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Homeschooling & Christian families
See From Parental Rights to Global Control: The UN Seizure of Parental Rights Homeschooling Under Fire | Training Students to Rethink God's Word |
January 2016
The Fading Christian Family. Dear Moms and Dads: Big Brother Is About to Join the Family”: "Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, and Donald Trump are making noise against the Common Core and the Democrats’ support for it.... The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) just laid the groundwork for a federal takeover of basic, deeply personal functions of the family. ...Among the bill’s progressive delights is the expansion of government schools and other organizations to usurp parents’ rights..." See The UN Seizure of Parental Rights
July 2014
Group Warns UN Treaty on Persons with Disabilities Can Override Will of Parents: "A Christian homeschooling organization is warning that a UN treaty approved this week by the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee may threaten the rights of American parents to make their own decisions about their child’s care if that child is disabled." See From Parental Rights to Global Control: The UN Seizure of Parental Rights
February 2014
Tutt Case (continues) – Call to Action: "...the judge who professed to be 'concerned about the mental state of the parents' refused to sign an order requiring a psychological evaluation but did sign an order to remove the children.... The caseworker stated in the presence of Mrs. Tutt and her 25 year-old daughter that she knew there was no cause for removal but that she had to come up with something to satisfy the judge who had issued the order for removal. This is judicial abuse that was facilitated by CPS officials, and they must be held accountable. See License to Seize Our Children
January 2014
Texas family battles judge over homeschooling: "Despite the fact that Mrs. Tutt showed CPS workers numerous parenting class certificates and paperwork certifying her mental health, a local judge ordered the Tutts’ seven children to be removed from the home.' The coalition reported the Tutts were told the children were not 'properly educated' and were being 'brainwashed' by their parents.'...
"'The hearing quickly devolved into a relentless attack on this family’s religious beliefs, community service, and right to homeschool their children …The guardian ad litem denigrated her for not submitting documentation of her homeschooling to the state on a regular basis....This, of course, is not only not required, but there is no way for someone to do so in Texas.'" See The UN Seizure of Parental Rights
August 2013
Police storm homeschool class, take children by force: "Four children, ages 7 to 14, have been forcibly taken from their Darmstadt, Germany, home by police armed with a battering ram, and their parents have been told they won’t see them again soon, all over the issue of homeschooling.... The shocking raid was made solely because the parents were providing their children’s education, HSLDA said.... 'Officials ominously promised the parents that they would not be seeing their children anytime soon.” See The UN Seizure of Parental Rights
June 2013
Our Children: The Primary Target of the New Age One-World Religion: "The traditional Christian family has been a continual obstacle to the globalist vision of solidarity. . . . the United Nations and its mental health gurus have fought hard to eradicate those old 'poisonous certainties' that stood in their way. . . . The results have been disastrous. Students trained to scorn God’s guidelines and conform to the crowd are . . . soon driven by evolving new notions that undermine all truth and certainty."
February 2012
Deportation of German homeschool family affects US homeschool freedom: "In 1938, the practice of homeschooling was outlawed in Germany by Adolf Hitler and the infamous Third Reich. It was a rough period in German history, as thousands of young people were being pried from their parents’ direction and authority and drafted into the Hitler Youth program....
"Sadly for freedom and for many families, Germany has never lifted this archaic and totalitarian ban on homeschooling. On the contrary, the German government seems to have stepped up its opposition to homeschooling over the past decade, forcing several families to flee....
"The German Supreme Court has stated that the purpose of the homeschooling ban is to, 'counteract the development of religious and philosophically motivated parallel societies.'"
See The UN Seizure of Parental RightsGirls, 13, given contraceptive implants at school [UK]: "The procedure was carried out in Southampton, Hants, as part of a government initiative to drive down teenage pregnancies. As many as nine secondary schools in the city are thought to have been involved. But it has caused a backlash from parents who weren't aware that their daughters had been fitted with the 4cm device, which sits under the skin." See Moral Corruption
January 2012
Swedish politician calls for even harsher penalties for homeschooling: "A leader of Sweden’s Liberal Party last week called for a change in the country’s social services law so that the government can take children away from home-schooling families more easily by allowing social workers to do so. '...the social services law should be amended so that social services are able to intervene when children are kept away from school by their parents—often for religious or ideological reasons.'"
September 2011
Families fighting back against homeschool crackdown: "In Germany, government persecution of homeschoolers is so bad one family successfully sought political asylum in the United States... Now comes Spain. Despite a recent court decision releasing Mila and Rodolfo Gonzalez from a proposed court order demanding their son be delivered to public schools, the situation is grim."
August 2011
German mother jailed for protecting children from "sex education": "Heinrich and Irene Wiens chose to keep their four children from attending a mandatory play and four school days of 'sexual education' that taught students an extremely permissive view of sexuality...."
Letting Children be Children...Review of the Commercialisation and Sexualisation of Childhood: "The pressure on children to grow up takes two different but related forms: the pressure to take part in a sexualised life before they are ready to do so; and the commercial pressure to consume the vast range of goods...."
July 2011
Video. Know Your Enemy (Part 67 - The War on Parents): "In this part, how the UN is looking to divide children from parents through education." See The UN Seizure of Parental Rights
June 2011
After Home Schooling, Pomp and Traditional Circumstances : "As home-schooling has grown to reach about two million children — or 3 percent of the school-age population, up from 850,000 in 1999 — it has become more mainstream. And just as more home-school families now join co-ops offering weekly field trips and chemistry labs or use the local public school for sports, band or a class, so too do many of them embrace all the trappings of graduation season.” See Homeland Security links Homeschoolers to terrorists
March 2011
AMERICAN GIRL Doll Company Recommends Yoga, Mantras, Meditation, and Breath Prayers: "Once included in American Doll’s mission statement was the goal to 'reinforce positive social and moral values.'...But American Girl today is reinforcing and promoting New Age practices." See Don't Be Deceived
Deputies seek protection after threatening family: "Several Maricopa County, Ariz., deputies are seeking protection from the courts after threatening to take children away from their parents because the homeschooling family was unwilling to allow social workers inside their home for an inspection based on an unsubstantiated anonymous rumor."
December 2010
State Sets Few Rules When Home = School: "Laura Tate [a credentialed teacherl] became frustrated because she believed her siblings weren't getting a good education through home schooling. She's pushing for more regulation of the practice....
"The battle over how to educate the younger kids has driven a wedge through their family — and sent Laura Tate on a campaign. Convinced that her younger brothers and sister need a better education, Tate phoned a long list of local legislators, state agencies and legal groups this fall, seeking their help and asking for options.... The Tates are now living the bitter debate over how to regulate home schooling, a question bound up in the complicated calculus of how to balance the rights of parents, their children and the state....
"[Home schooled students] have a good track record: Several
[that's a understatement!] studies have found that on average, home-schoolers perform better than public school students.....Troge chose to home-school so that she could stay close to her children.... She also worried that Nathan, who has Asperger's syndrome, would get less attention...at their public school. He has thrived at home." See The UN Seizure of Parental Rights
November 2010
4 in 10 Say Marriage is Becoming Obsolete: "As families gather for Thanksgiving this year, nearly one in three American children is living with a parent who is divorced, separated or never-married. More people are accepting the view that wedding bells aren’t needed to have a family. ...about 39 percent of Americans said marriage was becoming obsolete. And that sentiment follows U.S. census data released in September that showed marriages hit an all-time low of 52 percent for adults 18 and over. In 1978, just 28 percent believed marriage was becoming obsolete." See God's Warnings for our Times
July 2010
Kagan & homeschoolers & parental rights: "Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan's press for considering international law as 'the context' for interpreting U.S. law has incited worries her appointment could pave the way for world treaties that threaten both parental rights and homeschooling in the United States." See Trading U.S. Rights for UN Rules
April 2010
Homeschoolers vs. United Nations: Who will survive? "...the United Nation's Convention on the Rights of the Child... orders that children can choose their own religion with parents only having the authority to advise them. ... [A] child has a right to a government review of every parental decision and Christian schools would violate the law if they refused to teach children 'alternative worldviews.' ...corporal punishment, such as spankings, would be banned by law. ....The conflict had arisen over legislation that was proposed in the United Kingdom, called the Children, Schools and Families Bill, that would have set into law many of the provisions and issues demanded by the U.N. plan."
Update on Swedish homeschooler: "At times referred to as a 'social utopia,' Sweden is completely antagonistic toward homeschoolers and, in reality, anyone who deviates from what the Swedish government defines as 'normal.' The government's quest for conformity produces troubling side effects: the criminalization of actions – such as a parent's decision regarding the best form of education for his child..." See The UN Seizure of Parental Rights
The following two links from last week show how the UN Declaration on the Rights of the Child would "free" children from traditional Christian family values and train them in global values and amoral "tolerance":
[UK] Pupils aged five on hate register: Teachers must log playground taunts for Government database: "Even minor incidents must be recorded as examples of serious bullying and details kept on a database until the pupil leaves secondary school. Teachers are to be told that even if a primary school child uses homophobic or racist words without knowing their meaning, simply teaching them such words are hurtful and inappropriate is not enough. Instead the incident has to be recorded and his or her behaviour monitored for future signs of 'hate' bullying. The accusations will also be recorded in databases.... The boy was reported after he called a friend 'gay boy'. His parents fear the record of homophobic bullying will count against him throughout his school career and even into adulthood." See Zero Tolerance For Non-Compliance
Pluralism. The Surprise of a Common Ground: "The ambassadors to the Holy See possess a unique mandate -- to discover and develop areas of common ground and collaboration... in the realm of ethics, service, and culture.... The goal, then, is to promote a secular model that functions as a common platform where the collective aim is the public interest.... Religiosity is growing and changing because of globalization...and old approaches are inadequate....
"Peace between peoples, the cardinal concluded, is never achieved through violent means, but always through dialogue and mutual contribution."
See Faith-Based Partnerships ban Truth and Freedom
February 2010
State takes custody of 7-year-old over homeschooling: "...the Administrative Court of Stockholm affirmed the state custody of Dominic, who was taken from the airliner by uniformed police officers on the orders of social workers even though there was no allegation of any crime on the part of the family nor was there any warrant.... Michael Donnelly, director of international affairs for the HSLDA, called the court decision 'deeply disturbing.'... 'Taking children from their parents over minor differences in approaches to medical care (e.g. choosing not to vaccinate or delaying minor dental treatments) and for homeschooling is completely at odds with the basic human rights which all Western democracies should reflect...'
"The parents are allowed to see their son for 60 minutes every fifth week.
"'At times referred to as a 'social utopia,' Sweden is completely antagonistic toward homeschoolers and, in reality, anyone who deviates from what the Swedish government defines as 'normal.' ...
"...we have not broken any laws and we have not harmed our son [said the father]. ... we are living in a nightmare. I fear for the life of my wife under this torture and for the well-being of my son who has only been allowed to see his parents for a few hours since he was taken. The government is alienating my son from me, and I am powerless to do anything."
The real reason the state opposes homeschooling: "A U.S. government report, 'Homeschooling in the United States...' estimates 850,000 American children in 1999. Some homeschool advocates suggest the number may be as high as 2 million. Even if the government's 850,000 estimate is doubled to 1.7 million, this would still be less than 4 percent of school-age children. But the threat to government control is not in the numbers. It's in the reasons why parents do it, and in their success.... So they're attacking in the name of 'standards.' Some educrats want parents to prove they're succeeding while making it ever more difficult for them to do so." See Reinventing the World
January 2010
Homeschoolers on run win U.S. asylum Judge: "'This decision finally recognizes that German homeschoolers are a specific social group that is being persecuted by a Western democracy.... It is embarrassing for Germany since a Western nation should uphold basic human rights, which include allowing parents to raise and educate their own children." See From Parental Rights to Global Control
'Persecuted' homeschoolers seek asylum in U.S.: "In [Germany] homeschooling effectively is illegal because of laws dating back to the pre-World War II move to install in society as a responsibility of the government the work of raising and training children."
December 2009
Mom, dad fined $181 for homeschooling kids: "A mother and father in Archfeld, Germany, today were fined $181 for homeschooling their children by a judge who spared them the jail sentences demanded by the prosecutor.... But the ruling today from the judge... said the parents were guilty under the criminal law in the German state of Hessen of homeschooling even though they were providing a good education for their children.... 'We recognize in our German basic law about philosophical and religious conviction and that parents have rights, but the basic law also includes that it is the state's role to educate all children,' the judge ruled."
October 2009
What If This Happened to Your Child? [UK] This short video shows what the government is doing behind the scenes. Such intrusive dictates will spread far beyond the EU.
French police grab 4 kids on German orders: "Four children of a family that fled Germany to avoid further fines for homeschooling have been snatched from their home in France by police and accused of 'being alone,'... The report said two French social workers and two police officers appeared without notice at the home of Dominique Chanal in St. Leonard, France, where Dirk and Angela Wunderlich and their children have lived since July.
'The four officials told a stunned Mrs. Wunderlich that they had come at the request of German authorities and that they had to take the family's four young children because they were 'in grave danger,'' the HSLDA report confirmed.... The reasons given for the seizure were that the children were 'socially isolated, not in school and that there was a 'flight risk,' – none of which appear to be true,' the report said....."'I believe that this was an illegal act by the German Youth Welfare Office. We are no longer residents of Germany,' Dirk Wunderlich said. 'As citizens of the European Union we have the right to free mobility...'"
September 2009
War on homeschoolers spreading? "The desperate situation of a 7-year-old homeschooled child who was nabbed by Swedish police from an airliner as his family was departing on a move to India and has been kept in custody for weeks is drawing international attention....
'This kind of gross disregard for family integrity and simple human decency is becoming the hallmark of countries like Germany, and now apparently Sweden... where the state is more interested in coerced uniformity." See Homeland Security links Homeschoolers to terrorists
August 2009
State could take custody of teen homeschooler [Germany]: "A critical hearing is scheduled in Germany in that nations' war against homeschoolers to determine whether a family can continue to control the education of its high-performing son, 14. ... 'The real issue is the right of parents to control the upbringing of their children,' Thornton added. 'One of the fundamental rights of parents is the right to educate their children according to the dictates of their own religious beliefs. 'If the state has the right to control education regarding reading and math curriculum without question, they will soon exercise the right to control the religious education as well,' he continued.
"...the Schmidts have been fined about $18,300 for homeschooling, and since they are unable to pay all of the fines, they have been subjected to a government lien on their home. 'Testing both children showed that they have extraordinary academic abilities.... The tests also showed the children to be socially competent. This is critical as the Germans still hold to the disproven belief that homeschool children are socially retarded.'..."Several hundred families are believed to be homeschooling Germany. Virtually all are in some type of court proceeding or living underground. One family even fled to the U.S. and has a request for asylum pending because of the persecution they would face if they returned.
The Strasbourg, France-based court in its 2006 decision said the parental 'wish' to have their children grow up without liberal sexual influences 'could not take priority over compulsory school attendance.' The decision also said the parents do not have an 'exclusive' right to lead their children's education.
"A website for the Practical Homeschool Magazine noted one of the first acts by Adolf Hitler when he moved into power was to create the governmental Ministry of Education and give it control of all schools and school-related issues.... In 1937, the dictator said, 'The youth of today is ever the people of tomorrow. For this reason we have set before ourselves the task of inoculating our youth with the spirit of this community of the people at a very early age.... This Reich stands, and it is building itself up for the future, upon its youth. And this new Reich... will itself take youth and give to youth its own education and its own upbringing."
March 2009
Homeschoolers ordered into public classrooms: "A North Carolina judge has ordered three children to attend public schools this fall because the homeschooling their mother has provided over the last four years needs to be 'challenged.' The children, however, have tested above their grade levels – by as much as two years.... The judge... explained his goal ... was to make sure they have a 'more well-rounded education.'... The website said the judge also said public school would 'prepare these kids for the real world and college' and allow them 'socialization.'"
Yes, children must now be socialized to today's changing, amoral world. Immersion in Christian values clashes with the new solidarity."
February 2009
United Nations Population Fund leader says family breakdown is a triumph for Human Rights: "'In the eyes of conservative forces, these changes mean that the family is in crisis,' he said. 'In crisis? More than a crisis, we are in the presence of a weakening of the patriarchal structure, as a result of the disappearance of the economic base that sustains it and because of the rise of new values centered in the recognition of fundamental human rights.'” See Mine is the Power
April 2008
'I'm a parent, arrest me,' woman tells lawmakers: "A California mother of five has told members of a legislative committee their plan to criminalize spanking by concerned parents would mean that misbehavior and rebellion no longer could be corrected, and she could face arrest....
"I'm here today as one of the thousands of parents in our state who love our children and believe in traditional values,' she said. 'As someone dead-set against the evil of child abuse, I also have a strong faith that calls on me to correct misbehavior and rebellion when it occurs.' She said that means, 'spanking once in a while.' However, 'my faith and moral beliefs that teach me to 'train up a child in the way he should go' would make me a suspected child abuser under AB 2943,' she said. 'Under this bill, I could be arrested and charged with child abuse. I could be tried in criminal court, be sent to jail for a year, and lose custody of my children." See What Happened To Parental Rights?
Assemply committee approves bill that would criminalize spanking and threaten parental authority: "Assembly Bill 2943 (Lieber) was approved today by the Assembly Committee on Public Safety. If approved by the Legislature and signed by the governor, the bill would make the ordinary practice of spanking a child by a parent a criminal act.” See
March 2008
California Court Decision Against Homeschooling: "...while concerned about the recent court decision, today I am rejoicing that possibly the Lord Himself is intervening to purify the work He has begun among us. It seems to me likely that He intends to use this crisis to get our attention and call us to repentance. I am persuaded that at the very least, God's intent is for us to look to Him to be our Shield and Deliverer.
"As the homeschool community is currently buzzing with conversations about the potential impact of this court decision, and the potential outcome of further proceedings, I would urge all of us to remind one another to step back and "Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth" (Col. 3:2). Certainly be faithful to whatever actions the Holy Spirit leads you to, but don't let your outward activism be the priority. Our first priority is to look to Jesus with adoration, find our rest in Him, and let Him use the circumstances of our lives to purify us for His pleasure....
"It seems consistent with His ways that He will not deliver us from this trial until we have embraced all He wants to work in us through it. Let's encourage one another to look to the Lord first, and yield to His purposes, even if it means trials and suffering, if it will bring Him more glory in the end." See Homeschooling Under Fire
Appellate Court Case, Please Remain Calm: [By Debbie Schwarzer, HSC (HomeSchool Association of California) legal team co-chair] "I have been astonished about the hype about this case. So many have been making sensational claims that parents will be criminally prosecuted, etc. Please rest assured about a number of things. First, the law, other than this court's interpretation, hasn't changed. Parents involved in a truancy prosecution might face criminal charges, but only after a rather lengthy series of hearings and court orders, and only if the parents failed to comply with the orders." S
Home Schooling Found Unlawful by California Court of Appeal: "In a stunning decision affecting thousands of families in California, the California Court of Appeal has issued an opinion finding no legal right to home school. 'Parents who fail to [comply with school enrollment laws] may be subject to a criminal complaint against them, found guilty of an infraction, and subject to imposition of fines or an order to complete a parent education and counseling program,' wrote Justice H. Walter Croskey...."
Christian homeschooling doesn't fit UNESCO's plan for global education and group thinking. See Homeland Security links Homeschoolers to Terrorists
December 2007
Homeschooling Missionary Family Narrowly Avoids German Deportation: "The International Human Rights Group (IHRG) reports that its European Counsel, Dr. Ronald Reichert, convinced German officials to drop a deportation order that would have required Mr. Clint Robinson, his wife Susan and their three children to leave Germany on Thursday for the outlawed practice of homeschooling their children.
"...the authorities had denied in writing the Robinsons a visa on the grounds that Germany had to protect itself from 'Parallelgesellschaften' or 'parallel societies' and gave them 45-days to leave Germany or be 'forcibly deported.'...
"Homeschooling has been illegal in Germany since the days of the Third Reich. German Chancellor Adolf Hitler banned the practice in 1938 in order to indoctrinate all young Germans in the Nazi ideology through the public schools. The Jugendamt or Youth Welfare Office was created by the German Fuehrer in 1939 to supervise and control families politically. The Jugendamt is the chief enforcer of the law and has even seized custody of homeschooled children as in the case of Melissa Busekros, a 15 year old girl snatched from her family for homeschooling, who returned to her family after a 3 month ordeal upon turning 16." See Don't mention Jesus
Woman abandons home to escape public schools: "...such threats and actions are becoming more common in Germany.... A recent court ruling there, in fact, said not only is homeschooling a basis for child endangerment charges, but a local government was remiss in allowing a mother to take her two children to another country where homeschooling is legal. Wolfgang Drautz, consul general for the Federal Republic of Germany, has commented on the issue... noting the government 'has a legitimate interest in countering the rise of parallel societies that are based on religion or motivated by different world views....' Drautz said homeschool students' test results may be as good as for those in school, but 'school teaches not only knowledge but also social conduct, encourages dialogue among people of different beliefs and cultures..." See Training Students to Rethink God's Word and Whose Rights?
Amy Carmichael: "Amy quickly discovered that Japanese people in the streets took almost no notice of her when she was wearing a kimono. What a relief.... After walking for a while, she stopped... to talk to a small girl about five years old. Amy asked her if she knew about God and that He loved her. The little girl nodded excitedly. 'Yes,' she replied. 'I’m going to the magic lantern picture show tonight. That is where the foreigners will show their God.'
"Amy walked home slowly, troubled by what the little girl had said. How could she make Japanese people understand that a picture of Jesus was not a god and contained no magical powers. It was just a picture and could not talk to them or love them....
"Many Christians believe that they will be more successful if they don't offend anyone. They think they can bring more people to Jesus if they just talk about His love. So they ignore some of God's teaching and approve what He calls sin...."...the other Christians in town were thinking that Amy had put off Buddhists from becoming Christians on her previous visit by making the gospel too difficult.... [They] believed that Amy did not understand their culture and that there was nothing wrong with a Christian also having idols in the house. The idols didn’t do any harm.... Amy couldn't agree. She happily dressed in Japanese clothes and ate their food, but she couldn't do what God said was wrong." See Loving God first
November 2007
Homeschoolers facing $6,300 fine -- Government levies penalty to stamp out 'parallel societies': "Government officials determined to stamp out 'parallel societies' have in the past ordered police to take children from their homes to school and have placed a teenager involuntarily in psychiatric care for being homeschooled. Now they are fining a German husband and wife $6,300 for refusing to require their children to attend public schools."
See Homeland Security links Homeschoolers to Terrorists
May 2007
'Alternative family' killing Europe? "In the late 1960s, warnings of a 'population' bomb that would doom Earth's inhabitants spawned movements of fervent activists prone to wag a finger at strolling couples with multiple offspring in tow. Nearly 40 years later, crunching the demographic numbers reveals a looming catastrophe – but of the completely opposite kind....
"With plunging birthrates coinciding with rejection of the 'natural family' that for millennia has anchored cultures worldwide, a 'demographic winter' is descending over Europe, contends Allan C. Carlson, founder and international secretary of the World Congress of Families, hosting more than 3,300 delegates from 75 nations through Sunday."
The myth of the "population explosion" -- like today's myth of man-made "greenhouse" disasters, was driven by the UN vision of global transformation and new values. See The emerging New World Order & the next link. Like the traditional family, the Bible must yield it's honored place to the new pluralism.
Bible Curriculum Dispute Heats Up in Texas Town: "Lori White thinks high school students should study a variety of religions, including Christianity. But the Bible curriculum used in Odessa, Texas, and a growing number of other schools, she says, is aimed at instilling faith, not knowledge. 'It's a curriculum that proselytizes,' says Ms. White...
"The text used in Odessa high schools, developed by the nonprofit National Council on Bible Curriculum in Public Schools, represents as fact that the Bible was a 'foundational text' in the framing of the U.S.... Mr. Adkins says the classes focus on historical fact. "We're not talking about miracles,' he says. 'We're talking about Old Testament sites located through modern digs....Do you dispute the Bible influenced the founding of the U.S.?'"
February 2007
Homeschool student disappears from psych ward: "The case involving a 15-year-old homeschool student in Germany who suddenly was snatched from her home by a SWAT team of police officers and sent to a psychiatric ward for her 'school phobia' suddenly has taken a turn for the worse.... Melissa Busekros, in a 'new escalation,' was moved from the psychiatric hospital where she had been held for more than a week 'to an unknown place.' 'Neither the parents nor their attorney are informed where Melissa is arrested now.'....
...historically the German phobia about homeschooling began with Adolph Hitler, whose design was to control the minds of children as they grew, leaving them with only his worldview." See Editor Threatened with Prosecution over Homeschooling
October 2006
European Human Rights Court Upholds Nazi Ban on Homeschooling: "German parents are currently being prosecuted on the basis of a Nazi bill of 1938 which banned homeschooling. The court denied a request from the Konrad family to rule that Germany’s ban on homeschooling violates their human rights to educate their own children according to their own religious beliefs. Fritz and Marianna Konrad filed the human rights complaint in November 2003 arguing that Germany’s compulsory school attendance severely endangers their children’s religious upbringing, and promotes teaching inconsistent with their Christian faith, especially the State’s mandate of sexual education."
The next link also calls for massive databases with assessments of attitudes and "progress":
Getting in S.H.A.P.E. for C.H.U.R.C.H.: "...after one takes the S.H.A.P.E. vocational-style interest inventory, one may be plugged into a 'zone, a region, a life precinct.' This particular 'shape' of the church as a whole, which will happen as people become catalogued, databanked and defined by the assessment, appears to be regimented and utilitarian. And this 'shape' is, as C. Peter Wagner suggests, a perfectly designed vehicle for marketing the New Apostolic Reformation's agenda." See Spiritual Gifts and Community Service and
DISC Assessments
September 2006
Germany Imprisons Mum. Dad and Kids Flee to Austria: "Last Thursday the German police arrested Katharina Plett, a homeschooling mother of twelve. Yesterday her husband fled to Austria with the children. Homeschooling is illegal in Germany since Hitler banned it in 1938." See Editor Threatened with Prosecution over Homeschooling
April 2006
The Seduction of Homeschooling Families: "...the academic success of homeschoolers, measured by standardized test scores and recruitment by colleges debunk the myth that parents need to hire credentialed experts to force children to learn.
"...the National Education Association (NEA) has already formulated the game plan for state control of all homeschooling. For the last several years during their biannual conventions, the NEA has passed formal homeschooling resolutions demanding that: •Teachers of home instruction programs should meet state certification requirements. •Authorized state or local permission should be required annually for home study. •Home study should be monitored by local school administrative personnel...."
February 2006
Senate committee kills home school regulation bill: "A roar of approval erupted from some 1,200 Montanans in the Capitol Monday after the Senate Education Committee tabled a bill that would have, among other regulations, forced home school parents without a college degree to submit to inspections from certified teachers." See Homeschooling Under Fire
December 2005
Home Schooling Results: "Studies by Cornell University Professor Urie Bronfenbrenner suggest that, at least until age 10 or 12, students who spend more time with other children their age than with their parents tend to rely on other children for their values. The result? They tend to have a lower sense of self-worth, of optimism, of respect for their parents, and, ironically, even of trust in their peers. If he is correct, this is one of the major, and unrecognized, reasons for the growing dysfunction of much adolescent behavior....
The evidence to-date makes it clear that the success rate is much higher for homeschoolers while the actual cost is lower -- as little as zero for taxpayers. The results benefit students, parents, family and society." See Three Myths of Homeschooling
Newspaper Logic: "Recently an Ohio newspaper, the Akron Beacon Journal, printed a series of articles attacking homeschooling. They claim that little is known about homeschoolers and suggest the government should tightly monitor and regulate the movement. They quote school officials and focus groups who say that homeschooling can hide child abuse and failing students. ... Our purpose isn’t to point out all the fallacies in these articles. We want to equip you to do this yourself. (Parents, finding fallacies in these articles might make a good school assignment.) Here is a crash-course in debunking bad newspaper reporting." This article is well worth reading, especially in light of the recent media assaults on the homeschooling movement. See Homeschooling Under Fire & The Three Myths of Homeschooling
November 2005
Home schooling heads into mainstream: ...the reasons for home schooling are just as diverse as the families who choose to shun public schools or traditional private schools and teach their kids at home....
"31 percent said they home-schooled because of concern about the environment of schools. 30 percent said they wanted to provide religious or moral instruction. 16 percent said they were dissatisfied with the academic instruction of other schools...."
Home schoolers' motivations are diverse: "...the Gotch girls are like 1.1 million children in America: They are home-schooled. Their mother, Karla, a Purdue University graduate with a degree in nutrition, prints out a daily lesson plan that mixes math and reading with Bible studies and character development.... They are part of a vast, growing and persuasive movement that quietly and steadily has altered the education landscape in the past 20 years....
"Joyce Burges, who runs the National Black Home Educators Resource Association from her home outside Baton Rouge, La., said an increasing number of black families are home schooling because public schools are failing their children on many levels.... The National Home Education Research Institute estimated the number at 30,000 to 50,000 children in 2003." See Homeschoolers linked to Terrorists
October 2005
Homeschooling Under Fire: "This view, which likens homeschooling to the criminal act of child abuse, was to become the pillar upon which Iowa’s homeschool crisis was founded. A corollary view holds that homeschooling parents are potential 'closet child abusers,' and that the State must conduct routine surveillance of this atypical, 'abnormal' family. Many social reformers held the cynical notion that it was implausible that parents would desire to stay home and educate children out of genuine affection, devotion, and sincere conviction. The nasty inference was made that there must be some sinister ulterior motive for wanting to keep the children at home." Homeland Security links Homeschoolers to Terrorists
September 2005
Judges try to snatch homeschoolers - Families escape homeland to keep from losing children to state: "Germans who choose to homeschool their children are coming under increasing pressure from the state with some families escaping the European Union nation to keep from having their children taken from them.... A few weeks ago, HSLDA reports, a German homeschool family escaped to Central America under threat of a judge who wanted to take custody of the couple's school-aged child. A social worker helped the family escape by warning them of the judge's intent and delaying the paperwork needed for the seizure. In another instance, a family escaped with their child to Austria....
"Another German homeschool family lost a recent court case when the judge ruled that the parents had no rights to have input into the manner and method of education in government schools. In this case, hard-core pornography reportedly was being used to teach the children in their German-language course. The judge also ruled that fundamentalist Christians who do not want their children to attend the government schools are not protected by the nation's constitution."
See What Happened to Parents' Rights?
May 2005
Baptist activists - Pull kids out of school: "A resolution supporters hope will make it to the floor of the Southern Baptist Convention's annual meeting next month calls on the millions of members of the denomination to pull their kids out of government schools and either homeschool them or send them to Christian schools." The Three Myths of Homeschooling
March 2005
: "Donna Coody disbanded her 7-year-old daughter's Brownie troop and took her 9-year-old daughter out of another Girl Scout troop because she was upset over the organization's endorsement of two Planned Parenthood sex education seminars. But Coody didn't want her daughters and their friends to miss out on camping trips, educational activities and service projects. So she decided in March to start a troop affiliated with the Christian-based American Heritage Girls. 'I felt like the Girl Scouts' morals were definitely lacking, and the girls needed another choice,' Coody said." See the first item under FeminismPushover parents: "As Ronald Simons, a sociologist at the University of Georgia in Athens, told Parents: 'without structure, children become self-absorbed, selfish and unhappy -- and they make everyone around them miserable, too.' He cites studies that show kids raised by authoritative parents, meaning loving moms and dads who set firm limits and stick to them, 'excel academically, develop better social skills, feel good about themselves, and are happier overall' than peers raised by lax or excessively harsh parents." 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24
Stay-at-home moms get their due: "The mainstream media, in the form of Time magazine, has finally recognized as legitimate the choices of those women who decide to stay home with their young children. ...This is an important cultural benchmark, because until now, the media, feminist leaders and other opinion-makers have tended to portray stay-at-home moms as a regrettable throwback to what should be a long-gone era of child-rearing." But watch out, parents. But this broad acceptance of the homeschooling movement is accelerating government plans to control it. Proverbs 22:6
Previous links on this topic: News relevant to Homeschooling & Christian families (2003 - 2004)
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