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Past & Present "Rulers of the World" Gorbachev's Plan for a United World by Berit Kjos - 1995 See also The State of the World According to Gorbachev, 1996 The U.N. Plan For Global Control: The Habitat II Agenda Skip down to Council of the Wise | Brzezinski | Global Socialism | Chopra |
"We must speak far more clearly about sexuality, about contraception, about abortion, about the values that control the population, because the ecological crisis, in short, is the population crisis. Cut the population by 90 percent and there aren't enough people left to do a great deal of ecological damage." Sam Keen, gave the closing message at Gorbachev's global conference.
“We cannot leap into world government in one quick step… The precondition for ... genuine globalization is progressive regionalization, because thereby we move toward larger, more stable, more cooperative units.” Keynote speaker Zbigniew Brzezinski, former head of the Trilateral Commission [now a foreign policy adviser to Barack Obama]"...in our discussions here at the forum there was no trace of the futile debate about what is better, capitalism or socialism.... We should seek a synthesis of ideas and values that have proven their viability..." Mikhail Gorbachev, discussing a new form of democracy that would rule out Christianity.
Organized by the Gorbachev Foundation, the first annual State of the World Forum convened in San Francisco on September 27, 1995. The former head of the Communist empire had gathered "nearly 500 senior states-people, political leaders, spiritual leaders, scientists, intellectuals, business executives, artists and youth from 50 nations to begin a process of deliberation on the central question of what priorities, values and actions should guide humanity as it moves into the next phase of development." said Jim Garrison, President of the Gorbachev Foundation.
"Human interdependence," he continued, "must now become our watchword as we move into the global civilization which lies ahead: interdependence with each other, interdependence with the earth, interdependence with the Spirit [not the Holy Spirit] which perennially guides the affairs of humankind."
Perhaps the most powerful of these global elites was Zbigniew Brzezinski. See more here: Elite Conspiracies & Zbigniew Brzezinski
A mystical dance set the stage for a metaphysical message by top-selling author Dr. Deepak Chopra, Director of the Institute for Mind/Body Medicine in San Diego. "The universe is seeking to fulfill itself through us," he said. "Are we up to the responsibility? Can you step into the river of your own conditioning and see the world as if for the first time? For only then is there an opportunity to create a new body -- but more importantly, a new world. We cannot do it the way we have done it in the past. It is time to change the whole paradigm through which we view physical reality."
The world leaders gathered in San Francisco on the evening of September 28 had already made that paradigm shift, By the end of the second day of the conference, it was obvious that the selected speakers and most of the enthusiastic audience viewed reality from a decidedly universalist perspective. The cultural paradigm (social consciousness or world view) expressed in the roundtable discussions, in the plenary speeches, and among the youth from nations, left little doubt that this group of statesmen and potential leaders shared Gorbachev's global vision.
The former Soviet leader was both idol and tyrant, and the speakers expressed their reverence. Most major session and many smaller forums ended with summary statements by Gorbachev who praised those who echoed his sentiments and corrected those who deviated from his revised party line. Chastising American individualism, democracy, decadence and resistance to UN-style globalism, he defended his own Communist record.
Again and again, Gorbachev and his hand-picked "council of the wise" or "global brain trust" (does that sound like "democracy" or elitist tyranny?) told the assembly of more than 1000 guests and participants that a new set of inclusive universal values must replace the Judeo-Christian world view. "The wisdom distilled by all faiths" must determine the values needed to guide the world into the 21st Century. That means that familiar terms must be redefined to fit the new global perspective -- and the old beliefs and political systems must be abandoned. Poverty and oppression must be eradicated, and a new kind of equality must be established. [See The Secret Cabal]
To broaden his base, Gorbachev linked his futurist visions to the world's timeless non-Christian traditions. Earth-centered or universalist religions fit the new global model -- but Biblical monotheism (faith in the biblical God) did not! The religious leaders invited to address the Forum obviously preferred pantheism (all is god since one cosmic force connects all things), universalism (all paths lead to the same ultimate reality), and monism (all is one) as its spiritual foundation. Among them were New Age educator Willis Harman, Esalen co-founder Michael Murphy, the Rajiv Gandhi Foundation Founder Sonia Gandhi, and the respective leaders of Vietnamese, Mongolian, and Cambodian Buddhism. Their input during panel discussion and roundtable sessions left no doubt that biblical Christianity was marked for decay.
The absence of Christian leaders prompted a member of the press to ask Gorbachev why Western religious leaders were not represented at the conference. Showing his ignorance of Christianity, the Communist leader answered that "Western religion is represented by many of the leaders of the Forum."
Do you wonder whom he had in mind. Surely he didn't mean his co-chair Ted Turner, astronomer Carl Sagan, Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates, Carnegie Chairman David Hamburg, or Maurice Strong, the Canadian New Age chief of the UN's 1992 environmental conference in Rio de Janeiro?
Attempting to help answer the question, Zbigniew Brzezinski, former National Security Advisor to President Carter, CFR (Council of Foreign Relations) and former director of the Trilateral Commission, spoke up. "I happen to know that President Gorbachev is a very good friend of the Pope -- and I am too."
Did he think this input would satisfy the need for Christian representation?
Apparently, Gorbachev and his "council of wise" world leaders just don't understand. Looking at reality through the utopian filter of the new global paradigm, they have no idea what Christians believe nor the value of the liberty we treasure -- the unique freedoms established by the God who made America great.
Since the Forum participants view reality through the new paradigm filter, they see national sovereignty as incompatible with global ideals. Judging Western democracy to be dysfunctional, they call for a new form of "democracy" -- one that would replace national loyalties with global consciousness and planetary governance. This vision, suggested repeatedly during the first two days of the Forum, was openly proclaimed on the third day. Before the evening session, the national flags that had colored the stage the first two days were replaced by a golden image of the world's undivided land masses. Apparently, time had come to put pretense aside and face the goal: a border-less planet. Nation-states were out.
"Global governance... must result in the erosion of the spheres in the conduct of states and governments," explained plenary speaker Thabo Mbeki, South Africa's Deputy President and Nelson Mandela's heir-apparent. The "birth of the global village" will "force everyone to develop new perspectives." It will also raise new issues such as :
- How "global governance should compensate [states or nations] for the reduction of their sovereign powers."
- The "process by which consensus will be arrived at."
- The "rewriting of the international agenda."
Mbeki's message fit the ideals expressed in various discussion groups. In the new global system, consensus would guide the action. But, as in this conference, only the chosen elite would guide the consensus-building process. Outsiders had no voice. Yes, the masses would vote -- at least at first. But unlike America's representative government, the "elected" leader need not be accountable to individual concerns. Instead, individual rights would melt into a collective whole that, in the end, would serve the state and the elite who rule it. As in our new outcome-based, consensus-driven schools, a dissenting voice would be ignored, censored or worse. Synthesis, dialectics, common ground and compromise positions would pave the way to a global utopia.
"I was very pleased," said Gorbachev in his concluding message, "that in our discussions here at the forum there was no trace of the futile debate about what is better, capitalism or socialism.... We should seek a synthesis of ideas and values that have proven their viability..." Of course there wasn't any controversial debate. Gorbachev only welcomed leaders who basically agreed with his views.
The Communist leader never admitted openly that individualism was incompatible with the new world order. But several of his plenary speakers did. Astronomer Carl Sagan explained it well. He showed us pictures of our tiny blue planet in the midst of a vast galaxy in a far vaster universe --- then scolded those who still view the minuscule individuals of the earth as significant pieces in the immense cosmic puzzle. In other words, the whole or the collective is what counts -- not the people.
This new paradigm turns all our American values upside down. Gorbachev may tout "consensus" and "synthesis" as the means to peace and security, but his ambiguous blends would drown Western capitalism in the sea of global socialism. Remember, his idea of "democratizing" the world eliminates all the human rights guaranteed by the US Constitution. He demands the abolition of poverty everywhere, but at the cost of American resources. He wants equality for all -- except the elite ruling class.
UN leader Robert Muller, Chancellor of the University of Peace, told me that both he and Gorbachev are active contenders for the role of UN Secretary General. Both have a plan for streamlining and empowering the international organization. Both share a fascination for New Age mysticism and global values. But Gorbachev has the charisma, international support, and organizational skills to accomplish his goals.
The world's spiritual and environmental leaders who endorse him seem to have forgotten that Gorbachev's atheist reign in the USSR spawned unequaled environmental devastation. Could his professed concerns for the poor and for nature be mere political stepping stones to greater power? [See Green Lies and Phony Science]
At the end of the conference, the publisher of Earth Vision magazine shared with me her disappointment over the hypocrisy she sensed. "I don't believe they really care all that much about the poor," she said. "An evening meal here costs over $120 per person, yet they talk about equality, justice, and raising consciousness. Why couldn't they have served just one meal of rice? That would have done more to raise our awareness than all their promising words."
Just then, Shirley McLaine walked by, so I asked her what she thought of the conference.
"It was good. It helped raise consciousness," she answered.
"But wouldn't it have raised consciousness more if one of the meals had just been rice instead of gourmet meat and elegant desserts?" I asked.
She frowned. "People paid a lot of money to come here," she answered and walked away.
Our report on the 1996 gathering: The State of the World According to Gorbachev
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