The Pokemon Movie

Pushing Peace, Power, and Politically Correct Conflict Resolution

by Berit Kjos

For background information, read The Dangers of Role Playing Games. To visit the website shown on the Pokemon card below, click on



 Free cards with movie ticket

"For lifelong learning to become a reality, a whole new ethic will have to grip the American imagination."1 (President Clinton, 1994)

"Maybe if we start looking at what’s the same rather than what’s different.... " (Pokemon: The First Movie)

"Conflict is a natural, vital part of life.... The challenge for people in conflict is to apply the principles of creative cooperation in their human relationships." (Conflict Resolution Education: A Guide to Implementing Programs in Schools, Youth-Serving Organizations, and Community and Juvenile Justice Settings.

I admit it. Boredom distracted me more than the cheers and laughter of the young crowd around me. One parent called it "Pokemon torture." Without the fervent devotion that draws young fans in unprecedented numbers to the strange world of Japanese anime, it’s not much fun to watch "The First Movie: Mewtwo Strikes Back" - one of the most popular movies in Japan last year.

But to the excited children who skipped schools to see it, the movie reinforces the context and thrills of the Pokemon world they have already learned to love. To many parents, that same fantasy world seems confusing yet tame compared to other choices at the theatre. Therefore, our objections may not matter much to non-Christian families. However, parents who want to raise their children to follow God may want to consider these concerns:

The shrewd marketing strategies that fuels the Pokemania.
The way the movie manipulates a child's imagination.
The group thinking and collective "consciousness" it promotes.
The pantheistic spirituality behind the psychic energies it touts.
The artificial conflict it creates and how this context supports the globalist quest for universal participation in conflict resolution and other manipulative forms of the consensus process.

NINTENDO'S MARKETING SCHEMES. The show begins with "Pikachu's Vacation," a 22-minute lead-in film guaranteed to feed the greed stirred by Nintendo’s enchanting Pokemon (POcKEt MONsters). Children already bombarded with the ever-present slogan, "Gotta catch them all," watch their favorite monsters show off their unique battle strengths and their cooperative spirits. The latter seems strangely at odds with the Pokemania which drives kids to steal, cheat, fight and stab in order to "catch all" the coveted trading cards. One recently sold at a school for $500.

It's no wonder that kids are caught up in the frenzy and, occasionally, in violence. The ads, the TV stories, the movie promotion, and the peer pressures stir wants and cravings even adults find it hard to control. Cravings demand satisfaction, and unfulfilled cravings stir frustration, anger, and hatred toward anyone who thwarts their immediate gratification -- be it peers, teachers, principals, or parents. The movie's reminders that peace overcomes conflict does little to actually still the demands of a human nature enticed by today's marketing moguls.

MANIPULATION or IMAGINATION? Yet the two themes – peace and psychic power – weave through the double feature from beginning to end. The latter appeals to children's growing lust for virtual violence and spiritual power, while the short sermons on peace and cooperation provide a smoke-screen for the more disturbing messages that children best remember. "That movie makes me want to fight," said one boy. His imaginary power had triumphed over the call to peace.

This conflict between human nature and noble ideals is vital to the worldwide education program, and the Pokemon version of "edutainment" fits right in. Through entertainment, it instills new beliefs and values. It sets the stage for dialogue and group thinking. And it fills each child's mind with the same violent images, nice-sounding sentiments, and unspoken need to resolve the inner conflict between the two opposites. The child becomes part of a like-minded group which reinforces the new collective values. Meanwhile, the child has too much fun to think rationally about what's happening to him.

These opposing messages are not new to Christian Pokemon fans. Our culture has already been prompting them to conform their home-taught conscience to more popular values that please their peers. Most children want more trading cards, more battles, more of the television stories, and more Pokemon gadgets. Peaceful ideals yield to the pressure of the group which has been drilled in the Pokemon vision and commission to "catch them all."

While children hear and proclaim ideals such as kindness and cooperation, they are led into a virtual Pokemon world of power, battles, cheating, and greed. But don’t think that those mental images come from their own minds. The Pokemon movie and television episodes don’t just stir the imagination, they steer it. Unlike the simple toys of past centuries that prompted the child to depend on their own imagination, the movie's link to toys and games creates a context for the child’s imagined experiences. This context determines how they use their toys, games, and gadgets. In other words, today’s entertainment industry feeds, manipulates and directs the child’s mind and imagination.

Where, then, does the movie lead our children? How does it fit the worldwide quest of common beliefs and values? Finally, what factors in the Pokemon movie correspond to conflict resolution, the manipulative worldwide program that uses conflicts -- real and imagined -- to conform children’s thinking, attitudes, values, and relationships to an "evolving" global ideal?

The last part is heavy. Yet, since people around the world will be pressured to conform to the new thinking, we need to understand the process and guard against the subtle public messages that support it. Entertainment plays a big role in this transformation.



First, take a look at some definitions. They explain the innocent sounding forces that are part of the entire Pokemon family, not just the monsters called Hypno, Haunter, Mewtwo, and Kadabra (the psychic Pokemon).

PSYCHIC (Ch'i or Ki) Energy

Defined from an occult perspective in the Donning International Psychic Dictionary by June G. Bletzer, Ph.D.
"An intelligent, powerful, invisible force… capable of being controlled and directed by the human mind; 1. Capable of being channeled out through the brain, palms, and eyes; 2. Can be transmitted through space into other living organisms and through matter; 3. Occurs when willed or occurs spontaneously; 4. Invisible energy living in all organisms and matter, connected throughout all the universes; psychic energy is an aspect of electricity…6. Controlled and employed under certain conditions that mankind does not fully understand… tunes into the etheric world vibrational frequencies reaching from cosmic consciousness…. 9. Transmits knowledge to the mind, and manipulates matter…. 10. Frequently comes from an intelligent, powerful energy field known as highly evolved soul-minds in invisible bodies… 12. A primordial form of intelligence pervading the universe and affecting its course."

  Ch'i or Ki

(China & Japan) "An immutable principle in the… vital life force; Synonyms: Tch’i, Qi, Prana, Biocosmic energy, Psi (Psychic) energy...."

  Psychic Consciousness

"An altered state of consciousness… as in sleep, hypnosis, meditation, and the opening of psychic doors…."

The dark and scary main feature, "Meowtwo Strikes Back," opens with the creation of "the world’s most powerful pokemon." Ambitious human scientists had cloned a super-monster from the DNA of the "rarest of all pokemon," the sweet, kitty-like Mew. But their creation, Mewtwo, proves far more ambitious than his gentle genetic twin.

"Am I only a copy?"complains Mewtwo. "Nothing but Mew’s shadow?"

"You are greater than Mew," answered the scientists. "…We used the most advanced techniques to develop your awesome psychic powers."

The answer fails to satisfy Mewtwo's quest for identity and purpose, so he repeats his question. He hates being "just an experiment." Offended and enraged, he hurls his mighty psychic powers at his uncaring human makers, destroys their laboratories – an action sure to please anti-technology environmentalists -- and sets off to create his own world.

When invited to form a partnership with another human, he hesitates. But the offer sounds good: "With your psychic powers and my resources, together we can control the world…. I will show you a way to focus your powers that will make you invincible."

Mewtwo trusts and learns, then discovers that the human tutor had tricked him. With his spiritual power more focused than ever, he determines to rule the world alone: "Now I have my own purpose…. to create my own world by destroying yours." Apparently, his psychological wounds pushed him into a life of evil.

The scene shifts to 10-year-old pokemon trainer Ash and his friends Brock and Misty. Their Pokemon bring the "good" side of the psychic force: the pantheistic Ch'i or Ki energy behind Japanese martial arts, Tai Chi, Chi Kung, and many holistic health practices such as Polarity. (See excerpt from A Twist of Faith) A standard pokemon battle follows and the familiar theme song beats out the Pokemon vision to an audience already sold on the new games, gadgets and group thinking:

"I will travel across the land
Searching far and wide
Each Pokeman to understand
The power that's inside.
Gotta catch them all!"

The "power inside" his Pokemon gives Ash the needed tools to fight and defeat Mewtwo’s cruel scheme. In the movie, the link between this "good" psychic force and the spirit of love and unity becomes the winning ingredient. It all sounds fine to those who don't understand the spiritual battle that has been raging since the beginning of time -- nor remember God’s command: "You shall have no other god besides Me."


Since the "edutainment" industry – from Hollywood to Japan – tends to clash with traditional American values, it creates conflict outside as well as within its movies. Its moral and spiritual guidance produce imagined experiences that change behavior and often divide families. These imaginary experiences often leave heart-felt memories as strong and influential as those based on actual experience. In turn, these powerful memories and messages, reinforced through multicultural education and other media impressions, change behavior as well as minds.

To resolve the inner conflict (dissonance) between the old beliefs and new imaginary thrills, children with a Bible-trained conscience learn to rationalize their wants and justify their actions. In the process, they sear their conscience and build resentment toward God’s guidelines. Like Adam and Eve, they tend to run from God. That's not hard to do, since His authority has been undermined by our schools from coast to coast. Through the consensus process (facilitated group dialogue) children have learned to create "their own" values based on peer pressure and group thinking. To them, God's standards no longer fit. Many of the "Christians" who responded to our first Pokemon article fit this category. (See Comments)

"Conflict resolution" has become a familiar adaptation of the consensus process everywhere. Used to resolve social conflicts, it has changed the way people relate to each other in schools, government, business, and community groups. While its immediate goals sound good, its ultimate goal is to conform young and old to the collective society where conflict and individualism have been replaced with compromise and collective thinking.

As I mentioned in the Mental Health article, children who refuse to conform may be considered handicapped. According to a Teacher Training Manual from the National Training Institute for Applied Behavioral Science,

"Although they appear to behave appropriately and seem normal by most cultural standards, they may actually be in need of mental health care in order to help them change, adapt, and conform to the planned society in which there will be no conflict of attitudes or beliefs." 16

"Conflict resolution" outlines the steps to the envisioned peace -- a state of mental and social unity. It's the heart of UNESCO's vision for world education and the aim of its new chief, the Japanese diplomat, Koichiro Matsuura. (We hope to finish our report on his goals soon) Around the world, education and health establishments are already working closely with the entertainment media. These government-media partnerships are outlined in the UN's Local Agenda 21 Planning Guide, in the President's Council on Sustainable Development's report titled Sustainable America, and in the U.S. Department of Education's Community Action Toolkit.

Within this unity envisioned by UNESCO, President Clinton, and other leaders around the world, certain kinds of diversity would be allowed, even encouraged. People would still be free to call themselves Christians, Muslims or Buddhists. But Christians must conform their faith to a universal model for spirituality. Buddhism fits this global spirituality well, but only a cross-less, all-inclusive form of "Christianity" would be tolerated. Everyone wants peace, therefore few dare criticize the new standards for "healthy communities."

The practical steps to solidarity are outlined in documents available through our U.S. Department of Education. Its website includes the book, Creating Safe and Drug-Free Schools, An Action Guide. The section titled "Conflict Resolution" lists four progressive "Strategies for Approaching Conflict Resolution:" (1) Peer Mediation, (2) Process Curriculum, (3) Peaceable Classrooms, and (4) Peaceable Schools. The last strategy calls parents and all other members of the school community to participate in a new management system (TQM) and the consensus and conflict resolution process. No one is exempt.

Before we return to Mewtwo and the Pokemon world, take a look at some details of this worldwide process. Our Department of Education's website provides a link to a curriculum titled Conflict Resolution Education. Its "Chapter 4: Peaceable Classroom Approach," shows how students can learn "to take responsibility for their actions and develop a sense of connectedness to others and their environment." The process requires that the students --

Understand and analyze conflict.
Understand peace and peacemaking.
Recognize the role of perceptions and biases.
Identify feelings.
Identify factors that cause escalation.
Handle anger and other feelings appropriately.

The steps sound good, don't they? But the "understanding" taught through the consensus process doesn't fit reality. It doesn't show the truth about human nature. Instead it blames social conflict on "hateful" and "separative" beliefs such as Biblical Christianity with its absolute truths. Since such moral standards hold us accountable, they offend and divide people. Determined to usher in a millennium with accountability to the group or "collective" instead of God, our education and entertainment leaders present stories and fantasies that blame "separateness" (based on traditional values) for social problems. (See Mental Health)

The world's solution to social conflict is compromise, willingness to seek "common ground," and pre-planned consensus positions -- one that moves closer to the global ideal week by week. To reach this middle ground, every group member must "feel" each other's emotions, empathize with each other's cravings, and share their own emotions. (See Brainwashing) Those who refuse to compromise face positive and negative incentives (peer approval or ridicule, rejection, low scoring assessments, etc.).

But, you may argue, some beliefs and convictions can be harmful. That's true, but the aim of this process is not primarily to change or fix students involved in drugs, occult practices, or other dangers. It's to undermine faith, absolute truths, and any other hindrance to consensus so that everyone can be manipulated through their feelings. And in the Pokemon movie, feelings and group consciousness, not facts or faith, win the peace.


The movie suggested a kind-hearted solution to conflict: "Maybe if we start looking at what’s the same rather than what’s different...." This slogan wasn't invented by the Japanese animators. It was the heart of UNESCO's world education and the consensus process long before Pokemon was created. Mewtwo repeats this sentiment at the end of the movie, after an emotional drama that reconciled the good and the evil forces. His confession and moral lesson seems aimed at educating rather than entertaining the masses:

"The humans sacrificed themselves to save their pokemon. I pitted them against each other, but not until they set aside their differences did I see the true power they all shared inside. I see now that the circumstances of one’s birth are irrelevant. It’s what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are."

This enticing blend of truth and illusion makes sense in the Pokemon fantasy world. The audience sees only trivial differences. Parents and children are left with the impression (a mental image, not a fact) that simply setting aside our differences could end social conflict.

The solution is not that simple. Some differences -- such as skin color -- should be ignored. But where faith and conscience divide us, today's global quest for unity undermines our most basic American freedom. After all, some of our most offensive differences are vital to our faith: Our God is not like other gods. The Bible is not like other "sacred" scriptures. All lifestyles are not equally healthy. And all religions do not lead to the same ultimate reality. There can be no genuine oneness between a true Christian and those who follow the world and its spirit. (2 Corinthians 6:14-18) That's why Jesus told his disciples to expect persecution, not love, from the world. (John 15:20) Those who love Him cannot follow the ways of the world. As Jesus told His disciples,

"Wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it." (Matthew 7:13-14)

Like the televised Pokemon tales, this movie tempts Christian children to trade faith in God for faith in the spiritual force popularized through Pokemon, Star Wars, and countless other sources. Few will remember to resist, for its message brings an assault on their emotions, not their intellect. This is one reason films and fantasy are vital to the cultural transformation.

Feelings -- especially fear and anger -- are vital to conflict resolution. In consensus groups of all kinds, well trained facilitators use emotions stirred by politically correct stories and "information" to arouse strong feelings, manipulate and direct those feelings toward resisters, and build social activists accountable to the group, not God. The Pokemon movie helps set the stage by stirring emotions that will guide peer groups around the world. And

The evil Mewtwo captured and cloned Ash's Pokemon, then sent his army of clones to fight the others. In the midst of the angry slug-fest, only Pikachu refused to hit back. The others began to notice the brave but sad little pokemon who stood still, absorbing blow after blow from his angry clone. Suddenly a collective miracle happened. The other pokemon stopped fighting and wept with the little hero. Moments later, when the heart-broken Pikachu tried to revive Ash, his slain master, even Mewtwo stopped his assault. The Christ-like example had touched everyone's heart. But the persuasive final images of peer power should bring Christians a sober warning. For the group feeling of empathy produced group consciousness and group energy -- or rather, psychic energy. And it worked.

A decade ago, New Agers dreamed of Harmonic Convergence and spiritual evolution through mass consciousness. Now at the turn of the millennium, the youthful masses are catching the vision as well. They dream of global transformation, peace, and love -- the fruit of the global plans for a united world. But God has a different message:

"Know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away!

.... all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution. But evil men and impostors will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived. But you must continue in the things which you have learned...." (2 Timothy 3:1-13)

Christians need to prepare for the days ahead. The Biblical blueprint matches the signs of our times. Both point to anger, oppression, and persecution of those who follow God. In the midst of these dangers, He offers His people all the strength and joy we need to triumph. By His wonderful grace, families can stand immovable, demonstrating genuine peace and love, no matter what kinds of conflicts rage around us.

"Fear not, for I have redeemed you;
I have called you by your name; You are Mine.
When you pass through the waters, I will be with you;
And through the rivers, they shall not overflow you.
When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned….
For I am the LORD your God….
You are precious in My sight… and I have loved you.…"

Isaiah 43:1-5

This article lays the foundation for the next one: "Pokemon and the New Chief of UNESCO." The Japanese diplomat who was chosen to head the UN agency that reigns over the global education program (see Goals 2000) has been focusing on "peacemaking." This process -- based on the nice-sounding promises of conflict resolution -- means that every human resource around the world must participate in the dialogues that conform their values to UN ideology. (See Brainwashing) The Japanese Pokemon movie illustrates the needed tension between social violence and the peaceful ideal -- which must be resolved by changing beliefs and retraining the conscience.


1. William J. Clinton, Education Record (Spring, 1994).

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