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April 2016
Socialist, pro-'abortion' Bernie and JESUIT socialist Pope Francis: "Avowed socialist Bernie Sanders, who spent his honeymoon in the then Soviet Union, has been invited to the pope's conference: 'The Vatican conference on April 15 will address social, economic and environmental issues.'ť
But wait--Sanders is a hard-core pro-abort politician. No matter....What really matters to Rome is power; and this popery pursues by enslaving people through priestcraft..." See Smiling at SocialismMarch 2016
Quote: Ayn Rand (1905-1982). "The main characteristic of socialism (and of communism) is public ownership of the means of production, and, therefore, the abolition of private property. The right to property is the right of use and disposal. Under fascism, men retain the semblance or pretense of private property, but the government holds total power over its use and disposal."
Shocking Truth about today's democratic Party: "...Barack Obama has dragged the entire Democratic Party so far leftward over the past seven-plus years that today’s Democratic Party has become almost indistinguishable from the Communist Party...
"Sanders, a self-described 'democratic socialist,' claims he is indeed a 'socialist' but also claims he’s a 'Democrat.' The Communist Party USA advocates 'socialism,' saying 'socialism [is] our vision.'... Hillary Clinton, heavily influenced by Chicago Marxist Saul Alinsky, proudly and repeatedly proclaims she’s a 'modern progressive.'” See Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky
Shocking Truth about today's democratic Party: "...Barack Obama has dragged the entire Democratic Party so far leftward over the past seven-plus years that today’s Democratic Party has become almost indistinguishable from the Communist Party. ... 'The Communist Party USA is of and for the U.S. working class,' begins the 'Constitution of the Communist Party of the United States of America'...
"Sanders, a self-described 'democratic socialist,' claims he is indeed a 'socialist' but also claims he’s a 'Democrat.' The Communist Party USA advocates 'socialism,' saying 'socialism [is] our vision.'... Hillary Clinton, heavily influenced by Chicago Marxist Saul Alinsky, proudly and repeatedly proclaims she’s a 'modern progressive.'” See Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky
Not again! Meet Obama's new controversial pastor: "Rev. Jim Wallis, a member of President Obama’s 'faith council' who is described as a spiritual adviser to the president, is a socialist activist who has championed communist causes.... Wallis...founder of a far-left magazine, Sojourners, that has championed communist causes. He currently serves on Obama’s White House Advisory Council on Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships. 'Wallis [was a] leader of the Students for a Democratic Society, the 1960s anti-war group from which Bill Ayers’ Weatherman domestic terrorist organization splintered." See Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
September 2015
Cardinal Danneels admits: “Mafia” club brought down Benedict XVI to make Church “much more modern”: "Pope Benedict spoke honestly about Islam. Now it has come to light that he was being undermined by a shadowy cabal that wanted to install Cardinal Bergoglio — the present Pope Francis — as Pope and 'modernize' the Catholic Church.
"One thing they’ve certainly succeeded in doing is ending all resistance to the global jihad that has victimized hundreds of thousands of Christians. The Church leadership is betraying its own people.... [Cardinal] Danneels 'called it a ‘mafia’ club.... The group wanted a drastic reform of the Church, to make it ‘much more modern’, and for Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio [Pope Francis] to head it. ... So this 'mafia' cabal succeeded. They got their Pope who would help them impose a 'drastic reform of the Church, to make it ‘much more modern.'” See Depravity
Much ado about the Pope:
"The town is taken by Pope Francis, the socialist pope who has said that
Allah and God
(YHVH) are the same....
On Wednesday, March 20, 2013, Pope Francis welcomed an ecumenical group of religious leaders.... He said, 'I greet and thank cordially all of you, dear friends belonging to other religious traditions; firstly the
Muslims, who worship the one living and merciful God, and call upon Him in prayer. ... So the Pope prays to the same god as do Muslims.
Those who would say that
Allah and God are the same are chief among the false prophets."
For more
details on the Pope's anti-Biblical values, click here:
Ponder the Pope's Beliefs
Pope Francis slams capitalism, death penalty, immigration law; no real mention
of abortion, gay marriage:
"...Pope Francis spoke before a Joint Session of Congress, where he explicitly
lectured Americans on illegal immigration, redistribution of income, the death
penalty, and climate change, but made only veiled references to abortion and
same-sex marriage. It is no wonder President Obama was so happy to see the Pope
in Washington..." See
Marching toward Global Solidarity
July 2015
'The Black Book of the American Left': "In the 1970s, David [Horowitz] climbed to the very top of the American leftist movements. Later he understood that Marxism was a lie – the first step toward stealing and killing – and after that he dedicated the rest of his life to warning others that Marxism was endangering American freedom and democracy. A Rasmussen Reports poll shows, indeed, that now only 53 percent of Americans prefer capitalism to socialism....
"One of the most popular night clubs in New York City is the
Soviet-themed KGB Bar.... Just weeks ago this giant city overwhelmingly elected (73 percent of the votes) an
openly Marxist mayor, and Seattle got a new council member who proudly stated that she wore
'the badge of socialist with honor.'”
The Revolutionary Roots of the UN
December 2014
UC Tuition Goes Up—to Help Finance Legal Support for Illegal Aliens: "...the resources of students, professors, classrooms, libraries and other government assets, meant for the education of our students is instead being used to provide legal assistance to illegal aliens—to keep them in this country, get loans, welfare and scholarships." See
Toward Global SolidaritySeptember 2013
Rep. Alan Grayson Praises the Creation of ‘Stealth Socialism’ in America: "Speaking about the Federal Reserve’s rapidly-growing balance sheet, Grayson remarked: 'We’ve had a government takeover of the bond market. Stealth socialism’s been created. Government simply ends up owning more and more and more.... They’ve taken over the financing of housing industry as well...."' See A devious plot
August 2013
Study: Welfare pays more than work in most states: "In 35 states, welfare benefits pay more than a minimum wage job, according to a new study by the libertarian Cato Institute, and in 13 states welfare pays more than $15 per hour." See The Road to Serfdom
America: Where Hard Working, Productive Members Of Society Pay For The Health Care Of Everyone Else: "In the United States today, the way that our system works is that the hard working, productive members of society pay for the health care of everyone else. At least under socialism everyone gets the same benefits. Our system of health care is a very twisted version of socialism where millions upon millions of very hard working people are forced to pay for the health care of others, but often can't afford to purchase decent health insurance for themselves." See The Road to Serfdom: The End of Truth
April 2013
AFL-CIO: We Will 'Steamroller' Any Lawmaker Who Opposes Amnesty: "A principal official at the AFL-CIO, one of America’s biggest labor unions, said Wednesday the organization would politically demolish any politician who opposes mass amnesty for the country’s at least 11 million illegal immigrants. 'Politicians know that if they stand in the way of citizenship we will steamroller them.'”
March 2013
Texas Public School Curriculum Teaches Students to design a Socialist Flag and that Christianity is a Cult: "Socialism is being promoted and Christianity is being demonized in the public school systems of some of the most conservative states.... And you know what? It’s working. If you look at any public opinion poll that is broken down by age, you will find that the youngest age brackets are the most likely to agree with progressive viewpoints. Millions of parents are sending their kids to public schools without having any idea that they are being taught that patriotism is divisive, that capitalism is evil and that Christianity is a fictitious cult." See A devious plot
EU theft of private bank accounts a 'sacrifice' to mainstream media: "The European Union is run by mainly socialist politicians whose agenda is based on the redistribution of assets and goods. America, on which so many other countries in the world are dependent, is now under the clutches of a Marxist president [and his handlers] following the same playbook."
See the next link:The Socialist Phenomenon: (Foreword by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn) "The doctrines of socialism seethe with contradictions; its theories are at constant odds with its practice, yet due to a powerful instinct... these contradictions do not in the least hinder the unending propaganda of socialism. Indeed, no precise, distinct socialism even exists; instead there is only a vague, rosy notion of something noble and good, of equality, communal ownership, and justice: the advent of these things will bring instant euphoria and a social order beyond reproach....
"Whether it is the centralization of China in the first millennium B.C., the bloody European experiments of the time of the Reformation, the chilling (though universally esteemed) utopias of European thinkers, the intrigues of Marx and Engels, or the radical Communist measures of the Lenin period (no wit more humane than Stalin's heavy-handed methods) -- the author... demonstrates the undeviating consistency of the phenomenon under consideration.
"...the author also convincingly demonstrates the diametrical opposition between the concepts of man held by religion and by socialism. Socialism seeks to reduce human personality to its most primitive levels...."
See From Marx to Lenin, Gramsci & AlinskyThe Socialist Phenomenon: (Foreword by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn) "The doctrines of socialism seethe with contradictions; its theories are at constant odds with its practice, yet due to a powerful instinct... these contradictions do not in the least hinder the unending propaganda of socialism. Indeed, no precise, distinct socialism even exists; instead there is only a vague, rosy notion of something noble and good, of equality, communal ownership, and justice: the advent of these things will bring instant euphoria and a social order beyond reproach....
"Whether it is the centralization of China in the first millennium B.C., the bloody European experiments of the time of the Reformation, the chilling (though universally esteemed) utopias of European thinkers, the intrigues of Marx and Engels, or the radical Communist measures of the Lenin period (no wit more humane than Stalin's heavy-handed methods) -- the author... demonstrates the undeviating consistency of the phenomenon under consideration.
"...the author also convincingly demonstrates the diametrical opposition between the concepts of man held by religion and by socialism. Socialism seeks to reduce human personality to its most primitive levels...." See From Marx to Lenin, Gramsci & Alinsky
The Rape Of Cyprus By The European Union & The IMF: "...the European Union has confiscated the private property of the citizens in Cyprus without debate, legislation or Parliamentary agreement....A bank account is the private property of a citizen.... The European Union and the European Central Bank and the IMF have just advocated the confiscation of private property for their own indulgence....This is not a European Union this is a European Fourth Reich!"
Saxo Bank CEO: "This Is Full-Blown Socialism And I Still Can't Believe It Happened": "The confiscation of 6.75 percent of small depositors' money and 9.9 percent of big depositors' funds is without precedence....This is a breach of fundamental property rights, dictated to a small country by foreign powers and it must make every bank depositor in Europe shiver. ...if you can confiscate 10 percent of a bank customer's money, you can confiscate 25, 50 or even 100 percent. I now believe we will see worse as the panic increases, with politicians desperately trying to keep the EUR alive." See The Road to Serfdom: The End of Truth
Socialists ready to make power grab of world citizens’ money: "Virtually overnight and with no warning of any kind, the emergency tax deal was imposed on the people of Cyprus without vote or debate. People ran to ATM machines today only to discover that the taxed amount of their cash had already been frozen."
Faith That Works: Worshiping God or Caesar? "We cannot give to Caesar [the State] what is God’s....Erwin Lutzer puts it this way: 'We shall discover that we always find ourselves caught between our responsibilities as citizens of earth and our responsibility as citizens of heaven. The church has always been poised between two gods and two crosses. 'On the one side is our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, who died on a Roman cross, executed for the sins of the world. On the other side are any number of lesser gods and other crosses that promise a false salvation. These other gods are almost always embodied in the state; they most often come to us dressed in the garb of Caesar. And in the end they are committed to crushing religious freedom." See The Road to Serfdom: Chapter 11: "The End of Truth
January 2013
The Collectivist Mind Game, Part 1: Demonizing the Non-Compliant: "Once the resistance has been demonized, its members will be quickly identified and denounced by the compliant citizenry, labeled as the enemy, and be dealt with by law enforcement. In the end, the self-preservation of modern-day totalitarianism is ensured, not so much by the secret police with its army of snitches and brutal enforcers, as by modern technologies of psychological manipulation through the media, education, and entertainment....
"However, since a society can't directly leap from capitalism into communism, Marx reasoned that a dictatorial socialist state would be a necessary transition in order to develop the required material base, help to spread the revolution around the world, and to condition the people's minds by uprooting greed and selfishness (or to eliminate those individuals who can't be conditioned).....
"In Russia, the communists used to demonize their opponents long before the Revolution, which made it easier for them to physically eliminate the opposition later. As soon as they were in full control of the government, they began to demonize entire segments of the society, subcultures, and classes of people whom they deemed incapable of change....
"The demonization of the kulaks [farmers] laid the groundwork for their subsequent annihilation. Facing a peasant rebellion, Lenin sent the following telegram to his henchmen: 'Hang publicly (in full view of the people) no fewer than one hundred known kulaks, rich men, bloodsuckers. Make their names public. Take away all their grain.'"
See From Marx to Lenin, Gramsci & AlinskyTreason in the Church: Trading Truth for a "Social Gospel": "Called 'Father of the Social Gospel,' Walter Rauschenbusch (1861-1918) ... studied theology at the University of Rochester, one of hundreds of educational and 'Christian' institutions funded by John D. Rockefeller. After pastoring a Baptist Church....he joined the faculty at Rochester Theological Seminary -- also funded by Rockefeller. ...In 1907, Rauschenbusch met with the leaders of Fabian socialism in England...
"Unlike impatient Marxist revolutionaries, the methodical Fabians emphasized peaceful transformation through propaganda and infiltration of universities, seminaries and churches.... To justify its place in 'Christian' theology, words like redemption and regeneration were redefined to fit their socialist ideals."
See Conforming the Church to the Rising World OrderOmen for America: "The future will be another country. They will do things differently there. The Census is not just a description of the state of things on a day in 2011, it is a prophetic document telling us where we are going, whether we like it or not. I don’t." See Moral and Social Corruption
December 2012
Charity on the Chopping Block: "Washington is looking under every rock for new forms of 'revenue.'... Ending the mortgage deduction when the housing market is finally showing signs of recovery would be like giving a cancer patient strychnine to make him feel better. Even worse would be ending the charitable deduction, for the simple reason that this deduction encourages private sector benevolence, which the federal government under Barack Obama treats as pesky competition. As government grows, the private sector wanes, a situation created by the decline of strong families and abetted by progressive programs designed to make families irrelevant.
"When it comes to serving the needy, there are two basic approaches. The first, inspired by Jesus Christ and required in the Old Testament, is sacrificial giving of oneself. This has been the cornerstone of American charity since the nation's founding, and it remains the most effective way to assist the poor. The diametrically opposite approach is socialism, in which income is forcibly seized and then redistributed to groups and individuals favored by government officials. Socialism is rooted in the formula from Karl Marx - 'from each according to his abilities to each according to his needs.'"
See Was Marx a Satanist?
"Forward" to the Past? [Thomas Sowell "The seductive notion of economic equality has appealed to many people. The pilgrims started out with the idea of equal sharing. The colony of Georgia began with very similar ideas. In the midwest, Britain's Robert Owen-- who coined the term 'socialism'-- set up colonies based on communal living and economic equality. What these idealistic experiments all had in common was that they failed. They learned the hard way that people would not do as much for the common good as they would do for their own good.... Land that had been common property was turned into private property, which produced a lot more food.
"Similar experiments were tried on a larger scale in other countries around the world. In the biggest of these experiments-- the Soviet Union under Stalin and Communist China under Mao-- people literally starved to death by the millions. In the Soviet Union, at least 6 million people starved to death in the 1930s, in a country with some of the most fertile land on the continent of Europe....
"The other big feature of the egalitarian left is promotion of a huge inequality of power, while deploring economic inequality." See Smiling at Socialism
November 2012
From the Man Who Bought One Million Dollars of Nickels: "Hayek was, of course, right: The current modus operandi by central banks and sovereign governments threatens to take us down Friedrich von Hayek's 'Road to Serfdom'. Published in 1944, its message, that all forms of socialism and economic planning lead inescapably to tyranny, might prove to have been prescient....The genius in the book was the argument that serfdom would not be brought about by evil men like Stalin or Hitler, but by the cumulative effect of the wishes and actions of good men and women, each of whose interventions could be easily justified by immediate needs. ...Our belief is that markets will eventually take these matters out of the hands of the central bankers. These events will happen with such rapidity that policy makers won't be able to react fast enough." See Training a Socialist Army of World Servers
Chants for Karl Marx, socialism at Dem victory rally: "The raucous group of students chanted 'Karl Marx, Karl Marx, Karl Marx,' and cited abortion, socialism, and 'Obama phones' as reasons for their support of President Obama’s second term.... One unidentified Georgetown undergraduate stated she voted for Obama because '...I want the DREAM Act to pass. ...young people deserve the opportunity to be whatever they want to be.'”
The Hope-a-Nomics Disaster: One Company's Horror Story: "President Obama promises to move the country forward with his recycled pledge of five million green jobs. But in the real world, small businesses are struggling to stay afloat as they deal with the fiscal wreckage of this administration's disastrous venture socialism. Here's the tale of just one Colorado company victimized by the Obama Department of Energy (DOE)..." See The Road to Serfdom: Chapter 11: "The End of Truth
October 2012
Chavez and Obama‘s ’Socialized Messages‘ Are ’Almost The Same Thing’ Says Venezuelan Political Refugee: "[Hugo Chávez] assumed the presidency of Venezuela in 1999. Since then, he has instituted heavy-handed socialist policies across the country. His outright nationalization of a diverse range of industries has led to extreme poverty and crippled international investment potential in Venezuela’s mineral-rich markets....
“'He is kind of like Robin Hood. He said ‘I’m gonna take the money from the rich and give it to the poor.’ So all of his war is against the rich people, against the productive people, against the companies.'
"Are these messages similar to that of the Obama campaign? Zerba responded, 'it’s almost the same thing.' ... He went on to describe the socialized medicine system of Venezuela, saying it’s 'crazy' and 'it doesn’t work.'...'The only thing that works is the private health and he wants to take the private health too.” See Training a Socialist Army of World Servers
An Interview with Beverly Eakman: Agenda Games: "The Left believes that nothing can stop socialism now; that its plethora of 'do-good' foundations, associations, institutes, centers-for-this-and-that are now entrenched, and that agencies linked to the United Nations have become so interconnected and ubiquitous that America can no longer extricate itself from their grasp.... And thanks to an ongoing, left-leaning education system, the newest crop of voting adults has now, for the most part, split from the nation’s founding ideals.” See Change: New world, New ways, New minds, New gods
September 2012
Obama: The Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing: "Norman Thomas, a founder of the A.C.L.U. once said: 'The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But under the name of ‘liberalism’ they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.'...
"Designed by George Bernard Shaw to commemorate the founding of the Society, the 'Fabian Window' features Society members hammering the world in order."
Barack Obama, the Socialist [Marxist]: "The early groundwork for Obama’s socialist worldview was laid during his teen years, when he was mentored by the writer/poet Frank Marshall Davis, a longtime member of the Communist Party and the subject of a 601-page FBI file. The co-founder of a Communist-controlled newspaper that consistently echoed the Soviet party line, Davis had previously been involved with the American Peace Mobilization...'one of the most seditious organizations which ever operated in the United States.'
"John C. Drew, an Occidental College graduate who knew Obama personally in the early 1980s, reports that the young Obama of that period was 'already an ardent socialist Marxist revolutionary'; was highly 'passionate' about 'Marxist theory'; embraced an 'uncompromising, Marxist socialist ideology'; harbored a 'sincere commitment to Marxist revolutionary thought'....
"...Obama attended the 1983 Socialist Scholars Conference, which was promoted as a celebration to 'honor' the 100th anniversary of Karl Marx’s death. ...Obama himself went on to teach workshops on the Alinsky method for several years."
Obama: The Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing: "V.I. Lenin once said 'When you live among wolves you must howl like a wolf,' meaning, of course, that if political necessity requires you to act like a capitalist or live among capitalists while you organize and work for socialist causes, you must act like those among whom you live. ... Norman Thomas, a founder of the A.C.L.U. once said: 'The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But under the name of ‘liberalism’ they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.'...
"Designed by George Bernard Shaw to commemorate the founding of the Society, the 'Fabian Window' features Society members hammering the world in order....
"[A] leading expert on socialism exclaimed: 'How brazen are the socialists! ...he pointed to the image of the wolf dressed in a sheepskin displayed prominently on the Fabian Window—a stark and ostentatious reminder that the goal of the socialists is to work secretly, in disguise (just as Lenin counseled) and adapt to the flock.... Depending on who has the hammer—we may or may not like the change."
See Smiling at Socialism
June 2012
Egypt: Muslim Brotherhood wins presidency: "Egypt’s ruling military council pledged Monday to honor its promise to hand over power to the newly elected president by the end of this month, hours after Islamist candidate Mohammed Morsi claimed victory....Maj-Gen. Mohammed al-Assar...said the generals would transfer power in a 'grand ceremony.'...He said the new president will have the authority to appoint and dismiss the government and that the military council has no intention of taking away any of the president’s authorities." See The Muslim Brotherhood
May 2012
Hugonomics Comes to America: "'President Hugo Chavez's… government… imposes strict price controls that are intended to make a range of foods and other goods more affordable for the poor'.... But those 'are often the very products that are the hardest to find.' The front-pager went on to quote Venezuelans venting their frustration as they stood in line for basics such as milk and toilet paper.
"Venezuela was long one of the most prosperous countries in the region, with sophisticated manufacturing, vibrant agriculture and strong businesses,' the story continued. 'But amid the prosperity, the gap between rich and poor was extreme, a problem that Mr. Chávez and his ministers say they are trying to eliminate.' Sound familiar?"
George Soros: Collapsing US Economy to Spark Street Violence: "As the U.S. economy worsens, protests such as those carried out by the Occupy Wall Street movement will turn ugly, breaking down into waves of violent unrest across the nation.... It will be an excuse for cracking down and using strong-arm tactics to maintain law and order, which...could bring about a repressive political system...where individual liberty is much more constrained...' Soros tells Newsweek. Unrest in the United States will serve as one of many symptoms of a worsening global economy..."
New Obama slogan has long ties to Marxism, socialism: "The Obama campaign apparently didn't look backwards into history when selecting its new campaign slogan, 'Forward' —with a long and rich association with European Marxism. Many Communist and radical publications and entities throughout the 19th and 20th centuries had the name 'Forward!' or its foreign cognates. Wikipedia has an entire section called 'Forward (generic name of socialist publications).'
"'The name Forward carries a special meaning in socialist political terminology. It has been frequently used as a name for socialist, communist and other left-wing newspapers and publications,' the online encyclopedia explains. The slogan 'Forward!' reflected the conviction of European Marxists and radicals that their movements reflected the march of history, which would move forward past capitalism and into socialism and communism.
"The Obama campaign released its new campaign slogan Monday in a 7-minute video. The title card has simply the word 'Forward' with the 'O' having the familiar Obama logo from 2008. It will be played at rallies this weekend that mark the Obama re-election campaign's official beginning....Vladimir Lenin founded the publication 'Vpered' (the Russian word for 'forward') in 1905."
Our Murdered Cities and the Freedom-Eaters: “Gary, Indiana, Gary, Indiana, Gary....Most of us have heard that song. It’s from 'The Music Man.'...But Gary, Indiana, for all practical purposes, is no more.... In 1960 Gary had a population of over 178,000; so today’s population figure represents a decrease of about 55%.
"...the pictures tell the story. Schools, hospitals, the Methodist Church; post offices, factories, office buildings, and the Jackson Five Theater—all abandoned, all quietly rotting away. Broken windows, floors covered with debris, and peeling ceilings. Tons and tons of equipment, furniture, and accessories: desks, hospital beds, wheelchairs.... Why was none of it salvaged?...
"Have you looked at any pictures of Detroit lately?
April 2012
H-1B Visas Take American Jobs: "Big companies prefer H-1B workers because they can pay them significantly less than Americans, never have to give them a raise or promotion, and have the unilateral power to deport them. H-1B workers don't dare to complain about working conditions or unpaid long hours, and can't quit to take a better job." See Bowing to the Dragon? America's Perilous Partnership with China
The Socialist Phenomenon: "Whether it is the centralization of China in the first millennium B.C., the bloody European experiments of the time of the Reformation, the chilling (though universally esteemed) utopias of European thinkers, the intrigues of Marx and Engels, or the radical Communist measures of the Lenin period (no wit more humane than Stalin's heavy-handed methods) -- the author in all his dozens of examples demonstrates the undeviating consistency of the phenomenon under consideration. Shafarevich has singled out the invariants of socialism, its fundamental and unchanging elements, which depend neither on time nor place, and which, alas, are looming ominously over today's tottering world." See Trading Truth for a "Social Gospel"
That's not surprising, considering man's human nature apart from God. Rulers and their minions are free to rule: no need to share the power with the people!
The Anti-American Nobel Peace Prize: "In 1987, the Norwegian Nobel Committee gave its Nobel Peace Prize to Óscar Arias, the president of Costa Rica....The Nobel committee told Mr. Arias they were giving him the prize to use as a weapon against Reagan....
"After announcing the peace prize to Jimmy Carter [in 2002] for what the committee called his 'decades of untiring effort to find peaceful solutions to international conflicts...' Mr. Berge said that the selection 'should be interpreted as a criticism of the line that the current administration has taken... [referring to] the approach that President Bush was taking in the War on Terror....
"The year before, the committee had given its prize to the United Nations and Kofi Annan.... This was weeks after the 9/11 attacks. One of the things this prize did was send a message to Mr. Bush: Don't dare respond outside the U.N....
"Two years later, it was Al Gore's turn....'The Committee hoped the prestige that comes with the Peace Prize would give Gore an even greater standing in the media and strengthen the Democrats' fight for a new, eco-friendly USA.'...Finally came the 2009 award, which went to the new American president, Barack Obama. If George W. Bush was the committee's nightmare president—and he was—Mr. Obama was its dream president."
Van Jones group plans American’s “Arab Spring” revolt: "An Egypt-styled 'Arab Spring,'which has put radicals in charge of the government, will be launched in the United States this spring with a war on 'corporate power, Wall Street greed and the political corruption of the 1 percent,' according to the group headed by former Obama green aide Van Jones....The plan for now is to hold protest training sessions around the nation next week. Over 900 are scheduled so far. Once ready, the group and dozens of others, notably MoveOn.org and labor unions, will launch the '99 Percent Spring' offensive against government and financial centers."
March 2012
The American Religious Left and it Funders: Study this interesting chart, then take a look at some background information here: Treason in the Church: Trading Truth for a "Social Gospel"
February 2012
Socialism’s Fundamental Flaw that Liberals Simply Ignore: "As the left continues to advocate for the nationalization of banks, automobile manufacturers, insurance companies, healthcare, education, and energy production, left-leaning politicians are ignoring incontrovertible evidence that socialism simply will not work in an environment of global competition.... Because of their socialist economies, European countries are like sprinters who must drag an anchor behind them as they race against fleet, unencumbered sprinters from India, China, Japan, and Korea. In spite of this, America is blindly following the lead of its hapless European counterparts." See The 'New European Soviet'
Clenched Fist Symbolizes Left's Love Of Coercion: "Since the Bolshevik Revolution, the clenched fist has been the left’s most visible symbol. In the ‘60s, it adorned posters and buttons and was adopted as a symbol of revolution by SDS, the black power movement, feminists and other Trotsky wannabes here and abroad....Whether it’s called Marxism, socialism, liberalism or the Obama administration, the left is about compulsion – forcing individuals to surrender cherished beliefs, compelling acceptance of the lifestyle choices of others, reshaping our national identity and pulverizing constitutional protections."
January 2012
The defining moment in the future of America: "If government is endowed with the power to force private citizens to purchase a specified health insurance product, this same power can to force private citizens to purchase a Chevrolet, solar-generated electricity, or any other product the government thinks the people should use." See Smiling at Socialism
December 2011
Socialism, Perestroika, and Glasnost: “The CPSU [Communist Party of the Soviet Union] regards itself as an inalienable part of the world communist movement....There is a growing international potential in our new relations with numerous civic forces representing world science and culture, with political parties of a different ideological orientation, above all with Socialists, Social-Democrats, Labour Party members, and other Left circles and movements.'...
"'...the main thing...is to prepare the youth for becoming communists...' '...we shall continue to develop all truly socialist values, and firmly eliminate everything that distorts revolutionary theory and the image of socialism.'...'We are convinced in the vitality of the Marxist-Leninist teaching..."
November 2011
The Sad Road to Socialism: "Socialism is the mechanism that transforms government from...a protector into a predator....'The U.S. doesn’t have to go down this road..."
EU says water is not healthy: "In a scarcely believable ruling, a panel of experts [European Union bureaucrats] threw out a claim that regular water consumption is the best way to rehydrate the body. The bizarre diktat from Brussels has far-reaching implications for member states, including Britain, as no water sold in the EU can now claim to protect against dehydration. Any producer breaching the order, signed by European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso, faces being jailed for up to two years....Conservative MEP Roger Helmer said: 'The euro is burning, the EU is falling apart and yet here they are, highly paid, highly pensioned officials trying to deny us the right to say what is patently true." See The 'New European Soviet'
Obama Abandons (Private) Labor: "On a recent trip to Omaha, Neb., Mr. Obama signaled where his head was on the pipeline...: 'Folks in Nebraska... aren't going to say to themselves, 'We're going to take a few thousand jobs if it means our kids are potentially drinking water that would damage their health.' Imagine if he'd been leading a wagon train of workers and farmers across the Western frontier in 1850.
"Within days of the Keystone [pipeline] decision, Canada's prime minister, Stephen Harper, said his country would divert sales of the Keystone-intended oil to Asia. Translation: Those lost American blue-collar pipeline jobs are disappearing into the Asian sun."
Old but relevant to the news above. Obama Underwrites Offshore Drilling: "...the Obama Administration is financing oil exploration off Brazil....Americans are right to wonder why Mr. Obama is underwriting in Brazil what he won't allow at home."
Union Gangsters: Leo Gerard: "The United Steelworkers (USW) Marxist president Leo Gerard believes if Big Labor can’t get what it wants through the ballot box it’s time to start cracking skulls....USW president since 2001, Gerard wholeheartedly supports the labor-backed Occupy Wall Street movement – and wants it to become even more violent....To help advance the protectionist agenda, President Obama named Gerard to the President’s Advisory Committee on Trade Policy and Negotiations."
Florida Judge Says Welfare Recipients Have More Rights Than Employed Americans: "The state of Florida recently passed a new law requiring anyone receiving government assistance including welfare, must pass a drug test before receiving the benefits.... Not surprisingly, the American Civil Liberties Union filed a lawsuit against the new legislation claiming that it was unconstitutional and violated the rights of those receiving government benefits.... Why is it legal and constitutionally okay for employees to be forced to take drug tests in order to earn the wages and pay the taxes used to provide the benefits when it may not be constitutional to insist on a drug test for those wishing to receive the benefits?" See Adapting the Constitution to a Global Consensus
October 2011
The Wealthy Vatican--Now a Socialist Adviser? Vatican urges economic reforms, condemns collective greed: "The Vatican called on Monday for sweeping reforms of the world economy and the creation of a ethical, global authority to regulate financial markets.... An 18-page document from the Vatican's Justice and Peace department said the financial downturn had revealed behaviours like 'selfishness, collective greed and hoarding...adding that world economics needed an 'ethic of solidarity" among rich and poor nations.
"...the Vatican called on those who wanted to change economic structures to 'not be afraid to propose new ideas, even if they might destabilise pre-existing balances of power that prevail over the weakest.'... The Vatican called for the establishment of 'a supranational authority' with worldwide scope and 'universal jurisdiction' to guide economic policies and decisions. Such an authority should start with the United Nations..." See The U.N. Plan For Global Control
September 2011
Will we abide living like Europeans? "...one of the surest ways to make people dependent on government is to render them jobless. ...Americans have never collectively operated with this sort of ruthlessness....In order to maneuver enough Americans into a position of government dependency (thereby securing socialists' perpetual pre-eminence), a preponderance of citizens must be made financially destitute, or at least substantially dependent on the federal government." See Toward Global Socialism
The Socialist Phenomenon (Foreword by Solzhenitsyn): "World socialism as a whole, and all the figures associated with it, are shrouded in legend; its contradictions are forgotten or concealed...Whether it is the centralization of China in the first millennium B.C., the bloody European experiments of the time of the Reformation, the chilling (though universally esteemed) utopias of European thinkers, the intrigues of Marx and Engels, or the radical Communist measures of the Lenin period...the author in all his dozens of examples demonstrates the undeviating consistency of the [socialist] phenomenon." See Smiling at Socialism
August 2011
NYT Finally Reports Eurosocialist Autocracy: "Europe is no longer governed by old-fashioned electoral democracies. That fact is even acknowledged by the European Union, which admits that, yes, Europe does have a 'democracy deficit.' Czech President Vaclav Klaus has seriously compared the EU to the Soviet Union. The cynics now call it the EuroSoviet Union." See Smiling at Socialism
We The Stupid: "Obama gets over $2 Trillion to spend before the 2012 election - There are no real spending cuts - There is a massive tax increase effective January 1, 2013. Obama is going to be handed something in excess of $2 Trillion -- and he has made it perfectly clear that he will spend every penny of it before the November 2012 election. ...The debt ceiling would only need to be raised if all of the money had been spent.
"The Obama regime has achieved more in two and a half years than anyone could have possibly foreseen. It has debased the currency by 50% of the GDP and guaranteed that our economy will collapse." See Training a Socialist Army of World Servers
July 2011
When Heroes Become Bureaucrats: "On Memorial Day, a suicidal man waded into San Francisco Bay outside the city of Alameda and stood there for about an hour, neck-deep in chilly water, as about 75 bystanders watched. Local police and firefighters were called to the scene, but they refused to help. After the man drowned, the assembled 'first responders' also refused to wade into the water to retrieve his body...
"After a local TV news crew asked him whether he would save a drowning child in the bay, Alameda fire chief Ricci Zombeck gave an answer that made him the butt of local talk-show mockery: 'Well, if I was off duty, I would know what I would do, but I think you’re asking me my on-duty response, and I would have to stay within our policies and procedures, because that’s what’s required by our department to do.'...
"If you stand a better chance of being rescued by the official rescuers when they are off duty, it naturally leads people to question the purpose of these departments, which consume the lion’s share of city budgets.... In Orange County... the average pay and benefits package for a firefighter is $175,000 a year."
Obama's Agenda: Overwhelm the System: "Obama is no fool....He knows exactly what he's doing. He is purposely overwhelming the U.S. economy to create systemic failure, economic crisis and social chaos -- thereby destroying capitalism and our country from within....The health care bill had very little to do with health care. It had everything to do with unionizing millions of hospital and health care workers, as well as adding 15,000 to 20,000 new IRS agents (who will join government employee unions). Obama doesn't care that giving free health care to 30 million Americans will add trillions to the national debt. What he does care about is that it cements the dependence of those 30 million voters to Democrats and big government...
"..cap and trade has nothing to do with global warming. It has everything to do with redistribution of income, government control of the economy and a criminal payoff to Obama's biggest contributors....
"Make Puerto Rico a state. Why? Who's asking for a 51st state?...His goal is to add two new Democrat senators, five Democrat congressman and a million loyal Democratic voters who are dependent on big government.
"Legalize 12 million illegal Mexican immigrants....who can be counted on to support big government....
"Stimulus and bailouts. Where did all that money go? It went to Democrat contributors, organizations (ACORN), and unions -- including billions of dollars to save or create jobs of government employees across the country. It went to save GM and Chrysler so that their employees could keep paying union dues.....Add it up and you've got the perfect Marxist scheme..." See Obama: 'SEIU's Agenda is My Agenda (Video)
June 2011
Obama and Boeing: "The real issue for the Obama NLRB is the chance to make an example of Boeing and diminish investment in right-to-work states, which offer companies a chance to manufacture products without the headaches and work stoppages that unions create."
Fabian Window [The next article shows a picture of that window]: "The stained glass window was designed by George Bernard Shaw in 1910 as a commemoration of the Fabian Society, and shows fellow Society members Sidney Webb and Edward R. Pease, among others, helping to build 'the new world' [with hammers under a banner featuring a wolf in sheep's clothing]
(1 John 5:19) As Americans increasingly mock, ban and distort God's Truth, He removes His protection and shows us the consequences of rejecting His ways. (1 Cor. 10:11)The next article may seem a little harsh, but it does offer some additional insights into today's radical changes. Remember the Scripture: "The whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one."
Beware Obama’s Fabian Window: "Built to commemorate the founding of the Fabian Socialist Society, the Fabian Window contains images that are clear, unapologetic and...brazen. It is one thing, as Lenin said, to howl like wolves in order to live among wolves; however it is quite another to advertise the fact that you are a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Yet, the socialists who constructed the window had no qualms about advertising the fact that they had a hidden (or not so hidden) agenda when it comes to reshaping the world.
"The window contains the image of two men—founders of the society—hammering the globe...imposing their will on the world so to speak. They are not voting; they are not persuading; nor are they preaching to the masses.... Are we being governed from the ground up—by the consent of the people?... More ominous still—the wolf in sheep’s clothing." See How to catch wild pigs and next article:
Seductively false beliefs [by Thomas Sowell]: "One of the painfully revealing episodes in Barack Obama's book Dreams From My Father describes his early experience listening to a sermon by the Reverend Jeremiah Wright. Among the things said in that sermon was that 'white folks' greed runs a world in need.' ...This sermon may have been like a revelation to Barack Obama, but its explanation of economic and other differences was among the oldest — and most factually discredited — explanations of such difference among all sorts of peoples in all sorts of places....What could be more emotionally satisfying than seeing others who have done better in the world as the villains responsible for your not having done as well?"
May 2011
Did Obama quote Alinsky in Mideast policy address? "While hailing the Arab uprisings...Obama laid out his foreign policy using terminology strikingly similar to Saul Alinsky's mantra. 'There must be no doubt that the United States of America welcomes change that advances self-determination and opportunity. ...after decades of accepting the world as it is in the region, we have a chance to pursue the world as it should be.' One of Alinsky's major themes was contrasting how the world 'is' and how 'it should be.'...
"'It is necessary to begin where the world is if we are going to change it to what we think it should be. That means working in the system,' wrote Alinsky. This is not the first time Obama used that phraseology....The politician started his career as an Alinsky-style community organizer in Chicago....
"Alinsky's son praised Obama for stirring up the masses at the 2008 Democratic National Convention 'Saul Alinsky style,' saying, 'Obama learned his lesson well.' The letter, signed L. David Alinsky, closed with, 'I am proud to see that my father's model for organizing is being applied successfully.' ...
"'The Alinsky Model': 'he strategy of working within the system until you can accumulate enough power to destroy it was what '60s radicals called 'boring from within.' …Like termites, they set about to eat away at the foundations of the building in expectation that one day they could cause it to collapse." See Rules for Radicals
Los Angeles May Day 2011: "This annual [May 1] demonstration of support for immigrant workers, their families, and for all workers, has been happening since 2000....And around the world, millions are marching to protest the ongoing 'austerity' of budget cuts, raised fees, privatization, and attacks on immigrants....We're working so they can avoid paying taxes. [not true] People are suffering and angry. We're going to take to the streets to stand up and fight back -- the economy is not working for us; it's working for the capitalists. We refuse to scapegoat immigrants; we need legalization now. We're sick of these racist wars.... And we see through the... inequality and poverty that the capitalist class is pulling on us....We march together." See Planned Economy or Planned Destruction?
April 2011
INET forms long-term partnership with CIGI: "The Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI) and [Soros'] Institute for New Economic Thinking (INET) are pleased to announce a new partnership aimed at furthering their complementary missions....Both organizations are committed to broadening and accelerating the development of innovative thinking that will lead to insights and solutions for the great economic and governance challenges of the 21st century."
The Soros Plan To Kill Capitalism: "Having purchased, rented, or placed a down payment on all the political influence up for sale in America, leftist troublemaker George Soros now plans to ramp up his war on markets worldwide by creating an “Institute for New Economic Thinking” (INET). 'The system we have now has actually broken down...and so you need to create a new one and this is the time to do it,” Soros told the Financial Times last month." See Real Conspiracies [See also Global Management System]
George Soros Convenes ‘Bretton Woods II’ : "Internationalist billionaire George Soros is holding his international conference April 8 to April 11 at Bretton Woods, N.H., the noted birthplace of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, where he plans to 'rearrange the entire financial order'....This 'Bretton Woods II' comes along just as the Trilateral Commission will be meeting at the same time in Washington, D.C.
"With an apparent goal of creating nothing less than a new global economy, Soros is spending $50 million in New Hampshire to bring together up to 200 academic, business and government policy leaders under his Institute for New Economic Thinking (INET). ...the attendees are to include ex-Fed Chairman Paul Volcker, former British Prime Minister Gordon Brown and World Bank executive and Nobel Prize winner in economics Joseph Stiglitz.... Soros chose this site because he expects his proposed reforms to be as radical as those promoted by British economist John Maynard Keynes....
"Now Soros comes along as the new Keynes to save the day by proposing another miracle solution to our problems, couched in lofty doublespeak such as 'reform,' 'cooperation' and 'equal participation.' Soros is proposing the end of sovereignty as we know it.
See The Road to Serfdom (Chapter 11: The End of Truth) by Hayek - opposite of Keynes' socialist philosophy)The Soros Plan To Kill Capitalism: "Having purchased, rented, or placed a down payment on all the political influence up for sale in America, leftist troublemaker George Soros now plans to ramp up his war on markets worldwide by creating an “Institute for New Economic Thinking” (INET). 'The system we have now has actually broken down...and so you need to create a new one and this is the time to do it,” Soros told the Financial Times last month." See Real Conspiracies