Quotes and Excerpts


Fermi Project

Warren, McLaren and "other thought leaders"


The Idea: "Fermi Project is a broad collective of innovators, social entrepreneurs, entertainers, artists, futurists, scientists, historians, environmentalists and church leaders experimenting with ways to positively contribute to culture....

    "Fermi Project creates opportunities for churches to work together on single issue, culturally responsible projects that harness the energy of the church. Culture Projects will center on social and environmentally responsible projects that promote justice and celebrating the good, true and beautiful throughout society. The opportunity that will come from multiple churches collaborating on cultural issues can shift conscience."


Fermi Words: "Fermi Words is a hybrid of written and spoken words created to provoke conversations. For an annual contribution of $59, you receive filtered, synthesized and compressed ideas....

     "Fermi Talks are 18-minute presentations by leaders in culture on the subjects of the future, the culture, the church and the gospel. Topics range from homosexuality in the church and environmental stewardship to the role of the church in culture and Christianity in 1000 Years. Talks are presented by Andy Stanley, Richard Cizik.... Rick Warren and other thought leaders....

     "Fermi Shorts are commissioned, chapter-length, essays created to keep you informed and exposed to the ideas shaping our cultural context and the opportunity for the gospel and church to have cultural influence. Notable authors are Kevin Kelly, N.T. Wright, Andy Crouch... Brian McLaren and more

Fermi Project’s Q boutique event (April 25-27, 2007): "Q Presenter.... Andy Crouch - Stepping into Culture, Rick Warren - Thoughts on Cultural Influence, Catherine Rohr - Redeeming Justice.... Donald Miller - How Narrative Shapes Culture, Jeff Johnson - Hip-Hop Culture ... David Kinnaman - unChristian, Andy Stanley - Church and Culture... Richard Cizik - Environmental Stewardship ... Rob Bell - Communion of the Saints* ... Clint Kemp - Sacred Space, Rick McKinley - Divine Imagination.... Mike Foster - Be The Change..." See ARTICLE

unChristian: "Christians are supposed to represent Christ to the world. But according to the latest report card, something has gone terribly wrong. Using descriptions like 'hypocritical,' 'insensitive,' and 'judgmental,' young Americans share an impression of Christians that’s nothing short of…unChristian. Groundbreaking research into the perceptions of 16- to 29-year-old non-Christians reveals that Christians have taken several giant steps backward.... The shocking details of the study... conducted by The Barna Group, are presented with uncompromising honesty in UnChristian. ... With responses from: Charles W. Colson, Andy Stanley, Jim Wallis... Brian McLaren, John Stott....


Fermi Project Q's photos: "Gabe Lyons shares the concept of Q and the Fermi Project's vision to see churches recapture its historic role in shaping culture."


What the Church can Learn from Hip-Hop Culture: At Q, Jeff Johnson, a producer at BET, spoke about Hip-Hop culture...

     "The Facts: Hip-hop is the most powerful and far reaching subculture in the world....

     "Jeff has seen breakdancers and DJs from Asia and Europe who are more skilled than their counterparts in the United States....

     "What the Church Can Learn: ... The church punks out on addressing race. Reality is that many churches claiming that they are multiracial are only tolerating other races. ... Being color blind is not the answer because it strips away race identity. Hip-hop has transcended ethnic and cultural differences and united people under the banner of hip-hop without taking away race identity.... If the church learns to speak the language of hip-hop, then they can reach those who speak it."



Redemptiology: "Redemptiology the pursuit of real-world redemptive culture. [It is? In his view, does the culture do the redeeming -- or were the world's corrup cultures redeemed through the cross? Either looks absurd in the light of God's Word]...

    "I have an essay on common grace releasing today (May 15, 2007) through the Fermi Project.... The way to get it is to subscribe to 'Fermi Words,' a $59 annual subscription program."

Redemptiology -- About: "Welcome to an outpost of redemptive culture.... My name is Scott Kauffmann.... My passion is redemptiology — real world redemptive culture — and I particularly like to see it happen at the intersection of arts, business, and the church.... I’m excellent at writing manifestos, playing catch, teaching with preparation, diplomacy, handwritten notes, heartfelt apologies, witty repartee, and most of all finding common ground."

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