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December 2004

U.N. 'peacekeepers' rape women, children : "...sensational allegations of rampant sexual exploitation and rape of young girls and women by the U.N.'s so-called 'peacekeepers' and civilian staffers in the Congo is dragging the global body's reputation to an all-time low. ...

     "A French U.N. logistics expert in the Congo shot pornographic videos in his home, in which he had converted his bedroom into a photo studio for videotaping his sexual abuse of young girls. When police raided his home, the man was allegedly about to rape a 12-year-old girl sent to him in a law enforcement sting operation. ...

      "U.N. officials are worried that the scandal, which already has netted 150 allegations of sex crimes by U.N. staffers, will explode if the pornographic videos and photos, now on sale in Congo, becoming public ...The new charges of rape and pedophilia by U.N. troops and workers in Congo are not the first scandal involving U.N. workers and troops in Africa."

The Greatest Africans Of All Time? "Robert Mugabe, the brutal dictator of Zimbabwe was voted the third greatest African of all time! Winnie Mandela, despite her convictions for kidnapping, child abuse and theft from the poor, was voted the 'most popular woman in Africa'...

    "...the results of the survey were most disturbing. Dictators who oppressed their people and ruined their countries seem to pre-dominate.... Why are some of the greatest names of Church history, not included in this list? Tertullian, Origen, Clement and Augustine were some of the greatest minds and influencial leaders of the early Church and they were all Africans." Loving evil more than good


Coalition troops seize $30 million in heroin: "Coalition troops have seized $30 million worth of heroin intended for sale on Iraqi streets by rebel cleric Muqtada al-Sadr's militia....

      "Lt. Gen. Mieczyslav Bieniek said the militia was using the drug profits 'to pay for action' against coalition forces and that some members of the Mahdi's Army were 'under the influence [while] fighting us.' The Polish commander was in Washington last week and said that the heroin trade was so pervasive that militia members were known as the 'pink army' -- named after the red plastic bags they use to peddle the drugs." Four Faces of Islam


C.W.A. charges Hollywood's new film, 'KINSEY' promotes child molester: "Kinsey's relative anonymity will change in November, when the film Kinsey, starring Liam Neeson, is slated for release. According to early reports, the movie, directed by homosexual activist Bill Condon, glosses over the stunning fact that much of Kinsey's work has been revealed as fraud, and that he aided and abetted the molestation of hundreds of children in order to obtain data on 'child sexuality.' 'Kinsey's work has been instrumental in advancing acceptance of pornography, homosexuality, abortion, and condom-based sex education, and his disciples even today are promoting a view of children as 'sexual beings.' Their ultimate goal: to normalize pedophilia, or 'adult-child sex.'" See Sex Ed and Global Values


In Western Europe, Poor Children Kept as Thieves: "A little girl asks a customer in a shop for help reaching something on a shelf, and while he or she is distracted another child steals a wallet or cash from their pocket or bag. The thieves are victims themselves, from a rising number of children from poor eastern European countries smuggled into the wealthy West and forced to steal. ...

      "Austrian authorities estimate that up to 250,000 children and teen-agers, most from Albania, Bulgaria, Georgia, Moldova and Romania, are sent out daily by organized criminal gangs to steal on the streets and in shops across Europe. The European police agency Europol says the problem is part of a wider pattern of human trafficking, mainly in women and children, from the developing world and eastern Europe to the West for the sex trade, forced labor and crime."

      The rejection of Christianity in Europe has opened the door to increasing corruption -- and moral chaos. The answer is increasing government control and manipulation -- with help from civil society. See Charts: Total transformation


The ambulances-for-terrorists scandal: "The United Nations and Red Cross have been providing cover for terrorists -- literally. And American taxpayers are footing some of the bill.... Palestinian gunmen used the UNRWA emergency vehicle as getaway transportation after murdering six Israeli soldiers in Gaza City on May 11.... A gang of militants piles into one of the supposedly neutral ambulances, clearly marked 'U.N.' with the agency's blue flag flying from the roof....

      "Why should we care? Because since 1950, the U.S. has provided UNRWA with $2.5 billion in taxpayer subsidies -- about one-third of the relief agency's total budget. And because instead of investigating this latest black eye-inducing scandal, the U.N. is blasting American troops for defending themselves against such outrageous tactics -- now being emulated by Iraqi guerrilla warriors sniping at our men and women from ambulances in Fallujah.... Not one more American dime should go to fund the bloody self-righteousness of the world's most generous terrorist relief organization." Rapid Reaction Against UN Foes


When family dissolution becomes the law of the land: "So what happens when the radical feminist agenda becomes the law of the land? That is not a mere hypothetical question. It can be answered by turning the pages of history back to the tragic early days of Soviet Russia.... In a few short years, most of the functions of the family had been expropriated by the state. By 1921, Lenin could brag that 'in Soviet Russia, no trace is left of any inequality between men and women under the law.'  But Lenin’s dream of gender emancipation soon dissolved into a cruel nightmare of social chaos.... First, the decline of marriage gave rise to rampant sexual debauchery....

    "Fem-socialists, hell-bent on achieving a genderless society, are now scheming to repeat the same disastrous experiment in Western society. Naturally, they are hoping that you not hear the story of family destruction in Soviet Russia." Romans 1:22-32


Attack on children's cartoon sex guide: "A cartoon booklet showing primary school children how to pleasure themselves sexually was published yesterday by a Government-funded charity.....  Nick Seaton, of the Campaign for Real Education, said: 'Parents will be horrified that this sort of pornographic material is being targeted at primary school children.'"

     It's all part of today's cultural transformation. As people accept the decadence as normal, resistance fades and the movement speeds up. In an amoral society, nothing seems immoral. See Psalm 12:8 and Sex Ed and Global Values


GOP lawmaker balks at Kinsey sex study funding: "A division of the National Institutes of Health gave $263,038 in research grants to the Kinsey Institute during the past five years.... The Kinsey Institute's founder, the late Alfred Kinsey, had been criticized for using information collected from child molesters in his famous 'Kinsey Reports' on human sexuality. "'Kinsey and his associates, at the very least, encouraged the rape and molestation of children under the guise of 'science,' Mr. Souder said....

      "Judith Reisman, author of two books on Kinsey, said the Kinsey Institute was continuing 'its 55-year history of child exploitation by filching" NICHD money intended for children's health research. Mrs. Reisman said Congress should 'investigate Dr. Kinsey and the Kinsey Institute for crimes against children and conspiracy to defraud the state." See this article by Dr. Reisman: The Sadomasochistic Roots of Justice Kennedy's Opinion


Mugabe threatens US and British descendants: "Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe has warned Britain and the United States that their descendants living in the country 'will be the first to die' if the two countries launch an attack..." His land redistribution and ethic cleansing has already killed countless white farmers whose absence has caused devastating famine. Yet Zimbabwee is a member of the UN Human Rights Commission, along with Cuba, Libya and the Sudan. See Chronology of Conquests in the Name of Allah


The mother of all financial scandals: "Unlike Martha, or the three-piece-suited villains of Enron or Tyco or WorldCom, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac haven't been plastered all over the tabloids and prime-time TV. That's because they are faceless, government-sponsored enterprises in a complex, loosely regulated, highly leveraged monopoly business that has engaged in questionable accounting practices and put billions of taxpayer dollars at risk -- with plenty of private profiteering for company executives and Washington lobbyists, but almost zero accountability to the public." A confusing, but very important, issue. Matt 10:16


The looting of social security to balance the federal budget (1998): "What we've been doing, Mr. Chairman, in all reality, is taken a hundred billion out of the Social Security Trust Fund, transferring it over to the spending column, and spending it. Our friends to the left here are getting their tax cuts, we getting our spending increases, and hollering surplus, surplus, and balanced budget, and balanced budget plans when we continue to spend a hundred billion more than we take in.... We owe Social Security 736 billion right this minute." Psalm 62:5-8


UN Food Fight: "Hunger pains can apparently turn even the most upstanding diplomat into a looter. At noon on Friday, food workers at the U.N. headquarters walked off their jobs, calling a wildcat strike. ...The walkout left thousands of U.N. employees scrounging for lunch — eventually, the masses stripped the cafeterias of everything, including the silverware."  These are the leaders who would manage the earth! Matthew 24:12


The looters liberals ignore (by Michelle Malkin): "Peter Jennings and the New York Times couldn't get enough of the looting stories out of Iraq. But they couldn't care less about a massive, systematic looting scheme here at home that is robbing America's schoolchildren and rank-and-file teachers blind." Chronology of the NEA


Burma uses rape against minorities: "Rape in Burma is part of a pattern of abuses designed to control and terrorize ethnic populations. It is committed with impunity. The lack of punishment for perpetrators leads to the conclusion that the system for protecting civilians in the ethnic minority areas of Burma is deeply flawed, which in turn suggests that rape is systematic....

     "Thay Yu said that she heard screams as the soldiers killed an infant with a swift blow to the back of the neck. A 6-year-old girl ran and hid in a tree. Before the soldiers shot and killed the husband, they forced him to stand and watch while they raped his wife and killed her by stabbing her with a bamboo stick through her vagina and abdomen. . After the soldiers left, Thay Yu and her family buried the husband, wife and baby, then brought the 6-year-old daughter to Thailand." See the first link on this page Human Nature


Opposition, human rights groups report revenge attacks by troops, militias after Zimbabwe strike: "Forces loyal to President Robert Mugabe hunted down government opponents after a national strike, beating them with iron bars and whips, hospital officials and human rights groups said Monday. ... at least 250 people have been treated in emergency wards of Harare since Thursday for broken bones, bruising and sexual assault in the attacks." Yet Zimbabwe is a member of the United Nations Human Rights Commission. See Prayer for Zimbabwe


Plundering 'for the children': "The accused villains under federal investigation are former Washington Teachers Union President Barbara Bullock, her aide, Gwen Hemphill, and her treasurer, James Baxter. All three are prominent cronies of D.C. Mayor Anthony Williams and key players in the local Democratic machine.

       "The union extracts nearly $700 a month per teacher from its 5,500-member group. The Trump-spending trio and several others are suspected of embezzling more than $2 million in member dues dating back to 1995. Here is just one excerpt of the FBI affidavit detailing Bullock's selfless expenditures: "Among (her) purchases were: a $20,000 mink coat ...more than $40,000 at retailer Saks Fifth Avenue...

      "Meanwhile, the union's rent, phone bills and health premiums for retired teachers went unpaid. ....Big Labor's accounting system is a sham. But you won't read about this scandal on the editorial pages of The New York Times." John 2:24-25


Zimbabwe threatens to jail farmers withholding food: "The Zimbabwe government Sunday ordered all farmers to turn in maize and wheat....The country is facing a critical shortage of food this year due to drought, but this has been compounded by the reluctance of white farmers to deliver grain to the state-run Grain Marketing Board (GMB) in protest against the seizure of their farms in the government's controversial land resettlement scheme." Prayer for Zimbabwe


Famine becomes Mugabe weapon: "Amid warnings that more than 6,7-million Zimbabweans are facing starvation, the Matabele have found themselves attacked by Mugabe's thugs, who are refusing food to anyone suspected of supporting the MDC. They have been abandoned by donor countries in the international aid community, who have judged Zimbabwe a bad bet; and threatened by forecasts of a strong El Nino effect on the country's weather set to bring a season of heavy rains followed by drought." Deuteronomy 11


Mugabe is starving his own people: "Surrender now, Mugabe orders defiant farmers ....Mr Mugabe said his government would not allow whites to remain on large properties or own more than one farm while maintaining ties with Britain. ....Half Zimbabwe's population of 12.5 million face starvation, according to the United Nations World Food Programme, which says a major cause of the crisis was the seizure of white-owned commercial farms.


Blair upstaged by Mugabe ambush: "President Robert Mugabe and his closest ally yesterday launched a highly personal, orchestrated attack on Tony Blair, effectively hijacking the Earth Summit to blame Britain for Zimbabwe's crisis....  Thabo Mbeki, the South African president and chairman of the summit, did nothing to rein in the Mugabe camp, risking Britain's unqualified backing for Mr Mbeki's economic regeneration plan." See Zimbabwe


New evidence that the Bureau quashed another terror probe before 9/11: "Chicago-based special agent Robert Wright has accused the agency of shutting down his 1998 criminal probe into alleged terrorist-training camps in Chicago and Kansas City. The apparent goal of the training camps, according to confidential documents obtained by the Weekly, was to recruit and train Palestinian-American youths, who would then slip into Israel.

      "Recruits at these camps reportedly received weapons training and instruction in bomb-making techniques in the early 1990s. The bomb-making curriculum included the sort of explosives later used in the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing. And government documents state that two trainees came from the Oklahoma City area." John 2:24-25

The I-40 connection between Zacarias Moussaoui and Mohamed Atta: "The owner of the motel remembers Atta being in the company of Zacarias Moussaoui, the so-called '20th hijacker'.... If this recollection is correct, the entire incident, and its absence from the public record, raises new questions about the FBI investigation of Moussaoui and even the 1995 destruction of the Federal Building in Oklahoma City.... And it also could force the FBI to reopen its investigation of Middle Eastern connections to the 1995 Oklahoma City blast, because convicted bombers Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols reportedly stayed at the same motel, interacting with a group of Iraqis during the weeks before the bombing."


Corruption of Judicial System: "Of the three branches of the federal government, the most important, in terms of preserving liberty, is the federal judiciary.... Judges are supposed to enforce the limitations on lawmaking power upon the other two branches as dictated by the Constitution. They do not have the power to make law, but to strike down unconstitutional legislation.... Sadly, almost all constitutional safeguards and restraints on judicial misconduct are now dead." Chart: Paradigm Shift


Mugabe's not mad: He's a Marxist with a Mission: "If one studies the writings of former communists like, ex-KGB Major Anatoliy Golitsyn, then you will hear him say a similar thing. He says that communists are trained to lie to their enemies, but they will not lie to their own people. He says that if you want to know the truth, then you must read communist publications. In short, when you enter the world of communists and terrorists, you must be extremely careful about pronouncements they make which is given great publicity....

     "These people are liars and deception artists of the first order. They make all sorts of high-minded statements in public and then, when nobody is looking, they start killing off their enemies. In the good old days, when people had more sense, they used to refer to such people as EVIL!"


Suspect blood sent back into circulation: "Blood believed to be infected with the potentially fatal hepatitis C virus was deliberately put into Australia's blood system, the Herald has learnt. ...'It is one thing to get hepatitis C through mistakes, but it is another to know that hepatitis C blood was knowingly introduced into a system that the Red Cross itself says can never be 100 per cent safe.'"


Religion and the Constitution (Thomas Sowell): "Now that the decision of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals to ban 'under God' from the pledge of allegiance has been protested all over the landscape, perhaps we might step back and consider the broader implications of the fact that such a decision could have been made in the first place. ....

     "Contrary to what some may think, there is no mention of 'separation of church and state' in the Constitution, much less any 'wall of separation' that keeps getting mentioned, even in Supreme Court decisions. What the First Amendment to the Constitution says is that Congress shall make no law 'respecting an establishment of religion.' England had an established religion, supported by the taxpayers and with its members given privileges denied to members of other congregations. ...

     "Wise men wrote the Constitution, but clever judges have been destroying it, bit by bit, turning it into an instrument of arbitrary judicial power, instead of a limitation on all government power. ....

     "The 9th Circuit's decision is almost certain to be reversed by the U.S. Supreme Court. But the trend which that arbitrary decision represents is not only unlikely to be reversed, it has been exhibited in recent decisions of the Supreme Court itself?" Isaiah 30:9-11


Hillary's silence on education fraud: "The New York Times reports that Senator Hillary Clinton is nearing completion of her memoirs. Well, not actually Mrs. Clinton. A small village of personal aides and professional hacks pitched in to research and write the $8 million book. No doubt Mrs. Clinton's team will chronicle her 'passionate' commitment to education reform, her 'leadership' on the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, and her 'selfless' crusade to help the underprivileged gain access to college.

      "Among the many missing chapters in this self-appointed education guru's memoirs will be one on her role in tacitly endorsing the outrageous plundering of federal Pell grants intended for the 'needy.'..." John 16:33


The forest service smokescreen: "Terry Barton, a U.S. Forest Service worker, was charged this week with intentionally setting the largest wildfire in Colorado history. It is a black mark on the beleaguered federal agency. But it's not the blackest mark.....

      "Last summer, four young firefighters died at the Thirtymile Fire in Washington.... Trapped firefighters waited for more than nine hours for water to be dropped, while bureaucrats dithered over concerns about endangered species in the water supply. It was too late for Craven, FitzPatrick, Johnson and Weaver, who died in their emergency fire shelters as the fires swept over them.

     "The Forest Service's shameless revisionism about the Thirtymile Fire shows that it's still more interested in blowing smokescreens than in clearing them. Last month, the agency released a final report so full of blacked-out redactions that it looked like the authors had used the pages to clean a charcoal grill. Unnamed managers and commanders were faulted for violating 10 of 18 fundamental firefighting signs of danger. They failed to plan adequate escape routes, neglected to take weather readings and gave out faulty equipment." Local Agenda 21


Sailors Sprayed With Nerve Gas in Cold War Test: "The Defense Department sprayed live nerve and biological agents on ships and sailors in cold war-era experiments to test the Navy's vulnerability to toxic warfare, the Pentagon revealed today. The Pentagon documents made public today showed that six tests were carried out in the Pacific Ocean from 1964 to 1968.

     "In the experiments, nerve or chemical agents were sprayed on a variety of ships and their crews to gauge how quickly the poisons could be detected and how rapidly they would disperse, as well as to test the effectiveness of protective gear and decontamination procedures in use at the time....

    "VX gas, like all nerve agents, penetrates the skin or lungs to disrupt the body's nervous system and stop breathing. In small quantities, exposure causes death." (New York Times, 4-24-02)  Dating back to the Johnson administration, this reprinted story reminds us that -- apart from America's foundational truths and values -- human life becomes expendable and freedom fades. John 16:33

Quotations. The Traitor (no link): "A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive from treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and he carries his banners openly. But the traitor moves among those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears no traitor; he speaks in the accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their garments, and he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation; he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of a city; he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to be feared...." CICERO, Roman Statesman, 106-43 B. C. See next item:

Disassembling the Catholic Church, Public Education and the U.S. Navy: "Every single institution in the United States, from churches to the military to public education, have been corrupted by the intellectual depravity of the new totalitarians, the new barbarians, the progressives. The new way is not progressive, however; it is merely old totalitarian statist stuff combined with a barbaric form of psychological mind control that seethes with the hatred of Western civilization. It isn't only Islamist militants who hate the West. Over the years our home-grown mind terrorists have done a better job at destroying this nation than the terrorists have." Deut 8:10-20

Zimbabwe holds reporter over 'decapitation' story: "Police in Zimbabwe arrested The Guardian's Harare correspondent, Andrew Meldrum, yesterday in a continuing crackdown on independent journalists. Mr Meldrum, 51, who is American by birth but has permanent residence in Zimbabwe, was picked up from his home in Harare on a charge of 'abusing journalistic privilege and publishing false news', which carries a two-year jail sentence. He is the seventh independent journalist to have been arrested under the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act passed shortly after Robert Mugabe won a new term in the presidential election in March, which according to most international observers was rigged." Zimbabwe


Mother beheaded in front of daughters by Mugabe militants ["Mugabe won the election last month but the international community has dismissed his victory as fraudulent"]: "A 53-year-old woman was beheaded in front of two of her daughters, aged 10 and 17, by supporters of Robert Mugabe, Zimbabwe's President, because of her suspected backing for the opposition.... Mrs Tadyenemhandu's husband, Enos, told the Daily News yesterday: 'They killed my only son in a family of eight children and now they have killed my wife. Why are they fighting us after they won the election?' ... The police in the area refused to co-operate, and instead asked Mr Tadyenemhandu and his children to go and look for the suspects on their own and bring them to the police station." Pray for Zimbabwe


Zimbabwe falls further into anarchy Murder of whites continues while famine grows nearer: "'This is a great victory against the white colonialists. Soon we will cleanse Namibia and then South Africa of all Europeans and whites,' [states a] Namibian commenting on the election of Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe. ... Says Nina Van der Hausen, a South African policewoman in Cape Town, 'The Marxist leaders in Namibia, South Africa and Angola are watching Mugabe's terror tactics go unchallenged by the West, and this only eggs them on to do the same, I'm afraid.' ...

     "How is Mugabe kept in power, many may wonder. To begin, Mugabe is backed by a series of 'white angels' in the UK who fund and launder his many African adventures and financial operations."


Who is Janis Sposato?  "Here's a closer look at how bogus the immigration reform charade really is. One of the newly reassigned mangers is Janis Sposato. She was described last week as a 'former special counsel to the (INS) commissioner' who will now become 'assistant deputy executive associate commissioner for immigration services.' ...
   "Feel safer now? Here's a lifetime civil servant and ethics guru who thought nothing of government employees using their taxpayer-funded computers to play games. Instead of ordering them to delete Solitaire, Sposato secured a $250,000 contract with Legend Entertainment Co. of Chantilly, Va., to develop interactive ethics software for the entire workforce. The game, using real-life scenarios, is called "Quandaries." Legend Entertainment, by the way, is a leading maker of adult fantasy games such as "Spellcasting 101: Sorcerers Get All the Girls" -- in which, as the company describes it, 'you play a nerd named Ernie Eaglebeak, who attends Sorcerer University to learn how to cast spells, and more importantly, pick up girls.' The game box features a lascivious Harry Potter look-alike embraced by two buxom, barely-clad blondes."
Isaiah 5:20


Spying: The American Way of Life? "Last month's revelation that President Bush wants hundreds of millions of dollars to invent innovative ways to spy on Americans was greeted not with suspicion, but shoulder-shrugging indifference. Save for a few battle-weary civil libertarians, not many people have been fretting about how cameras now monitor all downtown areas in Washington, or the unchecked spread of face-recognition cameras that spy on travelers in airports and sports fans in arenas. Politicians have capitalized on this sentiment, turning license into law....

     "When Congress enacted the USA Patriot Act in November, politicians proclaimed proudly that some sections would expire in 2005. Senate Judiciary chairman Patrick Leahy (D-Vermont) said that a four-year expiration date 'will be crucial in making sure that these new law enforcement powers are not abused.'... But the December 2005 expiration date embedded in the law applies only to a tiny part of the mammoth bill." See next item:


'Racial Balancing' policy reviewed: "A state appeals court is reviewing a public school district policy in California that restricts white students from transferring from schools with high numbers of minorities. Some parents argue the policy is discriminatory and violates their right to choose their children's school." Charts: Paradigm Shift


In China, Mental Hospitals Await Some Who Rock the Boat: "No one would dispute that Huang Shurong is stubborn and outspoken. She is also smart, confident and articulate, attributes that would seem to leave her poised for success. But not in rural China Instead, for her tenacity in protesting a land dispute with her local government in rural Suileng County of Heilongjiang Province in the northeast, officials have had her forcibly committed to a series of psychiatric hospitals, five times in the last three years. ...But far more common are cases in which local governments try to employ psychiatric commitment as a convenient way to silence troublemakers and pests." See The UN Plan for Your Mental Health


Mugabe sweeps in draconian laws to silence opponents: "The Zimbabwe [former Rhodesia, Africa] parliament hammered the final nail into the coffin of the country's democracy yesterday by adopting two laws aimed at silencing any political opposition two months before Robert Mugabe holds a presidential election. .... While the unions were meeting, Mr Mugabe's militias went on the rampage, burning copies of independent newspapers. ...

      "The security Bill promises death penalties against Zimbabweans accused of assisting in terrorism, subversion espionage, banditry, sabotage and treason against Mr Mugabe's government. These offences are broadly defined and they include any suspicion by the authorities that a person is plotting against the government. It outlaws the publishing or communicating of 'false statements prejudicial to the state or that incite public disorder, violence, affect defence and the economic interests of the country or undermine confidence in security forces.' It bars public gatherings 'to conduct riots, disorder or intolerance' and makes it an offence to undermine the authority of Mr Mugabe by making statements or publishing statements that provoke hostility. The General Laws Amendment Bill will ban independent election monitors and forbids private voter education...."

     This law and its political implications send a sobering warning. In the hands of globalist visionaries, today's ambiguous and broadly defined laws can bring unthinkable suppression of freedom -- even in America.  Psalm 32:7


Latin America's 9/11 parable: "The repressive approaches that were supposed to deliver quick solutions have served to perpetuate Latin America's cyclical calamities. Although they certainly seem attractive in times of peril, there are always the attending, unintended consequences....

       "There are elements of the terrorist bill passed by the Congress which will have a more immediate impact on Americans. For starters, the definition of a terrorist under the new law is ominously vague. Now, a terrorist is now anyone who strives to 'influence the policy of government by intimidation.' The concept of lawyer-client privilege has been eviscerated, since the government now has the privilege, without need of a court order, to eavesdrop on conversations between lawyers and inmates at federal prisons, including people who have been detained and have not been charged with any crime. ... The restriction of individuals' rights tends to gain an uncontrollable momentum, as Latin America's history so painfully demonstrates."

Isaiah 45:3

"Ashcroft Seeking to Free F.B.I. to Spy on Groups" (no link: New York Times, 12-1-01):  "Attorney General John Ashcroft is considering a plan to relax restrictions on the F.B.I.'s spying on religious and political organizations in the United States, senior government officials said today. The proposal would loosen one of the most fundamental restrictions on the conduct of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and would be another step by the Bush administration to modify civil-liberties protections as a means of defending the country against terrorists, the senior officials said." See The UN Plan for Your Mental Health and Preparing for Persecution


A crisis of faith: "I want to believe in, trust and rely on this current administration. George W. Bush is in many ways the antithesis of his predecessor. ...I feel he is a better, more honest, more focused and more courageous man than his father. So why am I growingly fearful of potential abuse of power that will overshadow the abuses of Bill Clinton, FDR and even Abe Lincoln?
        "The USA Patriot Act and associated presidential executive orders annoyingly resemble the product of the 1798 Alien and Sedition Acts. Once upon a time the Alien Act of 1798 tried to grant then-President John Adams the authority to order foreign nationals he deemed "dangerous" to leave the country and, if they did not, to imprison them and to forcibly deport them.... However it was used to persecute many would-be citizens who criticized the Adams administration – including newspaper editors and publishers who were harshly critical of Adams... The defeat of John Adams and election of Thomas Jefferson in 1800, in what is called the "Revolution of 1800," allegedly settled the issue that the Alien and Sedition Acts were unconstitutional.
       "When President Lincoln tried civilians in military courts during the 1861-65 War of Secession, the Supreme Court held, "Those great and good men foresaw that troublous times would arise, when rulers and people would become restive under restraint, and seek by sharp and decisive measures to accomplish ends deemed just and proper; and that the principles of constitutional liberty would be in peril, unless established by irrepealable law. The history of the world had taught them that what was done in the past might be attempted in the future" (my emphasis).
       "....What are we fighting this war on terrorism for? It should be for the essence of America, and that essence is delineated in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights."
See The Gettysburg Address  and
The Enemy Of The People?


A friend responded with concern to one of yesterday's links and sent the following quote from that same paper (The Joint Services Conference on Professional Ethics, US Army Logistics Management College). Titled Reason, Morality & Ethics - The Way of Effective Leadership in a Multicultural Society, it states: "The construction of ethical rules, codes or principles generated through the power of reason, vice religious instruction, divine revelation, or cultural heritage, is, of course, nothing new. The ability to do so in a universal manner, however, continues to be debated. Whether one is a proponent of ethical reductionism or prefers a nonreductive, virtue approach to ethics, the singular problem of gaining public acceptance still remains. To be effective an ethical system must be a universally understood and adopted public system (within a given society) with primacy over the "moral" systems generated by the "cultures" and religions which make up that society. The terminology constructed thus far in this discussion reduces the justification of ethical primacy over morality to the classic conflict of Reason vs. Faith." The UNESCO education system -- being implemented through the Bush as well as the Clinton administration -- is designed to accomplish this purpose. See A New Way of Thinking and Character Training for Global Citizenship

Religion and Control. Reason, Morality & Ethics - The Way of Effective Leadership in a Multicultural Society (United States Army Logistics Management College, A paper prepared for presentation to the Joint Services Conference on Professional Ethics, XVII Washington, D.C. January 25-26, 1996): "Time and time again, students insist ethics is merely the philosophy of right and wrong. Morality, however, is determined by religion. A significant minority believe morality is strictly Christian. The holders of this view are generally referred to as fundamentalist and have definite responses regarding the judgment of moral beliefs and actions. [notice ambiguous use of "fundamentalist"]  ...The tying of morality to a religious belief or faith has dangerous connotations particularly in a secular, open society....

    "To create a universal ethic, 'the great need is consensus, not acrimony.' As stated, these ethical principles have already demonstrated an acceptability consensus. As principles, they offer little a rational citizen could object to: they violate no religious or cultural tenet.... [Actually, they forbid Biblical absolutes, replacing God's unchanging truth with a compliant cultural consensus.]

    "Leaders, simply put, are people who lead, not divide.... True leaders require the imaginative reasoning skills to use the ethical principles as both a tempering agent and catalyst: a tempering agent which melds and forges constructive differences into an alloy far stronger than any single element and as a catalyst to remove divisive impurities of self-interest, sectarianism, bigotry and hatred which weaken the common bonds of community." Rom 12:2-9, Character Training for Global Citizenship  and Are We Fundamentalists? Peter Drucker is such a leader to the Church Growth Movement as well as to corporations around the world

Middle Eastern illegals find easy entrance into U.S. from Mexico: "The numbers of unauthorized immigrants smuggled across this porous border dumbfound the imagination. To date, the U.S. Border Patrol has apprehended 158,782 illegals in 2001. By the Border Patrol's own admission, it catches one alien in five, and admits that around 800,000 have slipped across the U.S. line this year. The local ranchers... contend the agency only nets one in 10, and estimate that in 2001 over 1.5 million unlawful immigrants have crossed into America...."  The world's cultural climate can teach us much about the nature and terrors of the Biblical word "lawlessness." Matt 24:12

State Supreme Court Upholds Land Seizure for Clinton Library: "It looks like former President Clinton will get to build his library right where he wants it. The Arkansas Supreme Court, in a 6-0 decision on Thursday, eliminated the last legal roadblock to construction of the Clinton Presidential Library by upholding Little Rock's method of seizing land for it.... Until the city claimed eminent domain, Pfeifer owned the land in an old warehouse district near the city's thriving River Market district....

     "The foundation's proposal includes an academic and museum complex surrounded by a park that would feature native Arkansas trees, a 2,500-seat amphitheater, urban fishing grounds and a pedestrian walk linking the complex to downtown Little Rock along President Clinton Avenue."  1 Kings 22:1-8


An Intelligence Giant in the Making - Anti-Terrorism Law Likely to Bring Domestic Apparatus of Unprecedented Scope: 'Molded by wartime politics and passed a week and a half ago in furious haste, the new anti-terrorism bill lays the foundation for a domestic intelligence-gathering system of unprecedented scale....  Known as the U.S.A. Patriot Act, the law empowers the government to shift the primary mission of the FBI from solving crimes to gathering domestic intelligence. In addition, the Treasury Department has been charged with building a financial intelligence-gathering system whose data can be accessed by the CIA.... 'We are going to have to get used to a new way of thinking,'" said Assistant Attorney General Michael Chertoff. See Reinventing the World


Train trouble: "Five thousand to 10,000 unsearched, unchecked pressurized rail tanker cars are entering the U.S. every day from south of the border – this amazing phenomenon may be the single greatest security threat facing our nation today. ...Every man, woman and child in our country is vulnerable at this very moment to deadly terrorist attacks due to the ongoing failures and corruption of the U.S. Customs Office.

       "The facts are disturbingly simple: The rail yard in Guadalajara, Mexico, has been used for years as a major distribution center for drugs into the United States. This rail yard is controlled by the infamous Arellano-Felix cartel. An estimated 500 to 1,000 of the tanker rail cars that freely enter our country on any given day contain tons of narcotics – and the U.S. Customs office, due to internal corruption, has failed to stop it. Osama bin Laden controls the world's largest heroin crop which is located in Afghanistan, and he has used it for years to help finance his many crimes. His drugs, and other massive Middle East drug crops, have for years been shipped across the seas to train yards in South America and Mexico, and loaded onto trains headed our way."


Homeland Insecurity: "Brennan’s explanation that I had been detained because unnamed persons had observed me acting suspiciously on both flights didn’t wash. 'Who are these witnesses?' I kept asking. 'What did I do?' She didn’t have to answer my questions, she said, because of 'operational security,' and 'new FAA regulations.' Then she took my ballpoint pen, 'because it could be used as a weapon.'” Ps 46:10


Unlimited Property Confiscation: "Adolph Hitler believed that the Jews were inferior to Aryans, and felt perfectly justified to use the power of his government to confiscate the property of the Jews for himself, his cronies and his government. Hitler did not snatch his belief out of the air – it was a 'philosophy' carefully constructed by the European Eugenics Society throughout the first half of the 20th century.... The leader of the Eugenics Society was one Julian Huxley – the same Julian Huxley who organized UNESCO in 1946, and became its first director. The same Julian Huxley who organized the International Union for the Conservation of Nature in 1948...." Since Julian Huxley (Aldous Huxley's brother), as head of UNESCO, laid the foundation for today's international education system, this philosophy has been filtering into public school curriculum for decades. We need to equip our children with facts and truth and prevent deception. Huxley's Brave New World of 2001


Secretive U.S. court may add to power Bush wants to use terrorism panel in criminal probes: "Cloaked in secrecy and unknown to most Americans, a seven-judge court has been busy in a sealed room at the U.S. Justice Department approving "black bag" searches, wiretaps and the bugging of homes in the interests of national security.
       "The court, which has been operating for more than 20 years, has approved more than 10,000 government applications for clandestine searches and surveillance of foreigners, immigrants and U.S. citizens -- and only one request has ever been denied. In its anti-terrorism proposals, the Bush administration is asking Congress for a
broad expansion of the enormous powers already granted to the executive branch under the 1978 Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act....
        "Civil liberty advocates say they fear the government will take advantage of the administration's proposed change and use the pretext of intelligence gathering under FISA to go after other criminal activity, making an end run around the stricter Fourth Amendment protections in criminal law....  They argue that the total secrecy of the process has eliminated any public accountability to ensure that the process is not being misused."
John 16:33

Private Justice - Millions are losing their legal rights: "Supreme Court forces disputes from court to arbitration - a system with no laws...  A private brand of civil justice, one without laws or juries or constitutional rights, has swept quietly across the nation's commercial landscape, shielding corporations from costly verdicts, compromising judges and stripping the public of its right to a day in court. Tens of millions of Americans can no longer get medical treatment, a job, a home, a credit card or a host of goods and services without agreeing to resolve future disputes in confidential, unregulated proceedings riddled with conflicts of interest. They cannot claim injury, fraud or discrimination without paying filing fees that may reach thousands of dollars." See Reinventing the World

Congress to Consider Increased Monitoring of Food Supply, Uniform Food Safety Standards: "One senator is hoping the concern about bioterrorism will help spur a more dramatic change - creating a new, single agency to ensure everything Americans eat is held to the same safety standards. 'The time couldn't be better to move this forward, because we've now moved our focus from food safety to include food security,' says Sen. Richard Durbin, D-Ill., who introduced his Safe Food Act last week. 'Even if the terrorists were put out of business, a single food-safety agency would be the right way to go.'  ... 'There's resistance,' Durbin acknowledges. But he's pressing ahead, citing recommendations from Congress' advisory National Academy of Sciences and the General Accounting Office, in addition to the European Union's plan to create a Europe-wide food-safety agency."  While food security may sound good, the end result is likely to quench freedom. Government control of food and its distribution has been a UN vision for a long time. See Food Summit Speeds UN Agenda


Strange Bedfellows in This War: "What Alexander Hamilton wrote in Federalist 8 has been proved accurate time and again, and as Congress and the Bush administration unite in their rush to defend the country against terrorist attacks, the passage remains pertinent today. So here it is: 'The violent destruction of life and property incident to war -- the continual effort and alarm attendant on a state of continual danger -- will compel nations most attached to liberty to resort, for repose and safety, to institutions which have a tendency to destroy their civil and political rights. To be more safe, they at length become willing to run the risk of being less free.'  Even wars to advance freedom can threaten freedom. We've seen it in our own history, with Lincoln's suspension of habeas corpus in the Civil War, the widespread dismissal of civil liberties during World War I, and, most notoriously, the interment of Japanese Americans during World War II."

Posted in September

Executive power grab on tap at White House? "'In this EO, Bush not only uses the National Emergency Act and IEEPA, he intermixes Security Council resolutions and the U.N. Participation Act,' said Olson. 'That's the one that authorizes military forces to be committed to the U.N. projects. It looks like the president is turning this into a U.N. operation.'

      "While Bush is not the first president to cite the United Nations as the source of his authority, instances of similar invocations are few and far between.... Bush goes much further, citing six such resolutions and the U.N. Charter. Said Olson, 'I feel better when American presidents invoke U.S. law rather than U.N.'" See Trading U.S. Rights for UN Rules


Zimbabwe agrees to end occupations: "Across Zimbabwe [formerly Rhodesia], ruling party militants have occupied more than 1,700 white-owned farms since March 2000, spurred by a government campaign to seize 4,600 farms owned by whites and give the land to blacks. The targeted farms make up about 95 percent of the land owned by whites. At least nine white farmers and dozens of opposition supporters have died in political violence since June. The violent campaign had led to fears of rising lawlessness in Zimbabwe and fueled an economic crisis." This social revolution is part of the global transformation and supported by South Africa.

Posted in August

against democrats, (the bad wise guys) and yet they ALL continue to move us toward global governance. No matter who the president is or who has the majority in congress we steadily move year after year from one administration to the next away from our Christian heritage and Constitutional laws toward that "New World Order" George Sr. heralded as president. Our representative republic continues to be fraudulently referred to as a 'democracy' from BOTH sides of the aisle as our God-given conscience is declared illegal and replaced with an external Govt.-given conscience based on UN values. While we all sit around on our policies and platforms arguing about such things as: 'Who really won the election', 'What's really a fair tax cut' and 'What about school vouchers', our nation slides further and further into the surveillance and slavery of socialism." Paradigm Shift and Bush, Gorbachev, Shultz and Soviet Education


Passage of the faith-based bill is bad news: [Worse, it's a trap!] " ministries opting for government funding are in effect providing an open invitation for the government to regulate their religion. That's because the government is obligated to regulate everything that it funds. As Lynn comments, 'Once churches, temples, mosques and synagogues are being financed by the public, some of their freedom will be placed in jeopardy by the almost certain regulation to follow. Houses of worship that have flourished as private institutions may suddenly have their books audited or face regular spot checks by federal inspectors in order to ensure appropriate 'accountability.'"   See Faith-Based Compromise

Posted in July

Government Property Seizures Out Of Control: "Across America, the Drug Enforcement Administration is seizing the luggage, cash and cars of hapless travelers. Mere possession of a large amount of cash or a drug dog barking at your luggage is sufficient probable cause for police to legally seize everything you are carrying under America’s new civil forfeiture laws.... The DEA seized $640,000 from Jennifer Leigh Ames while she was traveling on Amtrak on April 5, 2001. Agents say she looked nervous and had refused permission to search her luggage." Is this the land we love?  Seeing the world from His perspective and Josh 1:9

Posted in June

Court dismantles Christian prison program: "The 'God Pod' unit at Tarrant County Jail near Dallas, which offered a 120-day Christian curriculum to inmates, was dismantled yesterday following the Texas Supreme Court ruling that it indicated an 'official endorsement of religion.' Matt 24:9 and Clinton's War on Hate Bans Christian Values

Why personal secrets are no more: In 1787, Jeremy Bentham, a British philosopher, made a proposal for prison architecture called a panopticon – (literally, "the all-seeing thing"). The idea behind the panopticon was that a prison would be most secure when the jailors watched the prisoners at all times. Since that was not possible, the next best solution was a structure where the guards could watch the prisoners at all times and where the prisoners never knew if they were being watched. That way, the prisoners would always behave appropriately." Psalm 32:7


Questioning the motives of home-schooling parents: "America's most famous home-schooling parents at the moment are Andrea Yates and JoAnn McGuckin. Yates allegedly drowned her five children in a Houston suburb. McGuckin was arrested and charged with child neglect in Idaho. Her six kids barricaded themselves in the family's hovel when child-care workers came to remove them....

       "Perhaps the time has come to question the motives of some home-schooling parents. Are the parents protecting their children from a cesspool of bad values in the outside world? Or are the parents just people who can't get along with others? Are they 'taking charge' of their children's education. Or are they taking their children captive?

      "Yates and McGuckin are, of course, extreme cases and probably demented. But a movement that insists on parents' rights to do as they wish with their children gives cover for the unstable, for narcissists and for child-abusers."

      As one might expect, the media will use these two tragedies to limit parental rights and speed public approval for more state control.  See Comment and  The Mainstream Media---Forging a New Consciousness.   (also posted in "media" and "persecution")

Big Brother is here: "The Oregon Senate has approved a plan to screen first-born children for medical and social problems, and the House is expected to follow suit.... Backers of the plan, notably one Gov. John Kitzhaber, say that with so many broken, dysfunctional families, the state needs to do more to identify and help at-risk children."  ...And the sad part is there doesn't seem to be any understanding growing within our country that government is far exceeding its constitutional and proper authority. No one really seems to be all that concerned about invasions of privacy." The UN Plan for Your Mental Health

Hate Crime Moves Could Criminalize Biblical Opposition to Homosexuality: "A report on hate crime legislation, indicated that 'homosexual activists are determined to use the force of law to gain social acceptance in our culture. Their goal is to criminalize the speech of those who believe homosexuality is a sin and sexual perversion.'"

But The Christian Club May Not Meet:  The Good News Club got some bad news Tuesday. Though the nation's highest court ruled Monday that the Christian youth group has the right to meet at a New York public school, the school district which fought the group is considering moves that would prevent these meetings from taking place....  barring all groups from meeting at the school, so as not to discriminate against one group over another, or pushing back starting times for all clubs until 5 p.m. or 6 p.m., which Good News says is too late for their meetings." When a hatred is so strong that everyone could be denied access to public school facilities just to keep the Christians out, persecution can't be far behind.

Posted in May

New York City Says Holy Bible "Intolerant" of Homosexuality & Unwelcome in City : "Biberman argued that New York City's human rights law barred the biblical display because Administrative Code § 8-101 states that "there is a danger to the health, safety, and welfare of New York City inhabitants by expressions of antagonism toward people based upon perceived differences, includ[ing] . . . sexual orientation." These reasons for limiting free speech and other constitutional freedoms are almost identical to the conditions for "rights" listed in various UN human rights treaties. See  Trading U.S. Rights for UN Rules

Asking Doctor About Medical Privacy May Be Hazardous to Your Health. Reinventing the World helps explain how every "partner" is forced to conform to the new management systems. We will try to finish part 2 this month. 2 Chron 20:12

Posted in April  

House Passes Unborn Victims of Violence Act: "...would make it a federal crime to harm an unborn baby in the process of attacking a pregnant woman." Apparently, this does not raise questions about abortion, but it does shift power from state authorities to federal authorities -- a major aim of the Clinton administration. See Federalism


Loyalty Day (April 25): President Bush said, "Americans have not let the dream of 'a more perfect Union' fade with the passing of time.  Rather, each new generation, along with millions of immigrants, has promoted ideals that lead to the archetype that the founders envisioned." Not true. The last decades have redefined our Constitution and led America far from our founders' vision. This Declaration seems more focused on drawing volunteers for public service than on "loyalty" to our nation -- something that is fast disappearing according to other recent statements by our president. (Some of these will be posted on Monday as illustrations of the rapid shift from national loyalty to global unity). See Faith-Based Compromise.

Uncle Sam Is Now America's #1 Drug Pusher: "Every day some 6 million children – some as young as 2 or 3 – are now given Ritalin and other stimulants at the urging of school officials and psychiatrists."

Congress Holds First Ever Faith-Based Summit: "... the first ever 'House-Senate Majority Faith-Based Summit' to discuss how the public and private sectors can work together in hopes of getting faith-based services to the poor and needy of America. Most of the events were closed to the media." To see the serious problems with this program, please read Faith-Based Compromise and Reinventing the World.  

Court OKs Arrest for No Seat Belt: "... the Supreme Court held that officers can arrest and handcuff people even for minor offenses punishable by a fine. The justices ruled against a driver who was arrested and handcuffed for failing to wear a seat belt..."

Thompson OKs Clinton's Medical 'Privacy' Rules: "...just because the Bush administration calls this a privacy regulation does not make it one. It is anti-privacy," says Dr. Jane Orient, executive director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons."...'all he is doing is following the policy of his predecessor, a policy that would in fact abolish privacy."

Diversity only trickles into northeast corner. The latest census suggests that visionary leaders are making progress but not fast enough. They want diverse people in every community in order to produce a new kind of unity (the old Christian-based unity doesn't fit the global village). As history suggests, it won't take long to change our culture through "democracy" and "consensus process" when communities are resettled with people who don't know the old ways and are easily persuaded to vote for a new order -- especially when our immigration policy favors newcomers with non-traditional values. For Christians, this means that the world's mission fields have come to our towns. Let's show His love, share His  truth, and prove that, in Christ alone, we can find genuine unity.     

Snooping for fun and profit: "Ubiquitous invasion and destruction of privacy is certainly within the grasp of technology, but it remains by definition wrong."

Bush, Religious Broadcasters Meet: "Bush appealed to the broadcasters for 'greater understanding and the potential of more clarity than what some of the media are currently providing' about his proposals. 'The president made it very clear that he wants to empower people to listen to the Lord, he said, and capture the compassion that is there."  See Faith-Based Compromise.

Your Medical Records... what the new Clinton rules would mean for you. To understand how this fits into the global management system, read A National Information System - Executive Order #13011. 1 Samuel 10-18

New findings show fewer teens engaging in sexual activity. While this is good news, this report also shows the persistence with which our government now monitors personal behavior (this is part of a global program) under the banner of "prevention." See The UN Plan for Your Mental Health

Fingerprint May Soon Be Needed to Buy Groceries  

Should Students Be Forced to Undergo Criminal Background Checks?  The British Columbia Teachers' Federation "voted overwhelmingly to prohibit school attendance until it's determined that a student poses no threat to teachers or fellow students, or, if a history of violence is reported, a plan to deal with potential outbursts is in place."

U. N. Treaty on the Rights of the Child. This treaty is being implemented along with other unratified human rights treaties through a Clinton executive order. It helps explain the political agenda that is eroding parental rights in this country. See Trading U.S. Rights for UN Rules and What Happened To Parents' Rights?

Picture: A six-year-old Palestinian boy holds a hand grenade


Posted in March 2001

British Columbia government wants abortion violence considered hate crime. See also Clinton's War on Hate Bans Christian Values.  We need to ask: How will abortion violence be defined? Would counseling a woman against abortion be included as a hate crime? Would pro-life expressions on the Internet be included as well? Ambiguous laws mandating political correctness have already opened doors to infinite variations of interpretations that are useful to the Global Management System.  

"Nobel Peace Prize for Castro? "Norwegian parliamentarian Hallgeir Langeland has nominated Fidel Castro for the Nobel peace prize. Shocking? ... For years Latin Americans have been regaling us with tales of Norwegian idealists tramping around the region's  tropical jungles and mountain villages to promote far-left politics that wouldn't even sell in socialist Scandinavia...." Mr. Langeland, a left-wing parliamentarian, submitted Castro's name "for his work on behalf of developing countries, which we have to suppose, does not include ever-sinking Cuba."  Wall Street Journal, 3-16-01. (Can't say we are proud of these fellow-Norwegians)

Scalia slams 'living' document philosophy: "The Constitution is not an organism," the justice said, "it is a legal document."


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