Heaven and establishing the Glory of God. Atlanta is a city for reformation. "
"My friend, 2008 can be the year we see the power of God change that which has always been presumed unchangeable. Imagine governmental and marketplace leaders faced with the same historical challenges but now with Divine insight into their resolution. The Lord wants us to seek Him on this, but He is waiting for us to draw close and listen. If you have not seen yet my latest book, TRANSFORMATION: Change the marketplace and you change the world - I urge you to read it. It will show you how this is happening already and better yet, how it can happen in your sphere of influence!
- Ed Silvoso, "A Message of Hope for 2008," Harvest Evangelism newsletter, 12/28/07.
"Would you join with me and the Harvest team to make 2008 the year of the "Great Shift" to God-inspired transformation of our families, schools, businesses and governments?"
"The faith at work movement is now entering a new phase of expression. . . .
"Dr. Henry Blackaby says 'God is marshalling his people in the workplace as never before in history.' There is a new trumpet call going out to men and women of influence who are seeing the negative influences in their culture as a wake-up call.
"They are beginning to be used by God in the 7 mountains of influence in business, government, media, arts and entertainment, family, religion and education to reclaim their nations for Christ. . . . Leaders are beginning to realize they are called to use their influence in key strategic areas of society for the sake of Christ’s Kingdom in order to fulfill His mandate—to be the head, not the tail (Dt. 28:13) by reflecting the love and power of Christ in the area of our calling. Watch closely as we begin to see cities and nations affected by this new wave of the Spirit in God’s Church today.""What if Kingdomized people begin to bring Kingdom authority to all the gates of the city--so that we would lead the way in government, business, healthcare, media, law and educational jurisdictions of our cities? . . .
"What if every believer was more concerned about being the Father's change agents for people, families and communities, rather than holding on and waiting for Jesus to remove them from the very earth He desires them to change?"- Robert Ricciardelli, "'WHAT IFS' to Ponder as we Elevate in 2008--for Christ and His Kingdom," The Elijah List, 12/20/07.
"Our Training for Reigning School of Ministry is back with an exciting format. This 90-day school will be packed with both teaching, and doing. This training will consist of outreaches, break-out groups, activation, as well as multi-generational training from a variety of instructors ranging in age from their mid-twenties to their fifties. These instructors will be working with our students the entire three months equipping and preparing them to be an awesome force in the Kingdom of God! . . .
90-Day Wonders
"In WWII there were a group of recruits called the "90-Day Wonders." These recruits were trained and equipped with four years of training in only 90 days. They were then released as officers right out of boot camp! The time is now to begin taking the ground that God has given into our hands. Are you ready to enlist and do your part in taking ground for the Kingdom?"- "'Training for Reigning' March 3 - May 23, 2008; Albany, OR," paid advertisement, The Elijah List, 12/30/07. [Note: be sure to check out the military boot camp graphic.]
"Deluge in the Desert is a training school designed to nurture, equip and release this generation of creative and passionate box-breaking worshipers. We seek to mentor artists, dancers, musicians, singers, writers, designers, ministry leaders and worshipers of all skill levels to find new heights of freedom of expression . . . . in an environment designed for fresh revelation, instruction and impartation, as well as mobilization.
"Deluge in the Desert will be a time of equipping "musicianaries" and artists to impact the marketplace onto media fronts, with one being the music world and the other being the film industry. This gathering will involve capable and anointed equippers in the area of dream interpretation and street evangelism. It is our goal to teach, release, and mobilize musicianaries into the environment of the Sundance Film Festival. These seminars provide vital knowledge and training necessary to equip you and your worship team, intercessors, pastors and teachers to change the spiritual atmosphere and release God’s presence into the Church as well as the marketplace in your region."- "Ray Hughes, Cindy McGill, and Others: 'Deluge in the Desert' January 16-19, 2008; Sandy, UT, The Elijah List, 12/31/07.
"We have high expectations of our time together at Life Center Ministries in Harrisburg, PA for Firestorm 2008 scheduled for March 6-9, 2008. There is a pursuit of Glory that has been widening an Open Heaven of wonders and prophetic power over us in recent months and we believe this time will be marked by significant breakthrough for many of you who have been asking, seeking, and knocking! We see this as a time to pull Heaven down and establish the Kingdom of God with every step that you take as the revival breakthrough angel is displacing spriritual forces over this region."
- "Che Ahn, James & Michal Ann Goll, Charles & Anne Stock, Georgian & Winnie Banov, Jeff Jansen, John Crowder, and David Ruis: 'FIRESTORM' March 6-9, 2008; Harrisburg, PA," The Elijah List, 12/21/07."Transfer Wealth Through Foreign Exchange"
New WLI Course!
"Learn basic economics, psychology, money management and methods to day-trade foreign exchange. Many of the techniques you will learn will also apply to trading stocks."- [C. Peter] Wagner Leadership Institute 12/20/07 newsletter, advertising a "Basic Foreign Exchange Trading Course (FX100) for January 10-12, 2008, Colorado Springs, CO.
The Spirit of Crazy Horse
"God says, "The warrior spirit is still intact, and I will teach your hands to war. You will tear down ancient strongholds that others have been unwilling and unable to destroy. You will stand in the gates of Washington D.C. with a message from Heaven. Those that have resisted you for 200 years will now declare, 'Blessed is he who comes in the Name of the Lord.' . . .
"You will take back coveted land and place it at the feet of your Father. For I tell you this day I hear the prayers of Crazy Horse, Sitting Bull (mighty warriors) and Joseph--apostolic prophetic declarations that were made and are hanging in the balances of fulfillment. The day of the warrior has come.
"I Will Resurrect Your Heart at Wounded Knee
"God says, "A resurrection is coming at the places where the warrior has fallen. These memorial stones will now be remembered from the highest places of government in the land. The powers that have incarcerated your destiny will now be broken releasing the light of a new beginning in your inherent land. The caricature of history shall be rewritten and the faces of your leaders will be seen in the light of truth. I will place memorial stones in the house of your President, for those that favor you will be favored by Me. Many will see it and be glad."- Chad Taylor, "The DAY of the WARRIOR Has Come--You Will TAKE BACK COVETED LAND and GIVE IT to the FATHER," The Elijah List, 12/29/07.
Dear Visionary Leader,
The faces of Christianity are changing and the places of Christianity are moving. A major shift underway today will have permanent impact on global missions. . . .
History Makers Leadership Award At the upcoming SYNERGIZE! Pastors Conference, the History Makers Leadership Award will be presented to a pastor who has to helped to transform all seven spheres of society."- "Are you ready to shift in '08?" Winning the Second Billion Together! 11/14/07.
The Truth:
"O God, you are my God; early will I seek you– my soul thirsts for you, my flesh longs for you in a dry and thirsty land, where there is no water; to see your power and your glory, so as I have seen you in the sanctuary." Psalm 63:1, 2
"Put your soul in one scale and put all that the world calls good and great in the other. Think of everything that the heart of man can desire– riches, honor, pleasure, power– heap it well up; fill the scale until there is no room for more. Put in all the gold of Australia, all the diamonds of India, all the delights of youthful love, all the pleasures of wife and home, of children and friends, of health and strength, of name and fame; put in all that the natural mind of man deems the height of happiness, and everything that may weigh the scale down. Now, when you have filled the scale, put your soul into the other– the state of your soul for all eternity. Represent to yourself your deathbed; hold the scales with dying hands as lying just at the brink of eternity. See how the scales now hang. What if you had the whole world that you have put into the scale, and could call it all your own, but at that solemn hour felt that your soul was forever lost, that you were dying under the wrath of God, and there was nothing before you but an eternity of misery! At such a moment as this what could you put in the scale equal to the weight of your immortal soul?
"Take the scales again– put into one every affliction, trial, sorrow, and distress that imagination can conceive or tongue express– let them all be yours. Distress of mind, pain of body, poverty of circumstances, contempt from man, assaults from Satan, Job's afflictions, Jacob's bereavements, David's persecutions, Jeremiah's prison, Hezekiah's sickness– put into one scale everything that makes life naturally miserable; and then put into the other scale a saved soul. Surely, as in the case of worldly honors, and riches, and happiness, a lost soul must weigh them all down; so in the case of afflictions and sorrows and troubles, a saved soul must weigh them all down too.
"It is by working these feelings and convictions that God puts a soul to seek after him; for as he alone can save the soul, in seeking him it seeks salvation in and from him; for it knows that in finding him, it will find the salvation of itself in him. It therefore seeks pardon at his hands. Knowing the guilt, filth, and condemnation of sin; seeing its own ruined, desperate case as a transgressor of God's holy and righteous law, it craves pardon as a manifested blessing, for it knows it cannot die in peace unless pardon be sealed upon the conscience. To live and die an unpardoned sinner, the quickened sinner knows and feels is to live and die under the wrath of God. And knowing that manifested pardon is not a name or a notion, an enthusiast's dream, or a fanatic's fancy, but a divine reality and a gospel blessing, it craves to have this pardon revealed by God's own witnessing voice, the atoning blood of Christ applied and sprinkled by the Holy Spirit to purge the conscience from filth, guilt, and dead works to serve the living God."[Excerpted from "A Long Soul in a Thirsty Land," by J.C. Philpot, preached at North Street Chapel, Stamford, England, on November 15, 1857.]
© 2008 by Discernment Group
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