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Are you being "Led away with the Error of the Wicked" to the New Age Ark of Oneness? Part 7 Meditation: The Expressway to the “God” and “Christ” Within You as “Who You Really Are" |
One reason humanity is well on its way to becoming “truly human” enough for the new world and its Ark of Oneness is meditation. Thanks to meditation, which is so popular that it has become a major selling point in advertisements, “discovering” the “fact” of the immanent “God” or mystical “Christ” already within all of humanity will soon become an accepted and ordinary “spiritual experience.”Meditation is the most effective and most deceptive weapon in the serpent’s arsenal for the purpose of seeking new members for his counterfeit kingdom of God. Whether they know it or not, the growing number of those who meditate are meditating themselves right into his kingdom of Oneness.
The true nature and goal of meditation is flying under the radar of too many in today’s armor-shunning Christianity, and there is, already, a heavy cost. Those who believe that meditation can be “reclaimed” as “spiritual disciplines” for God or that it can be reduced to nothing more than “exercise” or “scientifically-proven stress relief” have been severely deceived, lying “experiences” notwithstanding. (There is a reason that God’s Word—an essential part of the armor of God—warns us in 1 Timothy 6:20-2 1 about “oppositions of science falsely so called”!)So-called “Christianized” or “Christ-ized” forms of meditation such as visualization, solitude, the silence, spiritual breathing or breath prayers, the Jesus Prayer, centering prayer, kything prayer, contemplative prayer, lectio divina, the labyrinth, yoga, tai chi, etcetera, go way beyond being merely “spiritual disciplines,” “exercise,” or “stress relief.” It is not a coincidence but rather the direct result that as the practice increases of the various forms and stages of meditation in today’s Christianity, so do its beliefs in the New Spirituality of the Emerging One Church.
In meditation, it is not the realm of the true God which is contacted but the deceptive realm of the god of this world, Lucifer, the fallen Angel of light. The “light” of illumination and inspiration that breaks in on the person meditating is the deliberately deceptive, counterfeit “light” of the Angel of “light.”This Master Counterfeiter no longer has to work very hard to deceive today’s Christianity, which has replaced the authority of God’s Word of truth with the new authority of humanity’s subjective spiritual experience. People have become their own supreme authority. Becoming “as gods, knowing good and evil” is occurring in both the world and today’s professing “Christianity.”
The following quotes on the nature and goal of meditation for those who practice it were penned by Alice Bailey. This channeler of one of the fallen angels of Lucifer’s realm was chosen directly by this spirit realm to detail its “Plan” in writing; a Plan which is successfully luring today’s bewitched Christianity into its counterfeit faith of its counterfeit kingdom of its counterfeit “God.”The destination of our faith is determined by our source of faith. Is your source of faith God’s Word or Lucifer’s doctrines of devils and lying experiences? “Christianizing” meditation no more changes the true nature and goal of meditation than dressing up a wolf in sheep’s clothing changes the wolf.
“It is, of course, easy to find many passages which link the way of the Christian Knower with that of his brother in the East. They bear witness to the same efficacy of method and they too use the intellect just as far as it will go and then suspend all effort whilst a new condition of being is instituted and a new state of awareness supervenes....
“Thus, the great schools of intellectual meditation (devoid in the final stages of feeling and emotion) all lead to the same point. From the standpoint of Buddhism, of Hinduism, of Sufism, and of Christianity, there is the same basic goal: Unification with Deity; there is the same transcendence of the senses, the same focusing of the mind at its highest point, the same apparent futility of the mind beyond that point to carry the aspirant to his objective; there is the same entering into the state of contemplation of Reality, the same assimilation into God, and awareness of identity with God, and the same subsequent Illumination.
“All sense of separateness has disappeared.” —Alice Bailey (Bold added)62
“The meditation process is divided into five parts, one part leading sequentially to another.…
Concentration. This is the act of concentrating the mind, learning to focus it and so use it.
Meditation. The prolonged focusing of the attention in any direction and the steady holding of the mind on any desired idea.
Contemplation. An activity of the soul, detached from the mind, which is held in a state of quiescence.
Illumination. This is the result of the three preceding processes, and involves the carrying down into the brain consciousness of the knowledge achieved.
Inspiration. The result of illumination, as it demonstrates in the life of service.
“These five stages, when followed, lead to union with the soul and direct knowledge of divinity.” —Alice Bailey (Bold added)63
“[F]or meditation is the one means whereby the sense of separateness is transcended, and unity with one's kind occultly comprehended.” —the seducing spirit calling itself Djwhal Khul
(Bold added)64“It might therefore be said that revelation concerns Oneness and nothing else.” —the seducing spirit calling itself Djwhal Khul
65“[B]y surrendering himself to the life at the center and there holding himself poised and still, yet alert, the light will break in and reveal to the disciple that which he needs to know. He learns to express that inclusive love which is his major requirement and to let go the narrow, one-pointed attitude which he has hitherto regarded as love. He welcomes then all visions, if they serve to lift and comfort his brothers; he welcomes all truths, if they are the agents of revelation to other minds; he welcomes all dreams if they can act as incentives to his fellow men.” —the seducing spirit calling itself Djwhal Khul
(Bold added)66“Third: In the language of some of the pioneers into the spiritual realm, the third result of meditation is that we find God. It is relatively unimportant what we mean in detail by that little word of three letters. It is but a symbol of Reality.… Let us regard God as that ‘High and Unknown Purpose’ which can be recognized as the sumtotal of all forms which express the Life …
“Fourth: In the words of all schools of mystics in both hemispheres, these results [of meditation] are summed up in the words: Union with God, or At-one-ment with Divinity. God and man are at-one. The Self and Not-Self are unified.” —Alice Bailey
(Bold added)67Today’s Christianity has become meditation’s eager practitioner and apologist, and it is not a coincidence that it is now changing its faith to the New Spirituality’s relativistic faith in which everyone has different experiences, interpretations, concepts, and names of “the same God.” As pointed out in Bailey’s previous quote, “the third result of meditation is that we find God” and it is “relatively unimportant what we mean in detail by that little word of three letters.”
Once this relativism is believed in, it is a very small step to “realizing” that if everyone’s belief in God is just a different “interpretation” of God, then the New Age belief in God as the “Reality” of “Who You Really Are” also becomes just a different “interpretation” of God. The same goes for everyone’s belief and “interpretation” of Christ. This counterfeit kingdom of “God,” and its “realization” (“Self-realization”) of the immanent “God” and mystical “Christ” within all of humanity, is making forceful advances. The spiritual Ark of Oneness is nearing completion.
Next: Part 8. The Coming One
Read the entire report in this pdf file: http://www.inthenameofpurpose.org/arkofoneness.pdf
Copyright © 2008 by Tamara Hartzell. All rights reserved.
Email Tamara: inthenameofpurpose@sbcglobal.net
62. Alice Bailey, From Intellect to Intuition, Chapter Eight - The Universality of Meditation, (Caux, Switzerland:
Netnews Association and/or its suppliers, 2002), http://www.netnews.org.
63. Ibid., Chapter Five - Stages in Meditation, http://www.netnews.org.
64. Alice Bailey & Djwhal Khul, Letters on Occult Meditation, Letter VIII, Access to the Masters via Meditation,
65. Alice Bailey & Djwhal Khul, The Rays and the Initiations, Part One, Fourteen Rules for Group Initiation,
66. Alice Bailey & Djwhal Khul, Esoteric Psychology II, Chapter II - The Ray of Personality, The Coordination
of the Personality, http://www.netnews.org.
67. Alice Bailey, From Intellect to Intuition, Chapter Eight - The Universality of Meditation,